Women's Fellowship

For many years the group was known as "Women's Work"...and then sometime in the late 80's it became the Women's Fellowship. We had a group that was probably formed in the 20'S or 30's known as The Ladies Aid Society; this evolved to the Women's Work Group probably in the late 50's. Sister Ruby Bassett headed this group for many years. As sister Bassett's health failed in the mid-80's the group became in-active. Sister Lois Litzinger called a group of us together probably about 1989 and invited us to her home to re-organize. A group of 7 or 8 ladies attended this meeting and the group has been active to this date, meeting each month.

Sister Doloris Griffith was called to lead the group at this initial meeting and has been doing so since...Sister Mary Ann Koontz has served as secretary-treasurer for many years.

The Women'Fellowship's goal is to assist the pastor and congregation in the various activities of the church such as: funeral meals, Christmas treats, congregational dinners, Easter Egg Hunts, and Children's Activities. It is always desired that others in the congregation spearhead activities with the financial support of the WF; it is not our ultimate goal to always be in charge.

The WF actively supports the COB Home in Windber with 100% membership. Camp Harmony projects and community projects such as vacation Bible School are also supported.


Meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month at the church; snacks are contributed by members and this hour is dedicated to fun,food and fellowship.

At the close of each meeting, members join hands in a circle and pray together the Mizpah: MAY THE LORD WATCH BETWEEN ME AND THEE WHILE WE ARE ABSENT ONE FROM THE OTHER. And then we say: Go in Peace, Go and serve!!


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