Welcome to The Lion's Den

Hello, I'm Leo Lawton

This is mostly a Genealogy page, but you never know what else you may find.

I am a descendent of Thomas LAWTON, who along with his brother George, appeared in Rhode Island in 1638. Their known ancestors go back to about 1500, give or take a year or two. Their descendents number in the thousands, and are scattered all over the United States. I am aware of dozens of these LAWTON families, as well as many associated clans all over the world. About 1789 Oliver/Anne Lawton decided the grass was greener over in New York State, and the State was selling land confiscated from loyal subjects of the king in the recent Revolutionary War. They popped on over, and bought a chunk of what was known as the Royal Grant, and wound up with half a dozen kids. A couple of the kids stayed in Herkimer Co around the folks, and a couple more went to Oswego County, while still a couple more went to Jefferson County. I descend from Benjamin who was in Jefferson county prior to 1830.

If you have any questions about the LAWTON name drop me a line, and I'll try to answer them.

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