
Brand Ferrets

Hello! This is Don & Jolene Brands Ferret page. We are located in Spokane, Washington. We enjoy having ferrets they bring us many hours of fun and enjoyment! Ferret Math always strikes in our home. our view is the more the merrier! Forget T.V. just bring out a few and have hours of laughter and entertainment.

Well if you havent guessed by now were breeders and enjoy sharing our found fun with everyone! We specialize in Kits & Breeders & Stud Services. We have many colors available and continously add new colors and lines to our stock. We enjoy helping new breeders get started and teach birthing classes. All of our kits are hand birthed and hand raised. Starting from day one they are handled to ensure people friendly and lovable pets! We provide all kits with up to date shots and guarentee them. The best thing We believe is making sure that everyone gets the most information about ferrets that they can gleen from us. Thats why we are proud members of the Washington State Ferret Association. For more info on ferrets or the Washington State Ferret Association you can call 509-465-9989.

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dark_bullet Washington State Ferret Association

dark_bullet American Ferret Association

dark_bullet International Federation of Ferret Breeders
