I am the proud single mother
of two wonderful dirt magnets. I was born in the state of confusion but now reside in the state of Texas. Everthing I enjoy is pictured here on this page, well not everything, some pictures just can't be posted. But this will give you some idea of "what makes me purrrrrrrr."

The money that Michael Jordan makes. Wednesday nights with Southpark

Now Harley Davidson's is a passion like no other. How would I describe the feeling with just one word?.......FREEDOM!

I enjoy fireworks and the ooooh's and aaahhhhh's that erupt from the watching crowd. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love thunderstorms. I open all the windows and doors and just lay there watching and listening.

Chatting with my good friends helps relieve the tension of everyday reality. Well what can I say about Tigers, they are the Cat of all Cats to me, sleek, graceful, gorgeous yet deadly. (like me..hahaha)

Speed Racer is an addiction that I have had for 28 years. I watch him every night, sing along with the song, and scream with them as tragedy strikes, waiting for Racer X to race to the rescue.

I love all sports. I played baseball for 3 years, fast pitch softball for 8 years, and still play slow pitch softball every chance i get. I coach my sons T-ball team. I believe Monday nights were made for Football. My favorite is the San Franciso 49's. In baseball, well, that would have to be the Houston Astro's. Now the NBA, well this is the sport that really gets me jumping. I have been a fan of the Houston Rockets since I was old enough to know what a basketball was. To me Rudy T and his men will always be #1 in my heart. Pictured here are my favorite two Rockets, do you recognize them?