Welcome To The Plain View Farm Guestbook!

Paul Rangen - 03/24/99 01:53:47
My Email:paulj@hi-line.net
Your Belief: I believe in God
Your Church: Church of God
Favorite Verse: Proverbs 3: 5&6
Favorite Hymn: Great is Thy Faithfulness
Favorite Person: my wife Tess
Found us! How?: I'm related!


Erling Jordahl - 03/15/99 15:51:07
My Email:erling@inav.net
You r Belief: Lutheran
Your Church: Christ the King, Iowa City
Found us! How?: surfing

I have sent an e-mail to plainviewfarm2@webtv.net.

Joe and Estelle Rangen - 03/14/99 00:03:03
Your Belief: Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America
Your Church: Triumph LBCA Great Falls,Mt.
Need Prayer: To grow in grace & knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ
Favorite Verse: I John 1:9
Favorite Hymn: My Heart Is Longing To Praise MySavior
Favorite Person: The Lord Jesus Christ
Found us! How?: We're part of the Family

It has been so delightful to experience the Website. It's been stimulating to rethink our family history. it has been such a joy to realize how the Lord has led us by his mercy & grace.the christian heritage seems to be the secret of bringing up the children in the fear of the Lord & they in turn raise their children in the same atmosphere o christian love & concern. Thanks so much for the wonderful Website.

Jerri - 02/04/99 03:45:18
My URL:http: //www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2099
My Email:magelati@msn.com
Y our Belief: We are All One under God's hand
Your Church: My world
Need Prayer: Not today
Favorite Verse: None
Favorite Hymn: I'll Fly Away
Favorite Person: My husband
Found us! How?: Surfing

Just passing through, thought I would drink some of your tea (not a coffee drinker) and make myself at home here for a while!

DAN - 01/31/99 03:10:33
My Email:winnie@frontiernet.net
Your Belief: catholic
Your Church: St Peters
Need Prayer: not just now
Favorite Verse: John
Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace
Favorite Person: my daughter
Found us! How?: just looking

just stopped by to say hello

Jim - 01/30/99 21:25:48
My URL:http ://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/3571/
My Email:buzzed@velocity.netYour Church: First Assembly of God
Need Prayer: Knee surgery 2/9/ 1999
Favorite Hymn: He Lives
Found us! How?: Link from a GeoCities news letter Community Leader Heartland/Flats/9234/honorary/_family2.html


Joe and Estelle Rangen - 01/30/99 01:32:11


Margaret Mueller - 01/19/99 22:45:16

I finally made it here. I'm at school where I can get on the net, and will spend a minute browsing around in here. Looks neat, so far!

Tiger - 01/01/99 23:44:39
My URL:http://www.dtx.net/~tiger
Favorite Verse: The Book Of James
Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace
Favorite Person: My daughter
Found us! How?: another Guestbook

You have a nice group of pages *G* Happy New Year!!!

Mark W. Franks - 01/01/99 21:38:38
My URL:http:// www.angelfire.com/ak/csnet/index.html
My Email:Christnet1@aol.com
Your Belief: Christian: non-denom
Favorite Verse: all of them
Favorite Hymn: amazing grace
Favorite Person: Jesus
Found us! How?: invitation

Wow! what a site and labor of love! God bless you and all your labors in Christ.

Thomas W. (RedHeart) Peterson - 12/11/98 19:57:01
My URL:http://www.voicenet .com/~peterst
My Email:peterst@voicenet.com
Your Belief: Catholic
Your Church: St Timothys Catholic Church
Favorite Person: The Lord
Found us! How?: surfing

Thank you for the invite. Enjoyed reading about your family and part of the world. May you and you loved ones have a very peaceful and Merry Christmas. RedHeart

pamella - 12/11/98 05:00:44
Your Belief: christian
Favorite Verse: psalms
Favorite Hymn: at calvary
Favorite Person: Jesus
Found us! How?: Ron.


- 11/16/98 10:08:32
Found us! How?: A new question here

We want to know basically if a search engine led you, a friend, a relative, etc... to visiting our website, and this will help us by knowing.

Alvin Strand - 10/29/98 15:57:49
My Email:astrand@sk.sympatico. ca
Your Belief: C.L.B.A.
Your Church: Elim
Favorite Verse: Eph. 2:7
Favorite Hymn: Amazing Grace

Leroy S was our Pastor in S.D. years ago. I've been in ministry 39 years. Now living in Canada, but still favor the good old U.S.

Barbara Vorseth Benson - 10/06/98 19:14:58
My Email:BvorsethB@prodigy.com
Your Church: Lutheran
Favorite Hymn: How Great Thou Art
Favorite Person: My parents

I have spend several years collecting family history and sharing my findings with other cousins. I am happy to see these pages on the internet - Excellent Job. My Father, Selmer Vorseth and Alfred Stadem would have been first cousins. The Vorseth Farm was just south of the Stadem Farm.

gene morrison - 10/02/98 05:43:31
Your Church: new life center
Need Prayer: yes


Russell Del Von Schaefer - 10/01/98 22:04:29

Thanks to all the work involved putting together this web site. I'll be sharing the information obtained here with Be & Russ as letters are becomming harder to write to those family members of the Plain View Farm. I'll stay in touch....

PAUL RANGEN - 09/29/98 19:39:02

< b>Comments:

Judy and Richard Reichert - 09/29/98 12:31:12
My URL: /NapaValley/Vineyard/3765/
My Email:reichertfam@webtv.net

Wonderful website, very professional. Really enjoyed the story of your family.

John Stroupe - 09/22/98 01:59:39
My Email:jrsrock@concentric.net

Very good Ron, Thanks for the tip

Erin M. Weyerich - 09/14/98 19:08:40
My Email:ErinStLou@aol.com
Your Belief: Christian


Keri - 09/04/98 05:28:41
Your Church: Baptist
Favorite Person: grandmother


BERTINE EGGE - 09/03/98 22:53:22
Your Belief: IN GOD
Your Church: LUTHERAN
Need Prayer: Guidence in my daily life.
Favorite Verse: John 3:16
Favorite Hymn: Jesus Loves Me
Favorite Person: Love Everyone

This is Amazing, thanks to Ron.

Opal Moniz - 09/02/98 16:40:59
My URL: http://members.tripod.com/~hawaiinancy_2/index.html
My Email:nanbi@webtv.net
You r Belief: Christian
Favorite Verse: John 3:16
Favorite Hymn: Rock of Ages

nice site you have here. You're very creative; keep up the good work. Please visit my site for some nice Hawaii links. Friends, Opal

Laurence Kirby - 08/31/98 20:33:54
My Email:drygulch1@webtv.netYour Belief: Baptist
Favorite Person: Eva Kirby


Connie Jordan - 08/31/98 17:23:14
My URL:http://blank
My Email:Conjor@webtv.net
Y our Belief: Christian
Your Church: Church of Christ
Need Prayer: No
Favorite Verse: Behold I show you a mystery.
Favorite Hymn: Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Favorite Person: Jesus Christ

I haven't looked at the page yet. I was in DeSmet, S.Dakota only a few weeks ago. My family stayed at the Bed and Breakfast Inn and toured the Laura Ingals Wilder places. It was wonderful to be where she and her family were. We stayed in what was the "Banker's House" in the book "The Long Winter". The people in the area treated us very well. We were glad we came!

pattie mosure/steve patten - 08/30/98 21:59:18

Hi Ginthers: Took awhile before I could figure out how to get to you but finally made it. Very nice. I think now I will go to the parlor. Thanks for the invite. See you next month

Kathy - 08/12/98 14:35:19
My URL:http:/ /www.geocities.com/heartland/flats/9226
My Email:JayzKat@hotmail.comYour Belief: Baptist
Your Church: New Corinth Baptist

Great spiritual site, I will continue to visit your site for enlightenment. I am a neighbor of yours at flats. Visit my site and lets become sociable Kathy

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