Welcome to the Copeland Family Homepage!

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Hi! I'm Paul Wayne Copeland. My family and I live in Greenville, North Carolina.
My wife Charlotte, children Danny, Paul and Elizabeth and I are glad to meet you.

Our interests are:
RC Model Aircraft, Model Railroading, Genealogy, Bluegrass Music, Education, Boy and Girl Scouts, Sports, Camping, Fishing, and Amateur Radio.

The description of our family page is:
Genealogy and Family History
RC Aircraft, Model Railroading, Bluegrass Music, Lucy Opry,
Scouting Actvities, Sports, Camping, Fishing,
and Amateur Radio

My Email address is: pcopeland1@embarqmail.com

We are interested in researching the following family lines (genealogy); Copeland, Henley, Barnett, Lamb, Glover, Carleton, and Reavis, from England (1500's and 1600's), VA and NC (1600's and 1700's), through GA and SC (1700's and 1800's) and MS and TN (1800's to present).

Danny and I were members of the Greenville Flying Pirates Model Aircraft Club, of Greenville NC, which we helped found in 1991. I was the first President of the Club. The club was affiliated with the Academy of Model Aeronautics and the International Miniature Aircraft Association. Unfortunately, the club dissolved at the end of the year 2000 and has been re-organized as the North Carolina Space Cowboys. We still have our old field to fly on, but the membership is much smaller.

Charlotte, Paul, Danny and I were members of Boy Scout Troop 452, sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church of Greenville NC. Danny reached the rank of Star Scout and Paul completed Eagle Scout in December 1998 and was awarded Eagle Scout in June 1999. Charlotte was Troop Committee member. For two years, Danny was Assistant Scoutmaster and I was Scoutmaster.

Danny and I like to camp and fish, especially in the freshwater lakes here in Eastern North Carolina. Our favorite camping and fishing spots are Lake Phelps, near Plymouth, North Carolina, Kerr Lake (north of Raleigh on the North Carolina/Virginia line), and Lake Gaston, also on the North Carolina/Virginia line, near Roanoke Rapids, NC.

My wife Charlotte and daughter Elizabeth are members of Girl Scout Troop 723.

We are long-time members of the Eastern North Carolina Bluegrass Association (Papa plays the Dobro!) and the Memphis Area Bluegrass Association (MABA) - home of the "Lucy Opry"

See "What's a Dobro?" on Dad's HomePage.

The year 1999 was rough on us. My wife Charlotte had extensive back surgery to correct Scoliosis in March of 1999. The operation did not completely correct her problems and she has since become permanently disabled. Then we, along with most of the rest of Eastern North Carolina, suffered greatly from flooding, when Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd struck in the Fall of 1999. Dennis filled up the ditches, creeks and rivers and then Floyd came along and dumped 22 inches of rain in about 3 hours. Our house was damaged because we got 8 inches of water in the den (ruining the den rug, outer walls, sill plates and corner posts) and the standing water caused moisture to be absorbed in our living room's floor joists, causing 13 of them to break. Although we managed to do most of the repair work ourselves, we still have a good way to go until we get the house back to normal. With God's help, we are persevering.

We finally got the major (heavy) work done; the broken joists were replaced, the den was refloored, and a new outer (den) door and storm door were installed. We had hoped to get it all done before Christmas, but due to the logistics involved (and the weather), we couldn't get ALL of the work done until after Christmas of 2001. It sure is nice to have "The Old Homeplace" back in good working order again!

Son Paul and I made a special present to give to our family and friends for Christmas 2001 - a cook book! It is a compilation of favorite family recipes, both old and new, and we call it "Chef Tall Paul and Big Daddy Bear's Menfolks Cookin' Book". Paul is an excellent cook and loves to turn out "special" recipes, which we enjoy very much. However, our pictures didn't turn out right and we'll have to re-shoot them, when the weather clears.

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Check out the following links!

Copeland Family Genealogy

Academy of Model Aeronautics

Dad's Page is next! (other pages follow in sequence)

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