History of Kiwanis International

And Spokane Valley Kiwanis

History of Kiwanis International

Kiwanis was founded in Detroit, Michigan, January 21, 1915. The orignal
name was the "Benevolent Order of Brothers," and its original purpose
was the mutual exchange of preferred treatment in professional and
business dealings. In 1916 Kiwanis extended into Canada. Not until 1962
did it serve outside these two nations.

Spokane Valley Kiwanis

The Spokane Valley Kiwanis club was formed in the early 1970's by a
group of existing Kiwanis members who desired a breakfast meeting.
Since then, it has grown to become one of the largest and most active
clubs in the Spokane area. Current membership is 55 to 60, and represents
a broad range of ages, careers, and life experiences. Spokane Valley
Kiwanis is one of the twelve Kiwanis clubs that work together in
Spokane County.

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