These Are Our Kid's

Since we can't have any kids after 22 years of marriage, we
decided to have CATS. We have 2 of them and they are
very special to us. They keep us on our toes LOL. They act
just like kids. They are both part Maine Coon Cats. They both
have the big ears trait, and both have markings like a racoon around
their tails.

Here is a little bit about each one with some pictures.

CHICO he is the oldest of the 2
He is 15 years old, he has a very fluffy tail with the markings on there as a
raccoon. His ears have the trait of that being Maine coon BIG. He is very
Long, lean and under his belly he has long fur. Finally here is a couple of
pictures of him.

SUNNY he is our youngest cat and my shadow
He is 13 years old and he just loves to be petted all the time.
He has white and yellow fur and his disposition is Sunny, thus
His name. He also has the marking around his tail like that of a
Racoon, just like his big brother. Sunny loves to follow me around and loves
to sleep down at my feet. Here are some pictures of Sunny.

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Music By: Gilbert Barreto


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