Welcome to our HomePage! Please sign our Guestbook and indicate your interests. Drop us a line. Maybe we'll see you sometime at a Model Aircraft Flying Event, Bluegrass Festival, Civil War Re-enactment, East Carolina University sporting event, Scout Encampment, or Family Reunion.

08/27/00 16:53:34
Name: Ronald Belton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: almost same as Wayne's
Your Hobbies: same as Wayne's Your Profession: Computer Consultant

Good to renew memories of a very close friend from high school days. Great web site. Over the years, it seems like our interests are still pretty much the same. I have worked in the past as Boy Scout Scoutmaster (1970-1976) while in Memphis and North Mississippi (New Albany). I have gotten away from Ham Radio since 1980, but have kept my ticket renewed and am renewing my interest. I branched off from radio career into computer career after high school when I went to work for IBM. Since then there have been several changes in employment, but always within the computer industry. Good to find you, I look forwa

08/11/00 01:29:33
Name: Neal Durham
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello. Interesting site.

07/02/00 00:27:02
Name: Bill Mitchell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: You know!

I knew your site would have some updates, and so it does. I enjoyed it. Betty and I are both well. Sorry we could not come by Greenville on the way back from Myrtle Beach recently, but the car was acting funny and we needed to come directly home. Very hot in Winston. Hope to see you this summer. Isabelle wants to see you, too!

06/01/00 23:20:30
Name: gr
My URL: Visit Me

now i've a the whole web site and it really is cool. love, grayson

06/01/00 23:12:21
Name: grayson and margaret smith
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

i like your website.

05/02/00 05:45:39
Name: Romania Jones My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: Music,Broadcasting
Your Hobbies: Trying new gourmet coffees and teas Your Profession: Radio Announcer

I like your site.

04/23/00 23:34:23
Name: Elizabeth Copeland My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: music, sports, Beatles
Your Hobbies: music, sports

Dad, you need to change my web page. Especially the wording, it's so old. I don't go to GCA anymore, so take the knights basketball pic off of there.

10/13/99 22:08:50
Name: Bill Mitchell
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Wayne and Charlotte, I am in GeoCities and decided to visit your site and leave a message. I am going to create a home page for me and Betty on GeoCities. Hope you are recovering from the awful flood. Bill

10/07/99 12:34:26
Name: Joyce Graff My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: carpentry, grandkids
Your Hobbies: reading,handwork,genetics,genealogy Your Profession: industry analyst for electronic mail

I enjoyed seeing your home page and catching up on everybody's activities! Charlotte, I thought you were going to talk more about sewing and stuff! I'll have to indoctrinate Margaret while we're together in Bethesda. It's getting to be that a good computer is less than a new video camera. That or we'll just have to get her a job that will make her independently wealthy. Best wishes to all, Joyce

09/26/99 19:17:40
Name: June & Harry Wilcox
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi, Wayne and all! Come to see us. We've enjoyed having Charlotte. Good luck to Paul. Love to all, June and Harry

08/14/99 17:22:16
Name: Elizabeth Copeland My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: Duke,Beatles, and boys
Your Hobbies: Sports, and the Internet Your Profession: Professional student

Dad, you need to work on my home page more. It sounds really boring.

04/18/99 20:43:07
Name: Elizabeth Copeland My URL: Visit Me
Your Interests: Beatles, Duke B-ball Your Hobbies: B-ball, Marching band
Your Profession: Student

Dad, you need to update my part of the page. I don't know how to do it. You can put:" If anybody has any information about the Beatles, send it here." I like anyboody who has ever played for Duke, Dad. I can give you somemore pictures to put on my pag .

04/07/99 16:07:47
Name: James Walker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: Old Time Country and BLuegrass Music
Your Hobbies: Music, Fishing, Family Your Profession: Electronic Engineering Technician

Hi, my name is James Walker. Was looking at the Bluegrass Radio Network mail list and ran across your email. I too am a member of the Eastern North Carolina Bluegrass Association. Do not remember meeting you at one of the shows but place several faces ith the Dobro. I play guitar and usually end up in the back room down the hall on show night picking with the boys (and Girls). Am interested in what is happening with Bluegrass music in the Greenville area. Have talked with Blain at Greenville Guitars and he doesn't know. Would like to hear from you. I forgot to say, but I live in New Bern. Next Kinston show night is 4/10/99. Maybe I will see you there. Have a great week.

10/03/98 03:14:41
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

10/02/98 01:11:08
Name: Carolyn Barnett Sinor My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: gardening, traveling
Your Hobbies: genealogy Your Profession: retired

I am looking for Barnett's in Al. GA and SC. Maybe we can help each other. Carolyn

09/14/98 23:48:27
Name: Kim Kingsford
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I'm jealous. Your page is so nice I guess I will have to spend more time working on my page. I'm not going to give you my URL as I am embarassed.

09/06/98 11:41:13
Name: Bill Mitchell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: jazz music, commodity trading
Your Hobbies: music, reading Your Profession: retired engineer (AT&T)

A great personal web site, Wayne. I love it.

06/21/98 01:40:19
Name: Charles A. Taylor
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Was pleased finally to stop by, and visit your Web page! Hope to visit again and see your progress. Charlie

06/12/98 02:02:50
Name: -jerry- My URL: Visit Me
Your Interests: survival Your Hobbies: compuers; was model planes too

Hello Paul, I must have done the same thing you did in mixing the comma up with the period because it looks the same in your email and the one on the top of this page. Live long, prosper and may the world give to you all you wish for. -jerry-

06/11/98 22:40:46
Name: Lynn Fields My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: Geneology/American Indian Heritage and Culture
Your Hobbies: genelolgy, horseback riding, reading, music, learning about other cultures Your Profession: college student

I'm looking for the parents and sibs of William C. Copeland/Coplen b. abt 1815 TN m Mary Ann Lackey abt 1840 prob in AR. They had at least 10 children, incl my gggrandfather James Rose Coplen b. July 15, 1849( and his twin sister Mary A.) in TX.

05/17/98 05:56:08
Name: Lynne Pickens
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Super Job! I am very impressed. I have a site I've been working on for my (Gulp) 10-year reunion scheduled to take place later this year. You guys put me to shame. I'll have to get back in and edit mine to keep up.

05/01/98 10:54:44
Name: peter smith My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: Church & the rest of life
Your Hobbies: Bluegrass, fishin' webtv Your Profession: Printer

Hi Paul, U made writing so easy & been meanin 2 write since I saw Mike(fiddlnmike)N the computer city.Case U don't remember me,I'm an ex-Dixie "red-eye"Boy/sorry, that was Bluegrass Boy~~ Wassupp?Let's play catch-up Peter Smith

04/29/98 02:01:47
Name: Lynne Pickens My URL: Visit Me
Your Interests: Drum Corps, X-Files, getting out of college Your Hobbies: counted cross-stich, reading (like I have time for either of these), and currently, I'm researching my house's history.
Your Profession: NONE YET! Hopefully I will soon be a teacher.

So far so good. I've set up a web page for my 10 year class reunion (dear Lord, I can't be this old yet). I figured that people on the net could find out updates faster and cheaper than the committee doing a mailing every few weeks. I haven't updated i in a while. Your page has inspired me.

04/29/98 01:53:46
Name: Lynne Pickens
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


04/29/98 00:41:47
Name: Wes Banks
My URL: Visit Me

Paul, Looking good! I see you are getting into it. Watch out though, it will have your mind working html both in front of the monitor and while away from it. wes

04/28/98 17:13:04
Name: Your Baby Sister My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Interests: sleep, at the moment!
Your Hobbies: scuba, roller blading, baking, counted cross stitch, running slowly & reading - oh, BASKETBALL Your Profession: slave to pre-hospital emergency medicine

Wow, what prompted your web page? I'm astounded! Can hardly wait to see more. I'm sure you'll give ALL credit for ANYTHING good or great to moi...... :) :) :) Take care, P

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