Sarah's Guestbook
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Sarah's Playgroup Main Page
Hi Sarah, you are a beautifull cat and we enjoyed surfing on your site. Purr-fect ! Greetings from Germany sent by Andrea, Frank and the cats: Tabby, Merlin, Ghizmo and Percy =^..^=
Andrea & Frank <andrea&>
Wiesbaden, D Germany - Saturday, August 29, 1998 at 12:38:07 (CDT)
What a wonderful site for and about cats.

George (gjz¿¿¿) <>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 13:07:11 (CDT)
Hi Sarah you are a beauitful cat. But Shhh don't tell my four they may get jealous. You can put pictures of yourself on my site when your mommie isn't looking:). Or just stop by my site and visit Julianna, Rusty, Angel and Blackie.
NC USA - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 21:02:58 (CDT)
we have 6 cats.. love them all!! nice page you have.. very cute.. come visit us at Tributes and Memorys, if you have a couple minutes (or hours)... Thanks, Shay
Sharri Couch <>
Independence, mo USA - Saturday, August 22, 1998 at 01:56:00 (CDT)
Hi Sarah:-)
Fun site! we have a wonderful time visiting your playground, you have a lovable family:-)
Purrs from all 'av us!

Xerxes, Alex, Chacho & Iki
Flagstaff, Az USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 16:10:16 (CDT)
Thank you for visiting me and signing my guestbook :)
You have a very nice page, and it has been fun to visit you!
I would really like to become a member of Sarah's Playgroup,
so I wonder... Are dogs allowed to be members?
I love cats and I have a kitty playmate called Nisse.
I also have the size of a cat :)
Please write to me and tell me if I can send my application.
Keep up the grrreat work!
Hugs from Ronja, the Swedish Cavalier
Ronja <>
Lund, USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 06:40:59 (CDT)
You are very cute and i love your page! Thanks for signing my guestbook!
Jill <>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, July 27, 1998 at 15:10:51 (CDT)
Sunny <>
silverale, WA USA - Monday, July 20, 1998 at 19:49:32 (CDT)
What a delightful and fun place for all kitties and their two-legged friends!
I will be adding Sarah & Tubby picture to my Cute'N'Funny Photo Gallery very soon.
Will let you know when it's up!
Catnip Calico <>
HI USA - Friday, July 17, 1998 at 19:45:54 (CDT)
What a beautiful feline family! We enjoyed visiting your page!
The Kitty Tribe <>
Carsonville, PA USA - Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 15:48:15 (CDT)
Merawr Sarah!
I really enjoyed my visit! The playgroup looks like lots of fun...perhaps when I have more time I'll join. Right now I'm absolutely swaped!

Sir Triffan GentleKat <>
WA USA - Wednesday, July 15, 1998 at 09:31:14 (CDT)
Meow Sarah!! Loved your site and all the kitty friends. We hope to come back soon! Please visit our site and leave your pawprint in our guestbook... now back to mousing the web!
Mittens, Muffin, Bubba <>
KY USA - Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 13:37:32 (CDT)
Princess Polly <>
Lincoln, NE USA - Thursday, July 09, 1998 at 19:21:55 (CDT)
Nice page. I just joined the play group. Thanks fur displaying my banner.
Princess Polly <>
Lincoln, NE USA - Thursday, July 09, 1998 at 19:20:48 (CDT)
Dear Sarah,
We're really glad that we're Playgroup Members. We like it a whole lot! We've found four mousies! Only one to go! Please visit us again soon. 
Chopin, Kaitlin, Wacky and Cole <>
Ridgecrest, CA USA - Thursday, July 09, 1998 at 03:55:46 (CDT)
What a wonderfurr site!!
Molly Sue, Kricket Boo and Ginger Boo <>
Manassas, VA USA - Wednesday, July 08, 1998 at 14:12:34 (CDT)
Loved your site! Such great graphics, and your little one is so cute! Thanks for signing our guestbook;
we thought we'd return the favor! Why not go sign up for our Roscoe
deserve it! :)
Gypsy, Ziggy, Ezra, Anthony <>
Washington, PA USA - Monday, July 06, 1998 at 15:26:31 (CDT)
Meow mew Sarah!
I noticed you lived in Minnesota too! That's quite neat!
You have really nice and prettily designed sites! Purrhaps I will join your play group, too! I love to play!
Thanks for stopping by my place . . I'll be stopping by here many times!
Many purrs,
Charlie <>
MN USA - Friday, July 03, 1998 at 21:16:03 (CDT)
Hi Sarah, we wanted to thank mew fur signing out guestbook. You have a furry nice page. We enjoyed our visit. When I (Alex) came to live wif mommy Ned didn't like me either, but now we're good friends and do everything togetfur....we get into alot of trouble, but have lots of fun...hehehe
Ned & Alex <>
Manheim, Pa USA - Friday, July 03, 1998 at 16:58:12 (CDT)
Hi Sarah! Me and meowmie wanted to stop by and see your page. I think it's purrty. I know what you mean about your sisfur, cuz my brofur doesn't seem to like me much either. Oh, well. Your brofur Tubby is furry HANDSOME. Don't tell him I said anything, though, cuz I would be quite embarassed. I also noticed that you're in CLAW. Me too. (Course, you probably saw that already at my site. (Gosh, sometimes you'd think I have fur for brains.)Well, I've probably mewed way too much, but I sorta do that. I love your page and look forward to visiting often. Purrs and headbutts, Harley
Harley Davidson <>
Valdosta, GA USA - Wednesday, July 01, 1998 at 01:00:04 (CDT)
Meow!!!! Our Human found this site and we had a chance to look at it when she was busy....we love's a great place to visit and play....Fluffy is the most playful one in our she will probably be the one who comes and visits you alot. We think it's a PURRRfect site....2 paws up Sarah. Meow!!!!
Kilo.....Minnie......Fluffy.... <>
Miami, FL USA - Saturday, June 27, 1998 at 00:12:31 (CDT)
Purrrrrrrfect page! I'll tell all my friends about it!
Mittens =^..^=
Mittens <>
USA - Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 19:31:06 (CDT)
Hi Sarah, We're happy to sign the guestbook. We love kitties, stuffed ones, real ones, and beanie baby kitties, and you (and your mommy, too.) We miss your brother and sister, too. Your web page is really cute!
Raven & Marissa <>
Odanah, WI USA - Wednesday, June 17, 1998 at 15:57:07 (CDT)
Mjau Sarah, you are one cute cookie! Your page is looking great.
When I have the time I will visit some of your friends.
Keep it up. (Ps: When our humans have visitors we to hide under the bed)
Hugs / Kramar from Sweden.
Stop by for a visit anytime. . .
Sigge, Sonja & Bubba <>
Rydsgård, Sweden - Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 13:49:48 (CDT)
Nice place you got! Enjoyed visiting it. I also entered my cat Myssy to your playground. I will propably visit again sometime.
Ladywren <->
Finland - Tuesday, June 09, 1998 at 03:32:51 (CDT)
Hi Sarah, We just were looking around your site. We decided that you are a very nice kitty and we are going to apply to join your playgroup. You have a lot of friends here to play with. We really enjoyed our visit here, Thanks for having us. Have a Mice Day.
(-: G.G. & TAB :-)
G.G. & TAB <>
Ohio USA - Sunday, June 07, 1998 at 19:35:24 (CDT)
Hello Sarah..What a cute page you have here..Loved all the kitty pics.. Isn't it great we get to have our own page? I think my cat, Lucky has made a new friend... Thanks for sharing... ~Pam & Lucky~
Pam <>
Maine USA - Saturday, June 06, 1998 at 08:55:51 (CDT)
I really like your website! You are a beutiful cat, and did i mention very nice.
Flower Kitty
Romona, CA USA - Friday, May 29, 1998 at 20:35:51 (CDT)
Great page, Sarah! You are a pretty kitty! Come visit my page and see some animals (including Priscilla
my cat and my 2 birds), pet prayers, awards I've won and more! Also, sign my guestbook! I especially like
your baby kitty border! Have a great 9-lives!
Rosa and Priscilla (the cat) <>
Winter Haven, Fl USA - Thursday, May 28, 1998 at 14:08:34 (CDT)
Loved your site Sarah. Thank You for allowing me to visit you. Will visit again soon.
Jeannie Rowe <Delilla@WEBTV.NET>
Turlock, CA USA - Wednesday, May 27, 1998 at 14:34:51 (CDT)

Meow, Meow Sarah,
Thank you for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. You have a lovely page and I have enjoyed my visit.
I have bookmarked it and shall be back for future visits.
Many purrrrrrrs,
Muffin <>
Plainville, CT USA - Tuesday, May 26, 1998 at 02:30:44 (CDT)
Hi Sarah!
What a lovely page you've got here ! A nice thing of your mommy, to let you have the page !
I have a page of my own, and you are welcome to visit. I'm also a little scared when there are visitors coming ... I run and hide under mommy's bed (but don't tell anyone, because I'm a little embarassed)
Have a nice day!
Topsy B.
Blomkvist <>
Skurup, Sweden - Sunday, May 24, 1998 at 10:38:08 (CDT)
You have a cute page with lovely cat photos. Come check out my animal names site. It is a collection of over 12,700 names/nicknames of cats from around the world. There are many stories and photos of cats as well, including the word "cat" in over 60 foreign languages. I also collect names for 74 other animals (dogs, birds, fish, hoofstock, reptiles...)
Stacey Rogers <>
Chattanooga, TN USA - Saturday, May 16, 1998 at 19:40:00 (CDT)
Very cute site, I made sure that I bookmarked it!! Come visit my site when you have some time!
Jennifer <>
Madison, WI USA - Friday, May 15, 1998 at 22:21:22 (CDT)
Hey nice page!! I'd like for you to go to mine and also see the kewl things we have for adoption!!
GroovyTwin2 <>
Fun Land, Rainbow World Canada - Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 20:20:36 (CDT)
Hi Sarah! You are a very pretty kitty! I enjoyed visiting your page!
Cathy <>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Saturday, May 09, 1998 at 13:49:28 (CDT)
Hi Sarah! What a great page! I had a lot of fun visiting you. Guess what? I like to sleep in the sink, too!
Reeses <>
Renton, WA USA - Thursday, May 07, 1998 at 13:11:47 (CDT)
Meows Sarah... Thanks for inviting us to paw around your very cool cyberhome.
Mom & I both enjoyed meeting you and your siblings and all the members of
your playgroup. We liked your pages so much that we'd
like to present you with The Meditative Cat's Heavenly Cat Site Award
and our Sites With Heart Award for caring about animal welfare. Concatulations!
I'll be back to sign up with your playgroup soon :-)
Home of the Society of Meditative Cats
Monday & her Mom <>
NY USA - Thursday, May 07, 1998 at 08:19:57 (CDT)
Hi Sarah!!! I loved meeting you, and your brother and sister too! :) You've created a great page! Also, you are one very cute kitty! :)) We had a great time visiting here, and I think Muffin will come back later on to sign up for the playgroup! Thanks for an enjoyable time, and we'll definitely be back for more! We'd love to give you Punkin's Purrfect Link Award for your page! *purrs*
Sherry <>
NJ USA - Tuesday, May 05, 1998 at 16:56:07 (CDT)
Merow, Sarah! Your pages are purrfectly wonderful! We joined your playgroup! Thank you for stopping in and signing our guestbook. Meowmie put up 2 new pages yesterday. Snoopy's was already up, and now Friend & Little Kitty have pages too!
Snoopy, Friend, & Little Kitty <>
Portland, OR USA - Tuesday, May 05, 1998 at 12:16:20 (CDT)
Sarah, Awwwwww so sweet! Be sure and give your mom and your buddies a hug from us! (wink)We enjoyed our visit!
Rhinelander Animal Shelter
Rhinelander, WI USA - Monday, May 04, 1998 at 18:54:37 (CDT)
Sarah, purrrrrrrrfect site!! You have lot's of playmates too how fun! Shhhhhh we have dogs there but,,, dogs drool cats rule! Enjoyed our visit!
Hodaka, Harley & Nirvana
Rhldr, WI USA - Monday, May 04, 1998 at 18:49:56 (CDT)
Love your playground! I'll be back to visit more.
Purrs and headbutts for a job well done!
Teresa and the critters

Teresa Casella <>
ID USA - Monday, May 04, 1998 at 17:48:00 (CDT)
Hi Sarah - Mommy and I surfed in from a link and thought we'd say hi. I loved my visit and playing in your playroom. Please stop by Oliver's Place when you have a chance. Purrs and Kisses, =^..^= Oliver
Oliver <>
Taneytown, MD USA - Sunday, May 03, 1998 at 03:56:08 (CDT)
Hi Sarah. It's your mommy testing out your new guestbook! =^..^=
Mary <>
Columbia Heights, MN USA - Friday, May 01, 1998 at 20:54:52 (CDT)