The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process used now by the Catholic Church to bring people into the Catholic faith. Below you will find a brief summary of the process which is outlined in greater detail in the links provided.Below are links that contain information about RCIA
There are several stages to the RCIA process designed to gradually take interested people towards entry into full communion with the Catholic Church. This process usually lasts about nine months but can last longer depending on the individual's needs. The stages in the process are Inquiry, Entry (Catechumenate), Election, Purification, Initiation (Easter Vigil) and Mystagogy. Period of Inquiry
After having first met the priest of the parish and deciding you have an interest in the Catholic Faith, the initial step in the RCIA process is a Period of Inquiry/Evangelization or Precatechumenate. This is a time of no fixed duration or structure, for inquiry and introduction to Gospel Values. It affords the opportunity to learn about the Catholic faith, ask questions, and prayerfully discern whether you are being called to become a Catholic. Entry (Catechumenate)
The next stage is The Rite of Entry or The Rite of Acceptance and to be known as a Catechumen (Non baptised) or Candidate (Baptised). The Period of the Catechumenate is the time during which the catechumen or candidate is nurtured in the growth of faith and conversion to God through celebration of the Word, prayers and continued understanding of the Catholic faith. From this point on a parishioner is appointed for each catechumen to act as a sponsor representing the whole Parish community by supporting and encouraging the Catechumen throughout the rest of the RCIA process. Rite of Election or Rite of Enrolment
These are liturgical rites, celebrated in early Lent, by which the Church formally ratifies the readiness and desire of the catechumens and candidates for the sacraments of initiation. Catechumens and candidates, who have decided they want to become Catholics and enter into full commmunion with the Church, are presented to the Bishop for the 'Rite of Election' in the Local Cathedral. After going through this Rite they become known as the 'Elect'. Period of Purification and Enlightenment
This is the time immediately preceding the Elect's initiation at the Easter Vigil. It is a time for reflection intensely centered on conversion, prayer, instruction and preparation for the 'Rite of Initiation' on Holy Saturday. Initiation
The 'Right of Initiation' takes place at the Easter Vigil Mass when the fulfillment of the RCIA process accumulates in the Elect becoming full members of the Catholic Church. It is a time of great joy and fulfulment for all those taking part in the process. The sacraments of initiation received at the Easter Vigil Mass are : Baptism (If required), Confirmation and Eucharist. Mystagogy
The period of Mystagogia or Post-Baptismal Catechesis is the time following initiation into the Church during which the newly initiated, or neophytes, experience being fully a part of the Catholic Christian community. During this period (about six weeks) support is given to the new members as they begin to understand and prepare to take part in the various ministeries and practises in the Parish, particularly by participation with all the faithful in the Sunday Eucharistic celebrations. The number of people interested in the RCIA process will determine whether the reflection and teaching takes place in a group or not. A group for larger numbers will comprise a Director, members of a team, the searching individuals, sponsors, and volunteer helpers.
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