Introductions are always first... so...
HELLO!!!! I am "Littledove"
(formerly "Sweetsugar")
my given name is Lisa... and I am glad that you came into my site. Actually my site isn't all that special... but does include some links to some awesome pages of family and friends... a few pics here and there, Have a few links to pages that I have done... (if there is anything that should have a link to it... and doesn't.. please email me and let me know and I will gladly add the link... I may have forgotten... *S*)
If you would like to have a link to your page added... feel free to email me... but I prefer that the sites are of viewing quality to ALL ages.... THANKS... *S*
you can go to my links page to follow links to some awesome pages done by friends... and to find a few done by myself.
feel free to email me .... I would love hearing from you....
please sign my guestbook... I enjoy all the comments everyone has to say.... And besides... it lets me know that you were one of the many that have visited my site.... *S*
thank you !!!
you are the
person that has pushed my buttons.....*S*
a special thank you goes to Tess for the use of her graphics...!!!!
you can check out her site by clicking above.