
Ferret Rescue of Spokane

Hi! I am Tracy Kilmer and I operate F.R.O.S. The purpose of Ferret Rescue of Spokane is to care for all hurt, unwanted, sick, stray (specializing in Strays), unplacable ferrets, and ferrets that owners no longer want, or can no longer care for. To help stop anti-ferret legeslation, overpopulation,cruelty, abuse of ferrets and careless breeding practices. To help give Spokane, Washington and close lying area ferret owners assistance in any way possible with things such as ferret sitting, up-to-date published medical information and any information to help inform people of and on the domestic ferret(Mustela Putorius Furo). We also do humane education on ferrets for schools, nursing homes, and adult assisted living homes. Ferret Rescue of Spokane is recognized by the Spokane Humane Society, American Ferret Association, the Animal Rescue Coalition, and by many other Veterinarians, owners of ferrets and some selected pet shops. I have been rescuing ferrets since 1991. This last year I have seen a real need to publicize F.R.O.S. so no more ferrets get needlessly destroyed or mistreated or abused for any reason.

Ferret Rescue of Spokane is a NOT FOR PROFIFIT organization. Most of the ferrets that are rescued live their lives out with us because they are unplaceable due to things such as health, age, and temperment. But those who can be placed in new homes are so placed after their holding time. Any help that Ferret Rescue can get is greatly appreciated. I woild love to have help with excercising and bathing. I would love to help someone else learn about ferrets. Any donations of food, litter, bedding, cages or anything, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking time out to read about Ferret Rescue. For more information on us or ferrets please contact us at 509-487-1796. No question is a stupid question!!!!! Use the link below for more information and pics of my ferrets!

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