Richard Collins - 11/01/00 19:52:27
Your dogs name: n/a
Your favourite Film: Ice Cold in Alex
Where are you from: Surrey, England
Your favourite Rifle: BSA SMLE in .22 calibre
Your favourite Car: Vauxhall Cavalier
Great site!
mogur - 04/30/00 10:10:19
My URL:http:/
Your dogs name: Beau-Boy
Your favourite Film: Oh there are so many!
Where are you from: Roun' the corner
Your favourite Rifle: one you Dougie can't make bullets for!
Your favourite Car: XF Falcon but I wish I had a Porshe!
I have read extensively what you have written Douglas and am happy to say that I am satisfied wit what I have seen and read. I am wondering about your love, Helen and why there isn't more information about her. I do feel left out in this aspect. Perhaps a
photo of you both using your rifles. (No not on each other !) Maybe killing a bird or something similiar. And perhaps Beau could retrieve it and this could be shown on his web page. What do you think? And how about a photo of you sticking your head out of
the floorboards of your new home while the hired help attempts to squash you back down?......That would be interesting! And you must have a photo on your web page of you and Helen standing next to the Holden, with the dogs, rifles in hand, pointing off in
o the horizon of opportunities. And where is Clives web page? This is not good enough!! I will tell!!
mogur - 04/30/00 10:01:18
My URL:http:/
Your dogs name: Beau-Boy
Your favourite Film: Oh there are so many!
Where are you from: Roun' the corner
Your favourite Rifle: one you Dougie can't make bullets for!
Your favourite Car: XF Falcon but I wish I had a Porshe!
Ryan Smith - 02/28/00 14:53:39
Your dogs name: Patch
Your favourite Film: Patch Adam
Where are you from: Canada
Your favourite Rifle: lee enfield
Your favourite Car: Porch
I feel bad
fritz huber - 12/12/99 16:22:05
Where are you from: austria
Hi there,congratulation a realy great fabulous Page !!!! I do my first visit to Australia in April 2000 !!!!! Down Under must be a wonderful country i think !!!!
I visits gladly the homepage of people they one large heart has and gladly something to undertake. Great Page,Design and very interresting INFORMATION :-). I will in such a way by-continue to look more frequently times your Page. Very often i am looking f
r home pages from Down Under. your I am sure i have a good time in Australia . Also a small travel homepage i have.
I would be glad for an entry into my guestbook ... much .
Greetings from Uperaustria. Much FUN in the network wish the Journey Fever Team.
Regards Fritz Huber
Dave Wheeldon - 07/10/99 01:18:37
Your dogs name: none
Your favourite Film: cool runnings
Where are you from: british columbia,CANADA
Your favourite Rifle: none
Your favourite Car: any cheverolet
very interesting.don`t know if you are related or not.but was pleasently suprised to see your site.
Anders J. - 04/27/99 14:03:48
My URL:/Pentagon/Quarters/1106/
Your dogs name: Hampus
Your favourite Film: Henry V
Where are you from: Sweden
Your favourite Rifle: Lithgow L1A1
Your favourite Car: Volvo V70
Hi Doug ! Nice site You have. I hope You can help me with the SMLE wood set.
Regards, Anders
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 04:47:49
Ich denke, daß Sie Seite interessant sind. Ich fand sie durch Unfall auf GeoCities. Wievielen Monaten haben Sie GeoCities verwendet? Lebe wohl.
Randi - 11/12/98 15:04:35
Your dogs name: Mookie and Shelby
Your favourite Film: John Wayne Flicks and many others
Where are you from: State of Iowa USA
Your favourite Rifle: Not a rifle fan mostly shot gun. I do a lot of bird hunting
Your favourite Car: any 4 wheel drive trucks
Just say your name the same as mine thought I would send you something.
10/03/98 03:12:29
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Christopher Baltazar - 07/23/98 01:50:18
Where are you from: Colorado
Just happened to come across your web page and
wanted to say "HI".
Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 20:45:08
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Dick Casaly - 06/07/98 14:59:14
Your dogs name: Ralph
Where are you from: Troy, NY, USA
Hi Doug,
Helen's page was listed as new in Yahoo so I went to check it out. Tell her that her guestbook is not set up properly, when I tried to sign it I ended up on a page saying that I had to register as a Delphi user.
I was in Sidney about 35 years ago. I loved it. Probably time to come back.
Best wishes
Bali Fergusson - 05/20/98 23:27:25
Your dogs name: Don't have one
Your favourite Film: Gallipoli!!!
Where are you from: Australia/Living in US
Your favourite Rifle: A tossup between a Lee Enfield .303 and Steyr
Your favourite Car: Ferrari
Hey mate,
Nice page, I added a link to it from my site, hopefully you will do the same :-).