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Tikki-Tik's Room

Want to see me with grandpa Tom and Grandmother?

Wow!!! I made my first airplane trip yesterday. I flew all the way to Texas. My Grumpy says Texas is GOD'S COUNTRY. He's so proud of it.  Nonna says only God would have it. She's not (she's Italian you know).

I arrived (well, WE arrived, mom accompanied me), we got our luggage and left the airport for my Texas  vacation cottage. On the way to the cottage I was moved to tears of happiness. You see, they closed all of I-35 in my honor. Sparks were flying everywhere. Fire trucks and police cars were everywhere. All the cars stopped, people got out of their cars and peeked inside our mini-van for a glimpse of me. I felt so special.

Well, after an hour, cars started moving again. My tribute was over.

We arrived home about 10:30. I couldn't wait to tell my Dad about the tribute and all the cars stopping on I-35. We called him immediately and mom told him everything. He had been very anxious about our where-abouts. You see, we had told daddy we would arrive about 10. I guess he thought something bad had happened to us. He thought rustlers, banditos, bushwhackers, stampeding cattle, flash flood, run-a-way stage coach, or other bad thing may have happened to us. Anyway, when mom told him about all the cars stopping on I-35 he relaxed and said goodnight.

I met Dog. He kinda hangs around outside of my bedroom protecting me from any critter which might be lurking about. Nonna yells at him to go downstairs. I guess she thinks he can better protect us down there. I plan on taking Dog for a walk today and every day. He and I are already buddies.

Sheesh. I am getting so tired. I need to eat and take a nap. Airplane trips are so exhausting.

I am now awake again. I spent most of Saturday morning in the arms of Grumpy and Nonna. Grumpy took me out onto the patio and we watched a baby bird learning how to fly. It was neat. I flew yesterday, baby bird flew today. A first for both of us.

I spent the rest of the morning taking a bath. Nonna bought me a neat baby bath tub. After my bath, another meal and another nap (mealtime is so exhausting) Nonna and mommy took me out onto the patio. We talked, played and watched the flowers and birds. It was neat. About 2 we went inside. Nonna and I took a nap together. Seems as if Nonna and I are getting attached. What a neat mothers day present to Nonna, me for a month.

Well, I have to get ready to go help Nonna buy her new Honda Accord. Then we are going to the Farmers Market in Lewisville to buy fresh corn and fresh tomatoes. We are having Fajitas tonight and we need the tomatoes to make Grumpy's hot sauce (he needs fresh tomatoes you know).

See ya later.

By the way Dad, Christina told us you called tonight. We found out about 11:30 Saturday night, your time. Guess we will call you Sunday. I miss you already. Especially those late night/early morning chats you and I have.

Sunday, May 10th     My Mother's Day

Hey!  Today is Mom's day. Auntie Christina also told me it is Nonna's day. No wonder Grumpy fixed breakfast for Nonna and Mom. Then he took it to them in bed. Nonna was talking to her mother, Bisnonna, and ruined Grumpy's image with the Italians. Nonna told them Grumpy had fixed breakfast and delivered it to her in bed. All the Italian uncles kidded Grumpy about being a sissy and not being macho. I didn't understand a word they said. Dad, what does macho mean?

After breakfast and my walk in the gardens with Grumpy, Auntie Christina drove me and mom to church. I took a short nap, then listened to the priest. It was neat. Lots of light in this Texas church. Mom and Christina didn't know what the priest's homily was about as they were too busy watching me. Dad, you taught me well. I didn't cry once.

When we returned home Nonna was ironing the table cloth, Grumpy was walkin' (whoops, I mean walking. I almost started talking Texan!) in the gardens. Mom gave Nonna a wind chime with a small bird house on it. It goes perfectly in the garden right outside the kitchen windows. It sounds neat.

The Boutquins  arrived and we will be eating soon. Grumpy is going to grill some shrimp, chicken, beef and vegetable kabobs. Some are marinated in Chinese sauce and the rest in Italian sauce. He is also grilling some corn-on-the-cob. Well, it is about 1:15, time for my lunch. I'll talk to you later!

So long padnuh. Whoops, I did it again. What I really mean is good bye for now Dad.

We have finished eating and I have finished my nap. We had a heated discussion about politics (Grumpy is a Republican and Mr. Boutquin is a Democrat) which I thought was silly. I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying. They were both trying to prove their point.

After coffee and dessert the mom, Auntie "C" Nonna and Mrs. Boutquin cleaned up. The Boutquins left about 7. Grumpy went out into the vegetable garden and dug a big hole. Then Nonna and I planted a yellow rose bush that she named the Alexandra Rose. She told me it was for me. She and I posed by the bush as Grumpy took several pictures.

Shortly afterward the neighbors came over to talk to mom. Mom was sitting by the garden watching Grumpy smooth the earth around the bush. We talked for a while then they left.

Mom took me in, fed me and let me take a nap until 10, when she and I went to bed. Well, that is all for Mothers Day. Good night Dad.

Monday, May 11

Mom and I slept in today. We were worn out from the weekend and the flight. I needed my rest. Mom and I watched the soapies, ate and slept. Nonna came home and rested for awhile. Grumpy arrived, grilled some small sirloin steaks to go with Nonna's spaghetti with vegetables. Dad called and we talked awhile. After the call mom cleaned the dishes put on walking shoes. Nonna put on her hot tennis shoes (Grumpy told her to wear her tennis shoes instead of her sandals - Nonna is Italian you know and doesn't like to wear anything but sandals).

After dinner we went for an hour-long walk around the neighborhood. Nonna pushed me the whole time. Dog was leashed to my stroller. Mom and Grumpy talked about various things while Nonna talked to me. A few folks stopped and admired how beautiful I am (Of course, I take after my mom and dad).

I worked up a pretty good appetite walking so I ate when we returned home. Mom, Nonna and Grumpy watched The Practice during my meal.

Tuesday - Wednesday

Mom and I didn't do much. We kinda hung out around the house. Nonna and Grumpy left for work each day while I was chowing down. When they returned they would hold me and play with me. Grumpy walked me in the gardens each evening. When I would get upset Nonna would pick me up, hold me and, with that gentle touch and sound that only grandma's have, she would calm me down. Life is good!


I woke up, ate around 8, stretched a little, and looked out the window. It was a beautiful day, bright and sunny. Mom told me I would finally meet aunt Erika today. Mom and Dad have told me so much about her.   They said she is full of energy, constantly sharing her experiences and knowledge with everyone. They said she is just like that great Jim Carrey line in "The Mask", Auntie Erika is SMOKIN'!

In late afternoon I knew Auntie Erika was close. The sky started hazing over and there was a gentle smell of smoke in the air (see the reason for the smoke). Around 4 the haze thickened and the smell of smoke was really strong and acrid. About five minutes later I saw my Auntie E. for the first time.

WOW, is she a fireball! She immediately came over and gave me a big kiss and a huge hug. She said, "Sheeesh, she's so cute!"  Then she started telling me her life story, including what she ate at the movies last week, what type of toothpaste she uses (Dad, what's tooth paste?).

I think Auntie E. (Grumpy calls her Nooney-bird) is neat!! But I tell you what. She better stop playing with me like I am a doll or stuffed animal. I AM A LIVING BABY AND I DON"T LIKE BEING HANDLED ROUGHLY, yet!!

Around 6:30 Auntie C. showed up. We ate dinner together, played, and watched the final episode of Seinfeld. I didn't much like that episode. It was kinda dumb. I went upstairs, ate my midnight snack and bedded down for the night. Mom kissed me goodnight for you Dad.


Now this was an interesting day. Auntie E. slept till 10. I had already eaten two meals by the time she managed to open her eyes and see the smoke. Yep, the smoke was still around. It didn't clear up until noon. Then the bright blue sky of Texas arrived again.

Mom and Auntie took me for a trip in Auntie's car. We went to see Nonna at her lab, and she showed me off to all her friends. They all thought I was cute. Even Dr. Ford played with me. I guess I reminded him of his grandkid.

After the trip we returned to the old homestead. I had worked up a pretty good appetite and had a huge meal. Boy, was it good. There is nothing like milk to set you straight for the rest of the day! Right Dad? I just didn't have the cereal in a bowl, yet.

Later, Nonna returned home and held me. She got pretty upset about something called a soapie and it not being recorded. Maybe mom can explain to me what a "soapie" is. I thought it was something used during my bath, but I don't ever remember my bath being recorded. Grumpy doesn't come into the bathroom with his camera while I am bathing. He is a gentleman.

We ate dinner, and then went into the office and played on the PC. Then I went upstairs and ate. Mom placed me into the playpen. Grumpy came up and made me smile a lot. He keeps calling me Tikki-Tik. Doesn't he know what my name is? Maybe you can straighten him out, Dad, when you see him again. Every time he calls me that Dog shows up and wants Grumpy to play with him.


We slept in Auntie C's room last night. I slept really well. When I woke up I ate, played a little with Mom and Auntie C. and E., then went downstairs to walk in the gardens with Grumpy. I got pretty sleepy smelling the flowers, chives, basil, cilantro, rosemary and other herbs. I noticed it was a very bright and sunny day, no haze lingering from Auntie E's arrival.

We are going to go do women's weekend work today, hit the shopping malls! Mom said she would have Nonna train me right, walk into every store, look at everything, and buy only what is a true bargain. She says if I learn as well as Nonna teaches me then, when I get married, my husband will accompany me only a few times until he gets bored. Then I can go to the shopping mall all by myself and spend all the time in the world all by myself, spending all our money.

Grumpy says that is what he does when he plays golf, he gets away from everything and relaxes. He also said he spends that time with nature, walking in the fairways and, quite often, taking a side trip to the woods looking for his golf ball.

Well, Nonna didn't come with us. She and Grumpy had chores to do around the house. Mom and Aunties C. and E. took me to a party. Before we went to the party I visited Auntie C's apartment for the first time. I ate a "big lunch" there, which means I probably won't want to eat dinner.

After my lunch we went to a sandwich shop for the adults to eat. Then our shopping spree began. First we went to buy bread at Empire Bakery. They are the only ones in the Dallas area that make bread the European way. Dad, every time you and I go into Dallas we need to stop and buy some of the bread and take it to Nonna. She loves it sooo much! It will make her sooo happy, just like when you hold me and make me happy.

Then we stopped at FAO Swartz in Northpark to buy my little cousins birthday presents. Auntie E. bought me some dark glasses so my eyes wouldn't hurt in the sun. They are also to keep folks from recognizing me, just like the movie stars.

We finally arrived at cousin Nancy Dudley's apartment and I met a bunch of cool people. And you know what, Dad, they are all related to us. There was Cousin Nancy G., Cousin Nancy D., Cousin Brock, Cousin Taylor, Cousin Ward, Cousin Paul, Cousin Mack, and my great Great Auntie Ann and Great Uncle Alex (I'm named after him don't ya know - at least that's what he tells me). Aunt Ann fed me. She is so neat! I bet she can tell me all kinds of funny stories about Grumpy when he was my age.

I was ogled and ahhh'd over during the entire time at the party. They love me so much! Anyway, I don't want to get too mushy. After the party we went shopping again for baby clothes.  Mommy and the Aunts took me out in my stroller for a walk around Highland Park Village (Auntie C said it has the best Baby Gap in town). Then we stopped at Hagendaas for ice cream Mommy and Aunties ate ice cream. Well, after the ice cream we stopped by Toys R Us and bought some things for me like diaper wipes and pacifiers.

I was gettin' pretty tired by this time AND HUNGRY so we returned home. We ate, then Mom, Nonna and Aunties left me with Grumpy while they went to the movies. As soon as they left I got a little scared. I started to cry. Grumpy fed me, burped me, and changed me twice. I kept crying even though I love my Grumpy. I can't remember ever being without you or Mom. Anyway, Grumpy tried everything. He walked me around the house gently patting me on the back, hugging me, singing to me (that may have been the worst part of it all), he even took me walking in the gardens. Nothing would calm me down.

He kept checking to see if I, how do I put this delicately, was mussed-up. After awhile he put me in the swinging chair. It didn't help any, I still was missing you and Mom. Grumpy finally put me in my stroller and I went to sleep. I slept for about an hour, then it was time to eat again.

Grumpy woke me about 11:30 and started feeding me. Grumpy told me Mom had stepped out for a little relaxation and would be returning soon. No sooner had he said that than we heard a rap-rap-rapping at the back door. IT WAS MOM!! Oh happy day. My world had returned to normal!! Grumpy handed me to Mom to finish feeding me. Mom and I went upstairs and went to bed. To punish Mom for leaving me I woke up early around 3.  (Mom was really tired since she didn't get to bed until 1:00).  I wanted Mom to suffer a little bit. Well, I will fill you in on the happenings for Sunday when I wake up.