Hi my name is Jamie McDevitt and I was born Dec. 10, 1950 so that makes me a ?? year old widow. I have 4 children, 3 boys and a girl, 4 grandsons, a granddaughter and 2 cats. Some of the things I enjoy are motorcycle riding, horseback riding, bowling, dancing, listening to music, going out with friends, spending time with family and my big passion right now shooting pool. I belong to an all ladies league on Monday night and am president of the league. You can also find me on yahoo in Boardwalk playing canasta there in the league Canasta Knights under sassylady_is_lost.
I also enjoy collecting things. I have 11 "Norman Rockwell" Figurines and 4 ornaments, plus I collect "Santa's of the World" at present I have 29. But my main passion is carousel horses. I have 44 musical horses, 4 plates, a copper 3-D picture, a door stop, 3 pictures, a fountain, 2 clocks, a key chain and my checks also have carousel horses on them. And I am still collecting them. BTW got 4 more for christmas

About My Site

Well right now it will be undergoing a major overhaul. I have been playing with psp 7 and have learned to make backgrounds, images, snowglobes and sigs. I will be updating and making new pages to hold my creations so check back often to see what i have added.
If you would like to contact me you can e-mail me at jamiemac83@hotmail.com

These are just a few from my collection


And They Made This a Law

Texas State Representative Jim Kaster introduced a bill requiring anyone wanting to commit a crime to tell the future victim at least twenty-four hours in advance- and to notify them of the right to use deadly force.

If you're packing a warhead, stay out of Chico, California. This city has a ban on nuclear weapons - with a $500 fine for anyone setting off a nuclear bomb within the city limits.

A bill was almost passed by California State Assembly saluting Yellowstone National Park as one of California's major tourist attractions. One problem: Yellowstone is in Idaho' Montana and Wyoming.

A Great Britain law makes it illegal for trucks to drive under bridges that are too low for them to drive under.


An officer in Nashville, Tennessee, responded to a burglar alarm at a convenience store. Within moments his K-9 partner had located the perpetrator, but the officer could not figure out how the man got into the store. When he asked, the culprit led hime to a small missing windowpane. The officer could not believe the man could get through such a small opening, but brainus minimus insisted he had. The more the officer protested the more the crook insisted that he was "that good". Finally the break-in artist insisted that if the officer didn't believe him, he should take a look at the restaurant three blocks away. "I broke in there earlier tonight...through an even smaller windowpane!"

A genius in Hamburg had concocted a nifty scam. He would park alongside a motorway and take potshoys at passing cars. Then he would send a note to the local government, threatening to continue the random shootings intil his demands were met. Instead of giving in to the extortionist's demands, however, the local detectives used a simple child's trick to locate and arrest him. The extortion letter had been written by hand on notepad paper. By gently rubbing the surface with the side of a lead pencil, they were able to detect the last thing the extortionist had written on the pad before the note-including, as if by magic, his name, address, and phone number. All they had to do then was to drive by and pick him at the address he had provided them with.


1. People who ask you what time it is when they can see that you
   are not wearing a watch. 
2. People who double park blocking the road when there is a
   parking space right next to them.
3. Nurses who wake you up to give you a sleeping pill.
4. When you answer the phone and the person on the other end says 
   "who is this?" well who did you call idiot.
5. When someone asks "do you work here?" and you are wearing
   a name tag that clearly identifies you as an employee.
6. When you are eating and someone asks you if your finished. If
   I was finished I wouldn't still be eating would I?
7. Small minded people.
8. People who judge you by what you look like not who you are
9. Drivers who pull into the passing lane and then do 40 miles an hour
10.When the phone rings and you answer to hear a recorded message say 
   "we have an important message for you but all our operators are 
   busy" well then it can't be that important
11.Forgetting to cut the tag off a blouse or dress and finding it has 
   been hanging out all evening and nobody told you.


1. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.
2. Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone. 

**coming soon
**coming soon

**coming soon

Other Fun Links

My Canasta League
My Son's Page
Jack's Page
a must see for nascar fans


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