Mass is the occasion when the Christian Community gathers together to celebrate the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. One of the ways in which we do that is by hearing the Scriptures read to us and reflecting upon them. (The responsibility of the priest is to apply this reflection to our lives.) During this part of the Mass (the Liturgy of the Word) it is difficult, maybe impossible, to reflect on the Scriptures in a way which is meaningful to everyone. It would be very difficult for children to understand what is being said. Therefore, we have, at the 10.00 am Sunday Mass, a special Liturgy of the Word for children (up to and including Primary 7). The parishioners who lead this children's Liturgy of the Word offer our younger parishioners an opportunity to hear the Word of God in a way which is meaningful for them. The readings are simpler. They reflect on them through drawing, colouring-in, writing, disscussing. This means that they are more involved in the celebration of the Mass. And this is surely preferable to feeling excluded during the readings and sermon which of necessity are an adult experience.
If your child has never experienced the Children's Liturgy of the Word, then why not try it?
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