Welcome to my Guestbook!

Courtney Hunter - 05/26/00 15:15:18
My Email:pebbles_flintson@hotmail.com

Do you know where I could get wolf patterns for plastic canves????

tammy - 03/29/00 01:34:18
My Email:tammy_smith@hotmail.com

I cant seem to get the pattern to print completely. If anyone can help me out that would be great.

Danette - 02/14/00 18:32:08
My Email:Danette211@aol.com

Cant find your different pages with patterns on them anymore. Are you still putting on the net?

Chris Knapp - 01/25/00 06:09:39
My Email:lknapp@penn.com

I really liked your Peek-a-Boo Bunny. I am always hunting different patterns. Iwould be glad to share some of mine if I knew how.

Chris Keane - 10/31/99 22:27:37
My Email:skyblue@gbis.com

Like your page, I'm looking for Pooh characters in plastic canvas. Do you have any?

robin - 09/22/99 15:14:19
My Email:vern2dear@sprint.ca

i love to do plastic canvas,but my favorite ones are christmas ones.

Jeanna Belknap - 09/22/99 01:35:02
My Email:belsta@pct.edu

I love plastic canves. It makes my days go much faster and I have alot more to show for them. I look forward to hearing from you. JBelknap

Audrey Duffee - 09/13/99 01:05:04
My Email:baaduffee@aol.com

Love what I see. Can't wait for more. Thanks alot.

Wendy - 08/01/99 19:44:58
My URL:working on it
My Email:wendyr@accesswave.ca

Hi love the page!! I am in the works of making my own webpage ALSO I am setting up a Plastic canvas pattern exchange as well as a Christmas ornament exchange and magnet exchange!! If you or anyone else is interested please e-mail me !! I really want to se this up for people who love the craft as much as I do =-) ANyone interested please e-mail me and i will get back to you thanks in advance =-) WENDY

VALERIE SLAUNWHITE - 06/29/99 00:59:37
My Email:hfx427@sprint.ca


Margo - 06/22/99 19:04:20
My URL:/Heartland/Meadows/4753
My Email:tundrakid@yahoo.com

Hi Wendy, I love your page, I am working on my pages for plastic canvas. I am a nut on this, and have even made some of my own patterns. Keep up the good work. Margo

- 05/20/99 14:27:23


- 04/08/99 16:14:20
My Email:Selleca@aol.com

I would love to get some patterns to crochet that are different! thanks!

Cavell Burgess - 04/07/99 15:50:56


Rose - 03/28/99 04:03:04
My Email:ed_coady@hotmail.com

Hi, Wendy: Just found your site and got your sweet piik-a-boo bunny pattern. I will do this for my two little grandsons for Easter. Thank you! Your fello-plastic canvas lover, Rose

Stacy Wray - 03/20/99 16:32:53

I love you web page Matante Wendy, Thank you for letting me work on it with you you today. Love Stacy

Debbie - 03/14/99 04:57:35
My Email:tdstropes@hopewell.net

Hi, I like your site. I like finding sites for Plastic Canvas. Thanks for visiting mine.

Kren - 03/11/99 17:42:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~lovingmimi/lovingmimi.html
My Email:lovingmimi2@yahoo.com

like your page am working on mine-slowly. Would you by anychance have a pattern for a checkbook cove? no specail design just the cover. thanks and if i can help you let me know. Karen

Sherri - 03/01/99 18:53:17

Love the page. Like making new plastic canvas friends.

patty - 02/02/99 03:38:54
My Email:hersh@netnet.net

i'm looking for mickey mouse and the gang patterns if you can help email me and let me know... visit my site:www.geocities.com/area51/dreamworld/9450

patty - 02/02/99 03:38:04
My Email:hersh@netnet.net

i'm looking for mickey mouse and the gang patterns if you can help email me and let me know...patty visit my site:www.geocities.com/area51/dreamworld/9450

Sue Owens - 12/01/98 21:31:53
My Email:rsowens@pop.ctctel.com

Hi Wendy,I was serching the web, and found your site. Very Nice. I bookmarked your site so I can visit it weekly to see your new patterns. I am looking for unicorn patterns, Looney tunes patterns, Mickey Mouse and the gang, and any cartoon characters. Do ou have any of these? Thanks. I'll be waiting to hear from you.

Elli - 11/17/98 02:38:50
My Email:MIKEELLI@aol.com

I love your web site. It's very nice. One of the best I've found.

Debbie - 11/09/98 02:44:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~momboscrafts/index/html
My Email:brian.moore@sympatico.ca

Enjoyed your page, will visit again soon. I invite you to veiw my page also

10/03/98 03:15:15
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Angie - 09/30/98 02:48:08
My Email:angie.ball@mci2000.com

Wendy I'm sorry I don't have the 57 chevy pattern. But would you happen to have a pattern for a 90 or up model Full size stepside truck of any pattern. Thanks, your web site is really cool. I would like to start one up, but I don't know how. Angie

Kathie - 09/29/98 14:52:28
My Email:boogie8742@aol.com

Hi Wendy! Just thought I would stop by your site and check it out. It's great. I tried to have a page through geocities but I'm not very good at all this computer stuff yet and I just didn't have the time. Love your pattern. see you one list.

Sharon - 09/24/98 20:42:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/8114
My Email:shinny@niagara.com

Nice Wendy....will bookmark and come back different times...Sharon

Sondra Lane - 09/22/98 18:59:50
My URL:http://N/A
My Email:sonbob9878@aol.com

Love the website. I wish i did not have to pay to get one.

Joe D. Buie - 09/16/98 14:49:08
My Email:bigbee6@hotmail.com

Hi Wendy, Great Web Site! However, the pattern didn't completely download :o( My wife, Judy, is the plastic canvas stitcher around here. She subscribes to the Mail list, too,so I'm going to check with her to be sure she saw your Page. Also, we chat on mIRC at Valhall in #needlecrafts. I'm Alamo and Judy is HappyMama on IRC. If you have mIRC installed, come visit our chat r om. There is a great, friendly bunch of women (and a few men-husbands of stitchers, like me) that pop in from time to time. They chat about their projects, help each other out when questions come up, have quarterly swaps, and just plain ol' have a good ime chatting. We'll be happy for you to come visit; you may never want to leave.

Sue S - 09/12/98 05:45:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/tismisplace/index.html
My Email:Tismi@aol.com

Hi Wendy, You have a very nice page..Would love to learn how to put graphics on my page like that.. I also have another page other then the one at top, please have a look.... http://www.angelfire.com/wv/suesdomain/index.html

Patty - 09/11/98 21:59:07
My Email:joepatty@mail.ocis.net

Your doing a great job!

Jeanette Claxton - 09/11/98 01:42:48
My Email:buin71@yahoo.com

I printed of your goofy ghost pattern, Thanks I will make it sometime.

Helene - 08/26/98 03:04:09

Nice set up.Keep it coming!

Linda - 08/25/98 18:27:07
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/4413/index.html
My Email:mgrant@sympatico.ca

I found your site from another page. Looks good so far. Looking forward to seeing more patterns. I am a neighbour of yours in Geocities. Hope you can stop by and visit Country Roads and My Craft Room. I have lots of links about plastic canvas, some pat erns, bulletin boards and lots more.

Come and visit banner

Visit My Craft room

Wendy Coppersmith - 08/25/98 02:46:37
My Email:Wendycps@aol.com

Hi Wendy, As you see my name is wendy too.I love your work.Exspeily the looney tunes.I'm a Taz nut.Well keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing With me.

- 08/23/98 17:57:38


- 08/22/98 20:25:19


- 08/21/98 21:13:49


- 08/19/98 22:28:19


Connie Arseneau - 08/18/98 21:53:49
My Email:Spider_women_51@yahoo.com

very interesting and colorful

Darcy Landry - 08/17/98 06:40:43
My Email:badboy_22_69@yahoo.com

love you're home page who did the work LOL

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