Bosse lives with his human Lena in Stockholm, Sweden. You can visit him at Noisy Bosse's Page.
Favorite Toy: All kind of shoes, but the best are big men shoes
Favorite Treat: ice cream
Favorite Activities: To help Mom with her knitting, digging in the pot plants,chewing the plants,
hiding under the carpets, helping Mom to sweep up all the litterbox sand from the floor,
investigating all kind of new things.
10/3/98 |
Tom lives with his humans Lisa & Al in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You can visit him at Ladyrott's Weekend Home.
Favorite Toy: dustbunnies
Favorite Treat: A big HUG (I cant have food treats cause I am prone to cystitis)
Favorite Activities: My favorite activities are hiding under the bed, snuggling with my daddy and EATING (thats why I am a bit plump).
9/30/98 |
Belle lives with her humans Lisa & Al in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You can visit her at Ladyrott's Weekend Home.
Favorite Toy: human fingers
Favorite Treat: Whisker Lickins (turkey flavor)
Favorite Activities: I like to hunt for voles in the backyard, sleep on the picnic table and talk to my humans ALL THE TIME (they call me Squeaker cause they say I talk too much).
9/30/98 |
Jazz lives with her humans Lisa & Al in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You can visit her at Ladyrott's Weekend Home.
Favorite Toy: Anything I can hunt
Favorite Treat: much as I can steal
Favorite Activities: I enjoy sitting on my daddy, socializing with ALL visitors, tormenting my sisfurs, and hunting for vermin in the backyard.
9/30/98 |
Emmy lives with her humans Lisa & Al in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. You can visit her at Ladyrott's Weekend Home.
Favorite Toy: I dont really like toys
Favorite Treat: catnip
Favorite Activities: I like sleeping in the sun, sleeping on the porch, and sleeping in "The Catnip Box".
9/30/98 |
Perma Purr
Perma Purr lives with her human Melissa in St. Marys, Georgia. You can visit her at My Life.
Favorite Toy: a yellow ball filled with kitty nip!
Favorite Treat: Catnip
Favorite Activities: I love to sit on the toilet seat in the morning and watch my human daddy
get dressed for work and then I like to run around the house with my kitty
mom and her two kittens. When my human mom and dad are home they hold me.
My name is Perma Purr because I am constantly purring!
9/19/98 |
Buddy lives with his human Margo in Arkansas. You can visit him at Buddy's World.
Favorite Toy: Mom's toes
Favorite Treat: Pounce...shrimp flavored
Favorite Activities: sleeping, eating, and sleeping
9/2/98 |
Gatsby lives with his human Maxine in New York City. You can visit him at The BratCats.
Favorite Toy: Cat Dancer
Favorite Treat: Catnip
Favorite Activities: I love to have fun. I try to jump higher than Bradee and Dondee, I love to open cupboards and empty everything out onto the floor, I love to open drawers and do the same. If anything is left on a table or shelf, I will make sure it winds up on the floor. I love to have fun!
8/23/98 |
Dondee lives with her human Maxine in New York City. You can visit her at The BratCats.
Favorite Toy: Meowmie's panythose
Favorite Treat: Catnip
Favorite Activities: My favorite activities are to leap to higher places than Gatsby does, chase Brandee's tail and sit on the window sill and watch the people outside.
8/23/98 |
Brandee lives with her human Maxine in New York City. You can visit her at The BratCats.
Favorite Toy: Catnip Mouse
Favorite Treat: Catnip
Favorite Activities: Sleeping and eating are my favorite activities. I also like to watch T.V. and help my meowmie out on the computer.
8/23/98 |
Leo lives with his human Sandy in Vernon Center, Minnesota. You can visit him at Leo's Page.
Favorite Toy: Cat Dancer
Favorite Treat: Hills Prescription Diet (W/D) the soft stuff!
Favorite Activities: Sleeping on my back, drinking from the faucet in Meowmie's bathtub, chasing and trying to catch my sisfur Gizzmo! (haven't succeeded yet!), waking up Meowmie in the morning (I bite her face, meow real loud and push her with my head until she gets up. It's hard work sometimes!). I especially like working on the computer and my other club activities.
8/16/98 |
Manfred lives with his human Barbara in Greensboro, NC.
Favorite Toy: yellow pom-pom ball, anything that Callisto is playing with.
Favorite Treat: Callisto's food (I have a tummy problem & eat special food)
Favorite Activities: Sleeping with Mommy (except for the last few days when that noisy creature named Ayla took over my spot), wrestling with Callisto, meowing to be fed, sleeping in the big comfy recliner, thinking of ways to avoid Ayla.
8/16/98 |
Callisto lives with his human Barbara in Greensboro, NC.
Favorite Toy: green & white striped batting bag
Favorite Treat: any human food I can get my paws on
Favorite Activities: hiding under the bed when other animals or humans come over, playing chase with Mommy, chasing my brother Manfred, avoiding that new noisy creature Mommy keeps calling Ayla, flushing the toilet & watching the water swirl around, sitting on top of the cabinets watching the world pass.
8/16/98 |
Ayla lives with her human Barbara in Greensboro, NC.
Favorite Toy: EVERYTHING!! (I'm only about 10 weeks old!)
Favorite Treat: Eating out of my big brothers' food dishes
Favorite Activities: Sleeping with Mommy, nuzzling Mommy, purring, exploring, getting underfoot, meowing (I'm part Siamese & inherited the vocal chords!), displacing my big brothers from their favorite sleeping spots.
8/16/98 |
Olivia Mewton-John
Olivia Mewton-John lives with her human Madeline in Surrey, BC. You can visit her at CatValley.
Favorite Toy: Anything that moves
Favorite Treat: Catnip!
Favorite Activities: Running, jumping, playing tag, playing with Ned, having fun
Chops lives with his human Paula in Malta, NY. You can visit him at Paula's World ruled by Chops.
Favorite Toy: catnip mouse
Favorite Treat: chicken
Favorite Activities: Sleeping and sifting through my sand (litter) box!
8/11/98 |
Gizzmo lives with her human Sandy in Vernon Center, Minnesota. You can visit her at Gizzmo's Page.
Favorite Toy: Cat Dancer
Favorite Treat: Hills Prescription Diet (W/D) the soft stuff!
Favorite Activities: running wildly through the house, "smooching" the meowmie, driving my brother Leo crazy (he can't catch me cause he's fatter than me!), catching flys, playing with the cat dancer!
8/1/98 |
Kelis and
Kelis and Busan live with their humans Kajsa and Henri in Stockholm, Sweden. You can visit them at Kelis' and Busan's homepage.
Favorite Toy: Paper-bags
Favorite Treat: ham and mussles
Favorite Activities: Hunt each other, sit in Mummy's or Daddy's lap,
>hunt ants and flies.... Eat of course!
7/30/98 |
Nikki lives with her humans LeRoi and Marie Keiller in Auckland, New Zealand. You can visit her at Marie's Virtual Home.
Favorite Toy: Rubber bouncy balls
Favorite Treat: Wet food
Favorite Activities: Sleeping in front of the heater, watching birds, playing with Xena, meowing for food, trying to get into the master bedroom. Also, eating and sniffing shoes.
7/29/98 |
Xena lives with her humans LeRoi and Marie Keiller in Auckland, New Zealand. You can visit her at Marie's Virtual Home.
Favorite Toy: Rubber bouncy balls
Favorite Treat: Wet food
Favorite Activities: Sleeping in front of the heater, watching birds, disturbing Nikki, playing with Nikki, trying to get into the master bedroom, looking cute, making cute dove-like noises.
7/29/98 |
Kitten lives with her human Sarah in Onatrio, Canada. You can visit her at Kitten's Cat World.
Favorite Toy: Catnip Mouse
Favorite Treat: Pounce
Favorite Activities: Hunt each other, sit in Mummy's or Daddy's lap,
hunt ants and flies.... Eat of course!
7/27/98 |
Tea lives with her human Lana in Mew York. You can visit her at Tea and Coffee House.
Favorite Toy: yarn
Favorite Treat: Pounce
Favorite Activities: Playing Pounce and being on the internet with Sarah my hoomin.
:) =^.^=
7/27/98 |
Jacaranda lives with her human Chenoa in New Mexico.
Favorite Toy: String
Favorite Treat: Catnip
Favorite Activities: Chasing butterflies,string,and vines.
eatin' and sleepin'(of course)and loveing my hoomin, and last but definetly not least sitting in sunny spots!
7/26/98 |
Sunny lives with her human Ursula in Washington.
Favorite Toy: Toiletpaper
Favorite Treat: Hotdogs
Favorite Activities: To go outside to catch some moles!
7/20/98 |
Tickle the Third
Tickle lives with his human Humbug in Tennesee.
Favorite Toy: shoelace
Favorite Treat: sheba's duck dinner
Favorite Activities: Sleeping,eating,resting
7/16/98 |
Frisky lives with her human Sarah in Australia. You can visit her at Sarah's Page.
Favorite Toy: My star Ball!
Favorite Treat: Cheese
Favorite Activities: I love chasing and fetching mice, my
ball, my auto rolling ball(!), the dog bone, the dog, the other catz, my cat dancer, cheese, a remote controll car, the music box, the mice, Oh I said that did'nt I? Hmm... I could go on... and I
will! Hehehe! Merrow! Just kidding! Oh I also like paint pots but Sarah does not get them out much ever since I... never mind. Lets just say pink
paint does not wash out well!
7/16/98 |
Fluffy lives with her humans Vicki and Cassie in Miami, FL. You can visit her at Vicki's Cat Page.
Favorite Toy: a ball of wadded up paper
Favorite Treat: Pounce cat treats
Favorite Activities: I love taking long afternoon cat naps under my human's blanket. Then when I get in a playful mood I hide in or under anything and jump out at my humans. I enjoy stealing my brother and sister's food when they're not looking.
7/15/98 |