Cats only. NO D*GS ALLOWED!
Entries must consist of a photo and a short essay about you. Don't worry, this isn't English class - it doesn't
have to be very long! And for you cats entering yourself, your humans can help you write it! (See example below.)
An entry can be for multiple cats and all cats will count as one entry. One photo must contain all cats entered.
If you do not have an electronic photo, you can snail mail a picture to us and my mommy will scan it for you.
Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like the photo returned. To get our address, send us an email.
Photos and descriptions will be displayed soon after we receive them during the first three weeks of the month.
The last week of the month is for voting. Any entries received during the voting period will be placed online during
the first week of the next month.
Even though any cat can enter the contest, only Sarah's Playgroup members can vote and each member only gets one vote! (This is effective 9/1/98)
There will be one winner chosen by popular vote. There may be other special awards each month chosen by mommy and me.
Each winner will receive a special award graphic created especially for them. The winners will also be showcased
on this web site in a past winners section.
You may re-enter by just sending us an email indicating that you want to do so. We must receive an email
from you so that we know you are still interested!
You do not have to be a member of Sarah's Playgroup to enter. All cats are welcome! =^..^=