Ok, I guess I should start with a little info about me. My name is Paula, and I a SAHM to 3. Mariah is 12, Cody is 10, and Casey James is 5. I have been home with the kids since before Mariah was born. I have had a great time being home with them, but I do enjoy my time alone now that they are all in school LOL.

In my spare time I like to scrapbook, make web graphics and read. I also love to play Word Whomp on AOL and IM with my online friends.

I have been married to a wonderful man named Ira for almost 14 years now. I thank God every day for bringing him to me!

I was planning on going back to work this year, because Casey started kindergarten; but after a lot of thought and prayer, I decided against it. The main reason is that I did not think it was fair to him. I had always been available for the other 2, so how could I not for him? I didn't want to miss his first Kindergarten play, his Christmas parties, etc. 


I am also a member of a few e-mail loops. Mom's and Boy's has been my biggest support in the past year and a half. They are a great group of girls.

I do volunteer a lot at the kids school. I am the Apple Corp Coordinator. My main job is to organize parents when help is needed by the teachers. I also got my certificate to substitute teach. So I am doing that part time to earn some money.

I believe that friends are so important in everyday life. I find myself with just a few IRL friends that I count on daily. These are friends I count on through thick and thin! Thanks Gals!!!

The internet has opened such a wonderful avenue for making friends. Some of my closest friends are ones I met online. Right after getting the computer in 1996 I met a fellow adoptee named Kim. A year later I even flew to CA and stayed with her and her family for 8 days. It was great! You can read about our trip here.

We have attended a wonderful church called Calvary Chapel for 5 years now. Ira plays keyboards in one of the church's bands. We really enjoy it and the kids love the kids program. Mariah attends the youth group now and is a great place to grow in the word and make good friends. 

Jesus Loves You!!!!

 Oct 31, 2001

Things are going good this month. The kids have settled into school and are doing wonderful. Casey just loves Kindergarten, Mariah is adjusting to Jr. high and Cody just loves his teacher and is on he way to AB honor roll!

I am still having a few health problems. I finally got my MRI results, seems I have 2 cysts in my sinus cavities. There is also a spot on my right brain that they are worreid about. I have to take meds to stop the headaches from coming and have another MRI in 3 months.It's in God's hands now. 

Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your stay. I hope you will take the time to visit my other pages.The kids pages REALLY need to be updated, that's my next project LOL. You can meet the rest of my family using the links below. God bless!!! Paula
