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The Den

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Want to see what they are doing in Texas?

Last updated 05/11/98 1:30pm

 camera16.wmf (6024 bytes)Want to see Alexandra's baby pictures?

Welcome to our comfortable Den. The Den is where we relax, keep each other informed of what we are doing, look at photographs and tell funny little stories.

To visit a site simply place your cursor on one of the pictures above and click. It will take you to their room where they will talk to you and tell you stories.

By the way, the New York Yankees got lucky this year and actually won the World Series. Oh, well, Rangers, there is always next year, and the following year, and then the year after.....

Start spreading the word, we're leaving today.....


Room Last Updated
The Photo Album 04/26/98
Grandpa & Grandma 05/10/98
The Valley Folks 04/19/98
Our Grandkid 05/11/98 11:25am
The Single Girl 5/25/98
The College Kid 04/19/98
Gli Italiani 04/19/98


Email me at 110006.21@compuserve.com

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