I also welcome any comments about this web site. If you would like to add something to the guest book pleace select
Maurice King - 12/14/00 01:41:01
My Email:mauricek123@yahoo.com
Hi My mother's side of the family are Ehrlich's. My grandfather's name is Albert Ehrlich and my Grandmother's maiden name is Jordan. My great grandfathers name was also Albert Ehrlich and on my grandfather's name was Max Jordan. any connections? mail me.
Ryan Ehrlich - 11/11/00 17:40:46
My Email:ry_ehrlich@hotmail.com
I am Rick Ehrlich's son and I think site so far looks pretty good. Then again I didn't really take a good look at it yet.
Richard W. Ehrlich - 11/11/00 17:37:15
My Email:rickehrlich@hotmail.com
I still have to check out this site. So I don't have any comments at this time. Looks interesting though.
richard s. ehrlich - 11/02/00 06:09:56
My Email:http://members.tripod.com/ehrlich/
an ehrlich is here in southeast asia! at website http://members.tripod.com/ehrlich/
Bob Devine - 09/05/00 13:54:58
My Email:nocturne@rconnect.com
I enjoyed 'Keys to Infinity' very much. I also like your site a great deal and look forward to visiting often. Thanks, Bob.
Shoshana Ajoodan - 07/12/00 10:51:07
My Email:Shoshana_2000@hotmail.com
My dad is from Iran (he is jewish)
My mum is from England (she is Jewish)
My greatgrand parents on my mums side are from Holand + Poland
Shoshana Ajoodan - 07/12/00 10:46:20
My Email:Shoshana_2000@hotmail.com
Kimberly k. Atkinsq - 05/10/00 15:36:14
My Email:Kim.Atkins@SPHS.com
I'm trying to research my Grandmother Vada Johnston Quigley family. I'm very interested in my Jewish roots. I know my grandmother, who was a Johnston, once told me that her family came from England and what was once Prussia. I know that on her side of
he family are the Grosses, Marxs and Hornes. I know that these people were Jewish. My grandmother is from Pittsburg.PA. I need some direction anything would be great. I'm doing this for myself as well as my dad.
Thanks Kim
Bill Heyser - 05/03/00 22:45:37
My Email:horable@aol.com
I am in the process of researching my biological grandfather, William Ehrlich. He was born about 1881 and in 1912 was a deputy constable in St. Louis, Missouri. He was married to Christine Howe, whose family lived in Pacific City, Missouri. It is rumer
d that he died prior to 1919, but I question this. My father was adapted by my grandmothers second husband at the age of about 16. Those family members would not discuss those years and they are now all deceased. Any information on Missouri Ehrlich's f
om the St. Louis area would be appreciated.
Yuval Asner - 05/03/00 01:01:14
My Email:yasner@indiana.edu
My grandmother's maiden name was erlich. She lived in Subotica, Yugoslavia and immigrated to Israel following the Holocaust. My (immediate) family, moved to the U.S. 8 years ago. My mother has a very detailed family record of her side and I will ask he
to share it with you when I come home from school this summer.
Yuval Asner
Beverly Ehrlich Baker - 04/30/00 03:28:43
My Email:flighteng@mindspring.com
I have a book on Ehrlichs called, "The Ehrliches in America: From 1850 to 1998". The book is missing a lot of names. None of my brothers and sisters were listed in the book and we were in the same state all of our lives until we reached our late 30's, the
some of us moved. Will be glad to share any info with you.
Peter Ehrlich - 04/22/00 18:02:02
My Email:pehrlich@compuserve.com
My grandfather immigrated from the Volga river valley in Russia as a boy, settling in Colorado.
mary washburn - 04/14/00 02:51:21
My Email:jawsc@bellsouth.net
my mom is a ehrlich. her father was sam ehrlich he had two brothers we know about benjamin and morris. they came to the usa in 1916 or around about that time. they came throught new york and settled there in brooklyn. my mom did not know the family lasted
both parents early but we do know my great grand mother did not come to the usa with the sons. i hope some one can help me or i can help you.
Richard Ehrlich - 02/12/00 17:12:31
My Email:ehrlich@redshift.com
I am looking for relatives of Frank and Sarah Ehrlich of Westchester Ca, They had 4 or 5 boys. Harvey(my dad), George, Ben and I don't remember, I think that there was a set of twins.
Anne Ehrlich - 02/08/00 14:09:19
My Email:anneehrlich@earthlink.net
Can't get anywhere on your site. Isn't there a city called Galicia? That's where my grandfather was born 11/3/1889.
Richard Weiss - 02/05/00 01:34:52
Nice page
Be proud of your accompishments in your research
Paul Ehrlich - 01/30/00 16:58:57
My Email:paulehrlich@hotmail.com
Hi,I am an Ehrlich of German descent,my grandfather´s grandfather,Johann Valentin Ehrlich - religion: Roman Catholic - was born on February 14,1814 in Blottendorf,(Polevsko)close to Haida (Novy Bor)in Bohemia, wich was a part of the Austrian Empire.Search
ng for relatives!
Paul Ehrlich - 01/30/00 16:58:26
My Email:paulehrlich@hotmail.com
Hi,I am an Ehrlich of German descent,my grandfather´s grandfather,Johann Valentin Ehrlich - religion: Roman Catholic - was born on February 14,1814 in Blottendorf,(Polevsko)close to Haida (Novy Bor)in Bohemia, wich was a part of the Austrian Empire.Search
ng for relatives!
Laura Ehrich- Webster - 01/14/00 02:37:44
My Email:knowawebster@yahoo.com
Shalom! Just checking for EHRICH- the spelling is close, but is there a connection? If you've any information, please pass it along.
Laura Ehrich Webster
Phyllis Ehrlich - 01/13/00 17:02:53
My Email:paehrlich@gateway.net
My grand parents came from Russia along the Volga River. I can't tell you what year. They were Karl Ehrlich and Elizabeth Bitter Ehrlich. They were Christians.
Jane Ehrlich - 11/03/99 19:51:35
My Email:sambarber@coalyard.freeserve.co.uk
I've been searching for years for info on my Grandfather Sigismund Ehrlich arrived in England about 1916 from who knows where could be Poland, Austria or Germany. Something of a mystery man married my Grandma 1920 created my Father 1923, left family appr
x 1928. Last known in London 1945 I can't find any record of his death in England. I've been told he left and went to either USA or Palestin, however all avenues of investigation lead to a dead end. My father says he knows little of his father. Thinks
his father had a brother called Alex (apparantly famous table tennis player) Sigismund was also a violinist who gave lessons in London and also taught tennis at Maccabi club. Very little to go on - can anyone help? Great web page it's good to know I'm n
t alone in my search.
andrew teeman - 10/24/99 20:56:12
My Email:A.Teeman@tesco.net
Fred Strauss - 07/11/99 17:51:21
Pretty classy! Right at the top of Yahoo too!
Good show! Make me a homepage too...
N.M.Ehrlich - 05/31/99 04:34:15
My Email:NMEhr@aol.com
I am searching for the antecedents and siblings of Edward Ehrlich, born 21 Aug 1852, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia to J Karl Ehrlich (24 June 1814, Heygendorf, Aut Alstaedt, Sachen, Weimar--25 Aug 1865, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia)
and Frederike Franke (1819, Neinstedt, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia--13 Nov 1870, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia) and the parents of his wife, Sophia Marie Schmidt (7 Apr 1815, Waverly, Pike County, Ohio--12 July 1933, Laddonia, Audrain County, M
ssouri, U.S.A.), John Karl Schmidt (1 Nov 1810 Memlebin, Eckartsberga, Saxony--26 Apr 1895, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, U.S.A.) and M. Christina Grosse (3/27/1823 Memlebin, Eckartsberga, Saxony--9 Sept 1892, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, U.S.A.).
dward Ehrlich and Sophie Schmidt were married on 19 Mar 1875 in Waverly, Pike County, Ohio, U.S.A. Edward Ehlrich died on 12 Aug 1933 Laddonia, Audrain County, Missouri, U.S.A.
N. M. Ehrlich - 05/31/99 04:33:13
My Email:NMEhr@aol.com
I am searching for the antecedents and siblings of Edward Ehrlich, born 21 Aug 1852, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia to J Karl Ehrlich (24 June 1814, Heygendorf, Aut Alstaedt, Sachen, Weimar--25 Aug 1865, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia)
and Frederike Franke (1819, Neinstedt, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia--13 Nov 1870, Schoenewerda, Querferth, Sachen, Prussia) and the parents of his wife, Sophia Marie Schmidt (7 Apr 1815, Waverly, Pike County, Ohio--12 July 1933, Laddonia, Audrain County, M
ssouri, U.S.A.), John Karl Schmidt (1 Nov 1810 Memlebin, Eckartsberga, Saxony--26 Apr 1895, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, U.S.A.) and M. Christina Grosse (3/27/1823 Memlebin, Eckartsberga, Saxony--9 Sept 1892, Chillicothe, Ross County, Ohio, U.S.A.).
dward Ehrlich and Sophie Schmidt were married on 19 Mar 1875 in Waverly, Pike County, Ohio, U.S.A. Edward Ehlrich died on 12 Aug 1933 Laddonia, Audrain County, Missouri, U.S.A.
Jodie Ehrlich - 04/21/99 00:57:10
My Email:jodie_ehrlich@smaonline.net
Very nice site!
- 02/11/99 06:06:18
george erlich - 02/10/99 17:45:53
My Email:george.erlich@mci.com
looking for someone from Poland namely
Stanislawow area,Bursztyn,Rohatyn and
surrounding area before world war II
Howard V. Epstein - 01/31/99 15:48:20
My Email:hepstein@mindspring.com
Searching for surname Genchel--family surname in Latvia.
Mary Jean Ehrlich - 01/23/99 15:50:04
My Email:mehrl77631
My daughter is an Ehrlich and I was married to Nathaniel Joseph Ehrlich who now lives in Ann
arbor, Mi. Since he has had a hard time keeping in touch with his daughter since she was born 24 years ago, it would be fun and interesting to find out what we can...thanks
Mary Jean Ehrlich - 01/23/99 15:48:49
My Email:mehrl77631
My daughter is an Ehrlich and I was married to Nathaniel Joseph Ehrlich who now lives in Ann
arbor, Mi. Since he has had a hard time keeping in touch with his daughter since she was born 24 years ago, it would be fun and interesting to find out what we can...thanks
Mary Jean Ehrlich - 01/23/99 15:48:46
My Email:mehrl77631
My daughter is an Ehrlich and I was married to Nathaniel Joseph Ehrlich who now lives in Ann
arbor, Mi. Since he has had a hard time keeping in touch with his daughter since she was born 24 years ago, it would be fun and interesting to find out what we can...thanks
Ken Ehrlich - 01/04/99 01:29:16
My Email:ehrlichkp@ltinet.com
I am an Ehrlich of German descent. It would be really interesting to me to see where the German and Jewish descendants may merge in the genealogy charts. I was taught that many Jewish descendants adopted the name "Ehrlich" at the time of the holocaust, b
cause of its German meaning "Honest", to escape being killed by Hitler. Is this true? If so, doesn't this make tracing the genealogical history of the name a much more difficult task?
Sally Kohn - 12/30/98 18:17:45
My Email:skohn1@csc.com
I have been searching for my "Natural Father" Clarence Ehrlich. All I know of him is, he was in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in the 1950's, probably in college.Clarence (I believe that was my father's name and his brother called him Frank I think?? ) died abou
5 years ago. I was put up for adoption in 1950 by the Ehrlich Family in Atlanta, GA. Does anyone out there have any history on Ehrlich's in Georgia??????
hal ehrlich - 10/30/98 18:56:54
My Email:coolioni@earthnet.com
Debi Acker Zolnosk - 10/29/98 15:15:39
My Email:dzolnoski@msn.com
Just checking out the web. Hello to all!
10/03/98 03:15:54
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Marcia Saltzman (nee:Ehrlich) - 09/17/98 21:38:48
My Email:msaltz@gte.net
Where are your roots? I am the oldest living grandchild of a large Ehrlich clan. My father was Joseph Ehrlich, the oldest of 8 brothers, one of whom was Ed. They lived in Bayonne, NJ.
I would like to know what you've uncovered.
Alex Ehrlich - 07/09/98 10:20:39
My Email:ehrlia@eq.gs.com
cool.... but this is going to be a huge project. My personal Ehrlich family tree goes back to a Hungarian town pronounced "Shemashul", which was probably spelled something like Czemshyl"... would be happy to enter the bits I know...
Cheryl Ehrlich - 07/09/98 03:54:25
My Email:mmearcati@aol.com
married into the ehrlich clan, wish it were easier to spell!
Amy (Ehrlich) Alvis - 07/08/98 16:51:31
My Email:MamaEsq@aol.com
Wow.. how neet. I've always wanted to find about Ehrlich and meet some other ones. I have also been looking for the Amy Lynne Ehrlich who has authored some children's books (She and I share the exact same name.. first, middle and last)
Ed Ehrlich - 06/26/98 11:40:24
My Email:eehrlich@ndsisrael.com
Hey, Please let's get some comments here folks
Ed Ehrlich - 04/26/98 07:46:16
My Email:eehrlich@shani.net
This is a test