Cuthrell & Stapleford Genealogy

Stapleford House

Stapleford house about 1912-1915

My Grandma, Violet Mae Stapleford Cuthrell was born October 5,1907 in Craven County, North Carolina . She was the daughter of Emmet A. Stapleford and Viola Dean Dunn. She attended schools at Truitts,Olympia and Brinson Memorial, and she worked at Kress',Woolworth's and McClellans department stores.
Pictured above is her brother Raynor(Buddy),her father Emmet Augustus Stapleford, her twin sister Myrtle(holding large baby doll)her mother Viola Dean Dunn,her sister Lena,and her grandpa William Dallas Stapleford. She also had a sister named Dallas born 1918.(not pictured)

Emmet and Viola Stapleford.

This picture was probably taken in 1908, my grandmother is the twin baby sitting on the arm of the chair. Her parents Emmet and Viola were married June 29,1902. Emmet was born March 1 ,1880 in Craven Co. N.C. He taught school for 22 years and studied music in college. He died October 27,1952. Viola was born November 27,1882 .She was the daughter of Willis Dunn and Mary Simon.Viola would usually cook chicken on Violet and Myrtle's birthday,and let them have first pick of what piece they wanted. She died January,14, 1929 at the age of 46.
Click here to see a picture of Viola Dunn Stapleford and her obit that appeared in the newspaper Jan.15,1929.

Violet&MyrtleThis is a picture of the Stapleford twins taken betwen 1920-1925.Myrtle Gray Stapleford on the left and Violet Mae Stapleford (My Grandmother) on the right.Click here to see a picture of my Grandma's brother Buddy and sister Lena.

Dallas Stapleford (My grandma's sister)

William Dallas Stapleford

Emmett's father was William Dallas Stapleford, he was born November 9, 1844 and died Feb. 5 1918. Emmet's mother was Martha Caroline Wayne, she was born Aug 2,1838 and died Aug. 6 , 1909. William and Martha had 4 children.
(Click on their names to see a photo.)
Twins Martha and Sara born Oct 17, 1871.(Martha married John McGhee and Sarah married William H. Dunn.)
Oziah born June 4,1876,married Mary Gore.
and Emmet born March 1 1880,married Viola D. Dunn.
William D. Stapleford owned a store, and my grandma Violet remembers that he would always let her pick out a piece of candy to have for free.

Oziah C. Stapleford

William D. Stapleford's father was Oziah C. Stapleford. Oziah was born March 7, 1812. On January 21,1839 he married Catherine Reel.Catherine Reel was born 1813,she was the daughter of John Reel and Nancy Warren. Catherine Reel had a brother named Alfred Reel and a sister named Nancy Reel who were murdered by renegade negroes who had worked for them at their turpentine plantation in Carteret County. The Negroes were found,identified,tried and hanged at Union Point in New Bern in 1864.
Oziah and Catherine had 8 children.
(Click on their names for more info.).
Hancy born 1839,married Alex Cuthrell.
Susan born 1841,married Henderson Hill.
Mary born 1842,lived to be 70 years old.
William Dallas born 1844,married Martha C. Wayne.
Pauline born 1846,married David F. Holton.
Sydney Sophronia born 1848,married William Frederick Cuthrell. Sydney Sophronia died Jan. 23, 1915.
Thomas Augustus born 1850,married Elizabeth Askins. Thomas died Oct 4, 1912
And John Emmet born 1854,married Louisa B. Wayne. John died Oct 12, 1938
Oziah was a farmer and by 1850 had 495 acres. He is listed on a 1837 Craven County Land grant .Oziah died Sept 13,1875

William M. Stapleford

Oziah's father was William M. Stapleford. William was born May 2 ,1785. He married Mary Cuthrell on Dec. 22, 1809 . It seems Oziah was their only child.
William is listed on a 1829 Craven County land grant.
William died October 12, 1859.


Violet,Lester, and son Les.

My Grandaddy, Lester H. Cuthrell was born on Jan.26,1910 in Craven Co. N.C. On Oct. 22,1932 he married Violet Mae Stapleford. They had 3 children, Les born 1933, and twins Donald and Iris(My Mom)born 1938.
He workd many years for Rowland lumber company and General Wholesale.
This picture was taken during the 50's Iris Faye(My Mom)is on the left and Donald Gray is on the right.

William Foster Cuthrell

Lester H. Cuthrell was the son of William Foster Cuthrell(died July 1,1934) and Julia Ann Everington (b.1875-d.1960) . They were married Dec 29,1896.
William and Julia had 3 sons, their first son was named John Adolf , he was born in 1901,and died July 27, 1921 at the age of 20, he was survived by his wife Sadie Simpson, and his 2 weeks old son Robert. Their 2nd son was named William Clayton he was born in 1904 and their 3rd son was named Lester Haskell he was born in 1910.
Click here to see the obits of William Foster Cuthrell and Julia Everington Cuthrell.

William Clayton Cuthrell(My Grandaddy's brother)"Uncle Clayton"

Julia Ann Everington Cuthrell(My Grandaddy's mother)

William Frederick Cuthrell and Sidney Sophronia Stapleford.

William Foster Cuthrell was the son of William Frederick Cuthrell and Sidney Sophronia Stapleford,they were married April 6, 1874. It seems that William Foster was their only child.
William Frederick was born in 1848.
Sydney Sophronia was born Jan. 15, 1848 and died Jan. 23, 1915

Thomas Cuthrell

William Frederick Cuthrell was the son of Thomas Cuthrell(born 1797)
On Sept 25,1822 Thomas Cuthrell married Matilda Roe,
they had 11 children, Mary born 1828,Julia born 1829, Thomas born 1832 is listed as joining the Confederate Army on Jan 28,1861, he deserted on May 9, 1862.
Alexander born 1834 grew up on the family plantation and later became a planter with his father during the 1850's and 60's.
Charles born 1837 was the most interesting,he joined the Confederate Army on Jan. 20, 1862. He was listed as captured by the Union Army at the battle of New Bern,March 14, 1862. Then in December of 1863 he enlisted in the Union Army.Soon after he enlisted he was captured by the Confederate Army. Charles and 21 others were identified as having formerly been Confederate soldiers,they were taken to Kinston,N.C. courtmartialed,and sentenced to death on signed orders of General George Pickett.
Major General John Peck of the Union Army wrote a letter to General George Picket saying that the men had enlisted in the Union Army,and asked that they be treated as prisoners of war.(It was,and still is against International Law to execute POW's.)
General U.S. Grant made a statement which read "I do not recognize the right of the rebels to execute a United States soldier."
Charles was hanged Feb. 15, 1864. The entire Confederate Army mustered at Kinston were commanded to watch the hangings. There is a possibility that James Cuthrell(Charles' younger brother who was in the Confederate Army) was there to witness the hanging.
Many people in the North considered the hangings wholesale murder.
President Abraham Lincoln called it an "outrage against humanity."
An inquiry was held in New Bern in 1865,and a document was put together and carried to the congress of the U.S. The idea was to make General George Pickett a war criminal,Charles Cuthrell's name is mentioned in that document.
On his Union Army papers Charles is described as 5'10" with black hair and dark eyes.
Thomas Cuthrell and all his family were strong Unionist and spoke out openly against the war against the United States.
The 6 other children of Thomas were James born 1839, Eliza born 1842, Jane born 1843, Martha born 1844, William Frederick Cuthrell born 1848(My great,great grandad.)and Hiram born 1854.
(Click here to read the eyewitness account of the hangings by John Paris who was the chaplain of the Fifty-fourth North Carolina.

? Cuthrell

Thomas was the son of ? Cuthrell.
? Cuthrell had at least 3 sons : Thomas,James and David.

Thomas Cuthrell

? Cuthrell might have been son or the grandson of Thomas Cuthrell Sr.
Thomas Cuthrell had at least 6 children : Thomas Jr.(died between 1779-1784),John,Gowin,Amos,James and Elizabeth.
In 1744 Thomas purchased 100 acres from a joint patent on the east side of Upper Broad Creek,east of the city of New Bern,This property was purchased from a Nicholas Purify. In October of 1758 he purchased 50 more acres from George Graham.In 1764 he acquired another 50 acres from James Whiting. In 1766 Thomas Cuthrell was able to to obtain a land grant from Governor Jim Tryon for 250 acres on the Upper Broad Creek.
In 1775 Thomas and Thomas Jr. petioned the King of England for rights to drain a swamp for farming purposes.
Thomas died in 1784 in Craven County.
Thomas Cuthrell's will of 1784 gives his grandson Joshua some of his land.Then to son John 175 acres out of the land patent dated 1766. He leaves son Amos 150 acres which joins the plantation where Amos lived at Broad Creek.The rest of the property and belongings go to his wife and his 3 youngest children John,Elizabeth,Gowin and the widow of his deceased son Thomas Jr.

Amos Cuthrell

Thomas was probably the son of Amos Cuthrell
Amos MIGHT have had at least 6 sons.Thomas,Joshua,Peter,Charles,David and Jacob.
Amos Cuthrell was a buyer at an estate sale of John Moore 1726-27 in Bath County.
Amos probably came from Norfolk County in Virginia Colony.
On November 7,1735 his Land Warrant for 650 acres in Beaufort Precinct in Bath County on the south side of the Bay River was certified.

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