by Speedy aka MJ 1992
What does the word HARMONY mean?
In Webster's dictionary it says this: accord or agreement in
Manner, actions-to live in harmony with each other and with
It also means an INTERNAL CALM and MUSICAL agreement of
Sounds, such as what the choir should make.
Have you ever felt out of whack or out of tune
or out of harmony with the
LORD or with someone else or with just life itself?
Well this I am sure has happened to all of us at one time or
another and
Wonder " how can I get that harmony back with GOD or with
someone else or even with yourself?"
How do we achieve this harmony with CHRIST?
1) for me I am learning to depend on the LORD for everything. He
gives me just what I need at the time. Look at PHILIPPIANS 4:19
it says "But my GOD shall supply all your need according to
his riches
in glory by Christ Jesus."
There is a song called, "He Knows Just what I need" and
it goes along with this devotional.
Verse 1-My Jesus knows when I am lonely; He knows each pain; he
sees each tear, He understands each lonely heartache, he
understand and always cares. My Jesus knows just what I need. Oh
yes, he knows just what I need.
He satisfies and every need supplies, Yes He knows just what I
Verse 2: My Jesus knows when I am burdened; He knows how much my heart can bear, He lifts me up when I am sinking and brings me joy beyond complete.
Verse 3: When other friends seem to forget me,
when skies are dark, when hope seems gone, By faith I feel His
arms about me. And hear Him say
"you're not alone"
My Jesus knows just what I need. Oh yes He knows just what I
need. He satisfies and every need supplies yes He knows just what
I need. He satisfies and every need supplies yes He knows, my
Jesus knows what I need,
Jesus knows."
By reading the BIBLE and understanding what GOD
is trying to tell me and you. By praying or memorizing scripture
and by worshipping him when the doors are open. BY my letting
CHRIST in I have an internal calmness with HIM and any situations
that comes my way, I know I can handle it with the LORD.
Sometimes if there is unconfessed sin, then I wont be in HARMONY
with Christ. It is very important to all of us to use I JOHN 1:9
and that says:
"If we confess our sins; he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
When we do sin, then this broken harmony will once be restored
2)" How do we achieve being in harmony
with other people?"
In I PETER 3:8, it says this: "Finally, be ye all of one
mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be
pitiful, be courteous."
This one is a little harder to do because there
can be problems between each other. When there are problems
between believers in CHRIST, then we lose that harmony and we
don't have peace that should be there.
The best way I know how to achieve this harmony is to:
1) completely talk out the problem, to reach a goal that we both
can agree upon
2) you have to learn to compromise and I know that this isn't
easy for some to do, but it does help and if you don't have some
kind of compromise then the problem will continue.
3) Believe me I know. My hubby taught me how to compromise in our
marriage and for me that was so hard to do because I was never
taught that. Whew lol
4) Also by using the fruit of the spirit. GAL. 5:22-23; "but
the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such
there is no law."
All these fruit of the Spirit will help us to control our anger
at someone and teaches us to be gentle when dealing when there
isn't any harmony between them.
If we can do these things, as I am doing, then we can achieve this harmony with each other and this will bring about how to live with each other in harmony with CHRIST and other people we cant seem to really like or get along with.
In closing I would like to say that CHRIST has been working in my life to bring me back into focus on HIM. But also teaching me how to live in harmony with everyone, even the one that I have problems with.
So are you in HAMRNOY with CHRIST and with
other people?
"What Should Be Our Virtures"
by Speedy aka MJ
Aug., 8, 2002
In II Peter 1:3-14 it says that we must have these things or we
should add them to our:
Faith and to Faith is Virture and to Virture Knowledge and to
Knowledge Self-Control and to Self-Control perserverance and to
Godliness and to Godliness Brotherly Kindness and to
Kindness is Brotherly Love.
If we didnt have these things we wouldnt be barren-or
idleness-nor be unfaithful. We need those things to add to our
life and to the
knowledge of our LORD and SAVIOR. We must abound
in these things and what would happen if we are lacking these
a) we will be shortsighted
b) be blinded spiritual
c) or will we forget what the LORD has done for us and cleansed
us from our sins.
I have noticed this is how we wont stumble if we keep these
things but also in COL 3:5-17
that if we do these things like:
a)lie b)fornication c) uncleanness d) passion
e) evil desires) f) swearing g) idolatry h)
i) wrath j) mailce k) blasphemy
We will not be pleasing to the LORD if we continue in these
things. For me and I am sure
there are others that have done some of these or maybe someone is
in the grip of Satan,
and feels that they/we/me cannot be freed from this. So how do we
put these things off by:
putting on the new man (getting rid of the old one) by renewing
the knowledge of and
replacing those things with these things:
a) tender mercies b) kindness c) humility
d) meekness e) long suffering f) forgivenss
g) love which is the bond of perfection.
Only GOD'S peace will come and will rule in our hearts if we let
GOD'S word sink in to help
us put these things on and to put off the old man. GODS wisdon
will help us by: teaching us;
admonishing us, in psalms, hymns, spiritual songs and do
everything in JESUS name.
It goes on in ROMANS 12:9-17 that our love should be with
hypocrisy, to cling what is
good but to abhor evil, to give honor in preferences to each
other but don't
lag in dilligence. Be fervent in spirit always serving the LORD;
always rejoicing in
hope but have lots of patience in tribulation by constant prayers
or praying to help those
in needs and to give hospitality.
How can be bless those who perscute you? by doing the tings
above. We as Christians should
never curse someone, but rejoice with them or if they cry ,cry
with them. Show them that
JESUS CHRIST loves them. This will be shown through us if we have
these virtures instilled
in our daily walk and life. Last do set our things on high but be
How can we do all of this? By studying the BIBLE to see what the
LORD tells us to do
by praying; this is a very effective way of showing someone you
care for them
by encouraging each other; by calling to see if they need
anything or send them a note in the
mail or a small care package and so forth. By doing what the LORD
wants us to do.
For me I am working on things one at a time because I know that
the LORD has begun
a newwork in me and that one day it will be complete when i see
JESUS in heaven.
How about You?
by Speedy aka MJ July 17, 2001
In COLONIANS 3:2 it says this "Set your mind (affection) on
things above
not on things on the earth." We are to set our minds on
things above, that
means GODLY or HEAVENLY things and not on things of this WORLD or
We are to keep seeking these GODLY things with all of our hearts,
minds and soul.
MATTHEW 22:37 say "Jesus saind unto him, thou shalt LOVE the
LORD thy GOD with all the HEART, and with all thy SOUL and with
all thy MIND."
Well just how do we do this? Seeking with our minds. Well first
off in
ROMANS 12:2 it says this "Be ye NOT conformed to this world,
but be ye transformed by the RENEWING of your mind, that ye may
prove what is that good
and acceptable will of GOD." This verse is very powerful
thing to do, but
it is also the hardest thing to do because of our mind set our
flesh gets in the way. HE wants us to keep our minds on heavnly
things, not on our flesh whcih gets us into all sorts of trouble.
For example: for me, my mind has been like the double minded man
of JAMES 1:8 which says "the double minded man is unstable
in all his ways."
I myself has gotten this way, unstable, espeically in my MIND.
You see
there is a spiritual battle goes on in there. Flesh against the
Spirit. Being this double minded person will make you unstable in
all ways of your life. To me my mind is like what it says in
ROMANS 8:6 "the mind set is on the flesh (means spiritual
death ) and if my mind or yours is on the Spirit--(then we will
have life and peace)
Oh i am sure a lot of us are like this or have this spiritual
going on in your life and minds, our thought life and this battle
is for
our soul my soul as to where i can and will spend eternity. I
know i am saved, i accepted JESUS as SAVIOR back in 1986, but
never really
understood what it meant. As a result of our battle so to speak,
we can cause a brother to stumble in many ways or to cause
ourselves to stumble as well. I always thought i was the only one
that ever thought like this.
But you know what!!! I am learning to give everything to GOD
because HE
is the only ONE that can truly help you change your mind, your
thoughts to be more like HIM. In PROVERBS 8:17 " I will love
those who love me, and those who seek me early shall find
So what are the results when we truly SEEK the LORD to help us
our mind set to be like HIM? we will want to give these things
lying, sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, strife, wrath,
anger, drunkenness, envy, jealousy and so forth.
Just think of what you will have when we do give these over to
Which mind set do you have? Which one would you prefer to have?
A GODLY (HEAVENLY) mind set or the EARTHY (FLESHLY) one.
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