I'm a 26 year old
Sr. Staff Accountant at the University of Oklahoma. I graduated from the University
with a Bachelor's of Accountancy in May of 1995. I have worked in
the Financial Support Services offices since April of 1996. I have
one younger brother, who graduated from the University in May of 1998.
He is an Informations Systems Analyst.
I was saved at the age of 17 at an old fashioned youth camp in Washington, OK. I'm very active in my church, The Free Holiness Church of Moore. I love Southern Gospel Music!! In February of 1998 I was priviledged to make my first Southern Gospel Project at Harvest Gospel Studio in Huntington, WV. (They are super!!!) I sing solo and in the church youth choir. I have recently been able to perform at concerts with the Southern Brothers, Marcia Henry and Latter Rain, the Dove Brothers, The Rabbit Easter Band and the Telestials. My desire is for my singing to minister and be a blessing to people. I'm thankful for the talent the Lord has given me, and I hope my singing is always pleasing to him. The Lord has truly put a love for music in my heart! In addition to singing, I love to go to Southern Gospel Concerts. Some of my favorite are the Seminole All Night Sing, National Quartet Convention, and Singfest. My favorite group is Karen Peck & New River. Other favorites include the Crabb Family, Gold City, Bishops, McGruders, and many, many others. Please feel free to explore my pages and let me know what you think! Check out my new project before you leave, and be sure to sign my guestbook!!! Thanks!! |