Born in Bohemia
Frank Kamis born - 29 May 1864 in Bohemia died - 16 January 1923 in
Cleveland, Ohio married
Mary "Marie"
Bubna on 12 September 1891 at Brooklyn City Hall, volumre 36 page 179.
Born 8 April 1864 in Bohemia, died 12 June 1943 at the age of 79yr 2mo 4
da in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Both are buried in Lakeview Cemetery
section 15 lot 332
1. Helen Kamis born - 29 November 1894 in
Cleveland,Ohio died - 22 January 1983 at the age of 88 in
Cleveland, Ohio
married #1 Frank Anis died 26 February 1971 in Cleveland, Ohio
married #2 Charles
Fort ( son of Anton Fort and Pauline Krivacek) 4 June 1917 in
Cleveland Cuyahoga County, Ohio volume 104 page 482, born 1895
in Bohemia died 18 February 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio
1. Pauline Fort ( from 1st wife )
2. Anthony Fort ( from 1st wife )
2. George Kamis born 27 September 1897 in Cleveland, Ohio
died 18 January 1975 in Cleveland,
Married Blanche Krial, (daughter of Victor Krial and
Mary Kiefer), on 2 June 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio volume 153 page 178,
born 1905 in Cleveland, Ohio died 18 May 1965 in Cleveland, Ohio buried in
Calvery Cemetery
No Children:
3. Robert Paul Kamis born - 5 March 1902 in Cleveland,
Ohio died 9 May 1980 at the age of 78 in
Cleveland, Ohio
Married Marie Khas
( daughter of Charles Khas and Marie Soubusta) on 26 October 1935 in
Cleveland, Ohio born 10 May 1907 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, died
20 April 1967 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio at the age of 59, both
buried in Highland Park Cemetery, section 15 lot 332
1. Frank C. Kamis born 3 August 1940 in
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
married Shirley Ann Smith
2. Barbara Kamis born 22 May 1943 in
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
married Dennis Chinich
3. Mary Jane Kamis born 9 October 1947
in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
married Stejpan (Stephen) Igrec ( not in Cuyahoga
County )
1. Kathleen Marie Igrec born 11 November 1977 in Cleveland, Ohio
NOTE 2. John Robert Igrec born 7 June 1979
in Cleveland, Ohio
4. Roberta Kamis born 28 July 1950 in
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio
married #1 Michael DeLaat 30 August 1974
married #2 Hugh Melvin Matteson 6
February 1993
a. Michelle Marie DeLaat
born 13 October 1977
b. Leslie Lynn DeLaat born
20 February 1981
4. Henry Thomas Kamis born - 5 March 1902 in Cleveland,
Ohio died 19 September 1981 in Cleveland, Ohio
Married Irene Bartko
( daughter of Joseph Bartko and Elizabeth Stropko )on 21 October 1934 in
Cleveland, Ohio born 1908 in Cleveland, Ohio died 23 October 1958
1. Thomas Kamis
married Margaret Grau
2. Peter Kamis
married #1 Donna Stumph
married #2 Wilhelmina
3. Mary Kamis
Frank Z. Wickham
4. Helen Kamis
married Edward
5. Joseph Kamis born 25 December
5. Charles Kamis born 1895 died 1900
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Kathleen is a student at Hiram College and has had a lot of write ups in
the local newspaper as in the one that follows:
Piano fine-tuned speech, listening
Growing up hearing impaired, Kathleen Igrec wondered if she
would ever fit in with the hearing world, be able to speak normally or have
a conversation knowing fully what the other person was saying.
Now, Igrec laughs because she can do all of these things despite
being born with only 20 percent of normal hearing.
With the help of a technologically advanced hearing aid, and
her ability to read lips, sign and speak, the channels of total communication
are open to her.
Yet this Hiram College sophomore can never forget her 20 year
Every time a telephone rings, for instance, Igrec can remember
how she was not able to carry on a private conversation until last year,
when a new hearing aid eliminated an echo effect and the need for family
members to repeat what a caller said to her.
"Most people wouldn't even know I'm hearing-impaired now." Igrec
She said the challenges definitely made her a stronger person.
At Lakewood High School, she was in mainstream classes and was a member of
the National Honor Society, the National Spanish Honor Society, and the soccer
and gymnastics teams.
Due in part to these activities, Igrec earned a scholarship
last summer from the Alezxander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, which
seeks to improve opportunities for the hearing-impaired. She was one of 80
scholarship students selected from the United States and abroad.
Igrec serves as Hiram's Spanish Club president and is involved
in the Volunteer Association, Students for Environmental Action and a dance
group. She even takes time to speak to young people with hearing losses about
adapting to the normally hearing world
Igrec was born deaf after her mother had a case of German measles
during pregnancy, but no one realized her impairment until nursery school,
when teachers noticed Igrec rarely responded to them. Hearing tests confirmed
their suspicions and Igrec's mother looked for help.
She did not have to go far. A program for the hearing-impaired
existed within the Lakewood schools.
Igrec mastered sign language even before entering elementary
school. However, her parents and brother never learned to sign. So she was
forced to learn to talk.
Igrec received speech therapy first through the Cleveland Clinic
Foundation and then through the Lakewood program.
Improvements in Igrec's speech came gradually until her mother
introduced the piano into her life at 9 years old, and tremendous changes
in her speech and listening skills occurred.
Music forced her to focus on the sounds she produced and whether
she played the right notes. Listening to the notes helped her learn how to
concentrate on hearing the way she spoke.
"My speech was clearer and people could understand me better,"
Igrec said.. "I barely had to repeat things anymore."
Igrec can now play the flute, millophone, and cormet as well,
despite not being able to hear many of her mistakes.
"Instead of striving to be superior, I just attempt to be the
very best I, myself, can become," Igrec said.
"Without music, I would still be trapped in a world of silence,"
she said.
Today, she is well on her way to earning a degree in Cultural
Anthropology and Spanish. Graduate degrees, research and even the Peace Corps
are possibilities in her future.
"Life is always going to be a learning process," she said. The
key for her is to never use her impairment as an excuse.
"A lot of times I wonder what would have happened to me if I
went the path of just signing," Igrec said. "I probably wouldn't have had
a chance in the world."
Taken from the Cleveland Plain Dealer, 6 February 1998
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