To all of my cyberfriends

Our Chrtismas Message

May the Christmas Spirit fill your heart
With love and joy today
To bring you peace and happiness
In every special way.

May the memories of Christmases
Glow warmly in your heart
Where the cherished old traditions
Ever play a vital part.

May the day be extra special
With the beauty of some snow
May the sunshine make it sparkle
And bring a festive glow.

May the candles, bells and holly,
The cards and gifts and flowers
Fill the day with cheerfulness
And lovely happy hours.

May those you love surround you
To share your Christmas day;
May the blessings of the season
Come in your life to stay.

written by Harriet Whipple

Come and have some cookies and
hot cocco with us. May GOD bless
each and everyone of you that come here.


You are the to visit this page. Thank you.

Music By: Gilbert Barreto