Hey Whatz Up
Why can't guys that look like this live by me!!!

Want to know more about me here is my profile:
Member Name:
I have a name, but my mommy told me never talk 2 strangers.
So if u tell me ur's i'll tell u mine, then we won't be strangers....
i live were the road forks, you either go to heaven or hell.
but you don't go until your called. thats why we all live in the crossroads..But hey i know where i'm going, do you??
If i tell u i will have 2 kill u
Sex: Female
Marital Status:
Do u mean a husband or soul mate??
Pretending im someone is always fun, but sometimes it gets kinda depressing
and then i spin around until i can't spin anymore. that kinda feels like those long nights after getting plastered. i always enjoy that...
If u seriously want 2 know what type of computer im on
then ur the biggest nerd i have ever meet, and i say . GET A LIFE... FAST...
Well my last job was the tooth fairy, and can u believe they fired me
cause i wasn't nice enough... Well now im the easter bunny...
Personal Quote:
Life is never what it seems, and anyone who says differently doesn't know crap...
So take life to the fullest like me...im going to take over the world someday so you better start practicing your Hello's ...hehe
Link to a cool music page

I really HATE clowns!

If you can anwser my question please email me
Enjoy the tune...Late!