What Friendships Mean to Me?
By Speedy aka MJ
Your FRIENSHIP is special to me. Of
acquaintances, there are many,
Of casual friends, there are many, But CLOSE friends---they are
Friendship, its not the BIG things that stand
out, its the many, many
SMALL things that show how much you care.
A friendship gives the definition to that old phrase "the
good life."
Friends don't have to say hello or good-bye.
Friends will take and accept you for who you
They help to stretch you and help you to see things in a new
Our friendship is one of GOD"S gift
designed and the most important
thing we share is our fatih. Let's pledge to remind each
Other of GOD'S love.
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship
is to understand and to be understood.
It is one of the blessings of old friends that
you can afford
to be stupid with them and a Faithful friend is an
Image of GOD.
This is what friendship and being friends mean
to me: that it is a gift from GOD
that i can be myself, that i can talk about whatever, and that i
you will always be there for me and I for you.
(some of these sayings were taken out of a book
called: "Fresh-Cut Flowers for a
Friend" :by Dianna Booher)
Music By: Gilbert
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