The first time I saw Stranger was at Livestock1, I was 16. I didn't know anything about the band at the time all I know is I was addicted from that day on. I bought a stanger cd and listened to it non stop til..hell I still find myself listening to it..that was 11 years ago. I felt like they deserved to have a tribute page. I built this page after Ronnies' unfortunate death. To keep him alive in memory not just for me but for stranger fans everywhere.

I recorded parts of some of your favorite songs, as you know napster didn't survive and quite frankly I think if the band doesn't get anything from you downloading songs here..well can do. I only have a couple of cds up at the moment beacause it takes time and effort to record them sorry..
Click the cd cover to hear sound clips..

If you would like to buy stranger cds..if you can make it to a torpedo show, Greg has copies of stranger cds sometimes. Otherwise .. click here If the one you want isn't there try

check out stickman's stranger site
click here
