Have a look, and enjoy!!!

Suzie - 03/20/00 23:53:04
My URL:/Heartland/5289/index.html
My Email:kersey@sound.net
State: Missouri
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live to Serve!
Wow! I've never seen a page like this! It's really nice and helpful. Thank you. Come check out my page sometime! Have a wonderful day!

Apachee - 11/27/99 11:30:13
My URL:http://nevadagold.net
My Email:leadron@mpsi.net
State: dallas,texas
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: yes
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: las vegas
Your Favorite Sports Team?: dallas cowboys
great page...beautiful work... loved it... keep it up .. will check back .. love ya beautiful

Venuss - 10/25/99 14:37:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Channel/7016/index.html
My Email:justven@hotmail.com
State: Virginny
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: just live
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: anyplace but here
Your Favorite Sports Team?: guys
Hey girl where have you been????? I need you to op in my room its time to chat again come to nevada gold and see all your friends who miss you!!!!!!!! Love ya Ven

sweetd - 10/22/99 13:42:06
My Email:you know
State: TX
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Ride to ride ... live to live
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: all ova da place
Your Favorite Sports Team?: 'stros
miss ya gorgeous ... email soon.

BassMan - 08/23/99 01:55:56
Hi , just wondering how you was doing .Hope everyone is ok thier . Take Care

Venuss - 08/08/99 18:52:31
My Email:justven@hotmail.com
State: Virginia
hey Kitten where are you???????? email me girlfriend!!!!!!! Love your page

Romy - 04/28/99 11:21:25
My Email:milton@bytehead.com
State: WI
Hi Just seen your update,realy like the missing children notice you added. Wish I had your skill,keep up the good work SillyWil

Rodger Peters - 04/12/99 19:45:21
My URL:http://www.uh.edu/admin/hc
My Email:rpeters@uh.edu
State: Texas
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live to ride
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Cozumel, Mexico
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Aeros
What a beautiful family you have Carol, what a beautiful woman you are.

Abel - 04/09/99 02:19:29
My Email:IamAbel69@aol.com
State: TX
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live today, tomorrow might be our last.. U.S. Army!!!!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: with YOU!!
Your Favorite Sports Team?: YOU!!!
Thank you for inviting me to your Home page.. Abel663@houston.email.net Loved all those links... I was UnAbel to view the rest of your pictures... :( Will try later again.. Thank you again.. Abel

Art Varmint - 04/02/99 07:59:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/Broadway/Orchestra/6655/
My Email:art.varmint@usa.net
State: Sandbag, California
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live to be Art On The Spot
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Wilds of the Imagination
Your Favorite Sports Team?: The Art Varmints
Hi Kitten, nice site, nice pics, lots of good friends I see. I found you through Fools and Kings and being an April Fool as well as an Art Varmint, I just hadda say "hi" and sign your guest book. See you in cyberspace, tooo coool

cari - 04/02/99 05:13:58
My Email:hoodiegirl@alloy.com
State: Nebraska
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: New York

Dale Fletcher - 04/01/99 14:24:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Canal/1690/
My Email:dalefletcher@hotmail.com
State: Victoria,Australia
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Any where Ive never been yet
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Collingwodd football club Australian Rules footy team
great site I strolled on in form the fools and kings page.

millie - 03/16/99 20:43:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~millie345/index-5.html
My Email:2forgys@msn.com
State: Arizona
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Still Mazatlan
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Still Broncos
checking on old friends--are ya still here? hope youre ok and all--hugs, millie

SillyWil - 03/07/99 14:21:24
My Email:milton@bytehead.com
Hi just checked out the changes to your web.Like the picture of you in the black dress.If I had a million dollars I would come steal you and never bring you back.Dam your beautiful. Keep up the good work. nice legs wow wow

kermitdphrog1 - 03/01/99 08:23:17
My Email:nbarker17@hotmail.com
State: Pa
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Las Vegas
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Seattle Seahawks
Hi Kitten, nice to meet you. Cool site...can see why debbie suggested I stop by. Keep up the great work. :-) Have a good one!!!!

debbie thomas - 02/19/99 19:50:01
My Email:thomasdx@excite.com
State: texas
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Rockets, Miami and Denver
Hello Carol, Sorry I really don't have a favorite vacation spot we havent been vacationing much. I did love the Riverwalk and of course Cancun. Heck we never even took a honeymoon. Guess I'm not too interesting just sitting here in Oakhurst being bored. See Ya!!

itsrickster - 02/13/99 18:32:40
My Email:itsrickster@yahoo.com
State: Can.
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Yesmaam
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: kittens Den

bob - 02/04/99 11:40:05
My Email:guy4u_62@yahoo.com
State: texas
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: the bahamas
Your Favorite Sports Team?: dallas cowboys
hey sweetie, thanks for your home page

skater - 01/09/99 19:25:17
My URL:http://. yahoo.com
State: saskatoon
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: victoria
Your Favorite Sports Team?: canada
hello how you doing me fine im just leaving you a message because you seem pretty bored so get back too me right away

Venuss - 01/03/99 20:54:35
My Email:venuss@twave.net
State: va
Kitten email me i am worried about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike - 12/28/98 06:54:16
My Email:lawdawg68@hotmail.com
State: FL
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Sure...
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: My Imagination
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Tampa Bay Bucs
Kitten! Where have you been? It's been months since I've heard from you! Please get in touch... and to anyone who reads this and knows how to find her... plz email me. Thanks.

Birdman - 12/18/98 05:33:49
My Email:YADA
State: YADA
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: YADA
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: YADA
Your Favorite Sports Team?: YADA
Hey girl........ where the hell are you??? ICQ me pleeeeeeeeese! #4400483

Venuss - 11/10/98 18:25:55
My Email:justven@hotmail.com
State: Virginia
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: the islands
Your Favorite Sports Team?: men
hey kitten get in contact with me as soon as ya can

Mike - 11/02/98 08:01:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/5230
My Email:lawdawg68@hotmail.com
State: FL
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Yes... I ride...
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Tampa Bay Bucs
Give me a hollar Kitten!! WHere ya been???

James (from San Antonio) - 10/21/98 21:24:55
My Email:lazymagpie@yahoo.com
State: TX
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: ummm......depends on what you mean by 'ride'
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: a hotel on I-35 near Judson Rd......hehehe
Your Favorite Sports Team?: the one that's winning....
hey you.....how can I get in contact with you??? my ICQ# is 7640873

Fishman - 10/15/98 18:47:34
My URL:/~foolsandkings/
Where are you ???? ... I have soooo much stuff for you I need another Hard Drive .... please get in touch soon .... Fish xo

10/03/98 03:05:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

SanDiego - 09/25/98 02:53:02
My Email:sandibeach@usa.net
State: ca
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: nope - drive a t-bird :)
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Benidorm, Spain
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Liverpool FC
yeah right..... you're the one woman in this world who wants to hear what i have to say.. hehe well i'm not that easily fooled babe. you'll have torture me for any information :) cya soon gorgeous, SD(X)

cindy - 09/23/98 03:13:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/5497/
My Email:boots@zip.com.au
State: Brisbane australia
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Ride???????
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: in the Rainforests
Your Favorite Sports Team?: any team with guys in it
love it sissy, doing a great job, come visit me sometime lots of new work done, with out you I wouldn't have got this far. lovya

Goose - 09/18/98 14:00:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Ozgoose
My Email:goose@netspace.net.au
State: Victoria, Australia
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Beer is my answer!!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Tasmania
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Australian Cricket Team
Great Page!!! STILETTO gave me the address and I love it. Bet it took alot of work. I'd better go and do some work on my crappy page now!! LOL

Fishman - 09/18/98 09:54:24
My URL:/~foolsandkings
My Email:foolsandkings@geocities.com
State: Alive
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: RIDE !!!! ... where ?
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Wednesday
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Coca-Cola
Suppose you can make as many entries as you like. Your link won't work from your Guestbook Entry, but luckily I know how to get to you other ways ...lol. Still haven't got my brain in gear ..grr Take care, and keep in touch. Fishman

Fishman - 09/15/98 20:00:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~foolsandkings
My Email:foolsandkings@geocities.com
State: Sober
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live to Sing
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: San Antonio ... no Houston ... no Oh I Don't Know
Your Favorite Sports Team?: The Rockets ...lol
Once again you've come up trumps .... I'm gonna have to become the 2nd Kitten site .... what say we link up and become ONE huge site .... wahooa Love the Page , Love the Author .. Love the World ... yeeehaaa and don't touch my Buckle ... lol

Sophiegirl/Tracey - 09/15/98 17:28:32
My Email:jthobbs@sprint.ca
State: Nova Scotia, Canada
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: I friggin wish!! Ü
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Texas?? LOL
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Toronto Maple Leafs
Kitten !!!!! I miss you sooooo much. Where are you? Where have you been? How are things? Do I ask too many questions? Do I care? LOL. I miss you so much. Add me will ya? 13103738 xxoo love you lots sis. Keep in touch. Ü Sophiegirl

`Da_Hound aka Derek - 09/02/98 00:17:48
My Email:dholt@mindscape.com
WEll done kitten you have certainly taken this a long long way since those early days when we would bbang our heads together trying to get stuff to work...the pupil has finally become the master i salute you .....ps got any tips lol Love Derek

SillyWil - 08/31/98 19:48:35
My Email:Milton@bytehead.com
State: Wisconsin
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: live to ride
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Kanasas
Your Favorite Sports Team?: GreenBay-Packer
Hi nice site but didn't see sillywil there I is as good looking as that old injun lol realy nice and the people i have meet on here are there thank you

VECTOR \\ LEO - 08/28/98 01:08:05
My URL:http://Whatsthis.com
My Email:lvaughn@kih.net
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Ride What , Live how long?
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Down South somewhere near Texas KITTEN
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Baseball,Football,Basketball
Well even though I come to this page often , I have never sign the guest book. And so I was told to sign it or die....So looks like Iam gonna live a lil longer :-) No seriously Iam signing cause I wanna and because it really is a GREAT page KITTEN you di wonderful...See guys not only is she beautiful but shes smart too. :-)

BirdMan - 08/23/98 21:22:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/4737
My Email:Biker37@geocities.com
State: Maine
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: You need ask?
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Hawaii
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Boston Celtics......is there any other?
This is FANTASTIC Kitten! Not only are you extremely sexy, but talented too! I gotta go tell my friends about this!!! Luv ya Kitten!

sweetd - 08/21/98 02:47:33
My Email:sweetd@flash.net
State: Texas
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Live to live, Ride for fun
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Kitten's Den
Your Favorite Sports Team?: GO 'STROS
Thith ith the coolesth thing I've ever seen in my life. Look ... babes! See you soon ...

Apachee - 08/13/98 01:15:56
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/3064/
My Email:leadron@tier1.net
State: Texas
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: nevada
Your Favorite Sports Team?: bears
love your page,very beautifull,as it should be done by sush a lovely lady

millie - 07/22/98 16:27:39
My Email:forgy@infowest.com
State: utah
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: mazatlan, mexico
Your Favorite Sports Team?: go Broncos!
Got moofed last time i tried to sign--LOL--figures...WOW your page is great!! Really loved it--the friends page is toooo kewl!! You did sooooo good!!! Love Ya! millie---

millie - 07/21/98 18:07:51
My URL:http://members.tripod/~millie345/index-5.html
My Email:forgy

Compo - 07/18/98 09:18:50
State: United Kingdom
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Absolutely
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere
Nice site !

TheSpirit - 07/08/98 07:45:17
My Email:terryearles1@Juno.com
State: Iowa
Your The Best. and a Great Friend. Love ya TheSpirit

Fishman - 07/07/98 18:11:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~foolsandkings/
My Email:Foolsandkings@geocities.com
State: Out of My Mind
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: The Green One
Like a fine wine it just gets better with age. U need to make a banner so I can add it to my page now .... have fun ... thumbs up ..see ya

Romy - 07/07/98 15:46:06
My Email:Milton@bytehead.com
State: WI.
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: yes
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: chian of lake Wisconsin
Your Favorite Sports Team?: baseball
Kitten Liked your home page very much. at the end of friend page had trouble reading the blue on on blue. still in all was a very nice site glad i took the time to check it out. the nick kitten fits you to the t Romy (SillyWil)

BassMan - 06/29/98 03:27:22
My Email:shelton@leadbelt.com
State: Mo
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Yep
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere but work
Great Page Kitten , will come back and check it out again

Shelton - 06/29/98 03:27:07
My Email:shelton@leadbelt.com
State: Mo
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Yep
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere but work
Great Page Kitten , will come back and check it out again

HarleyDude - 06/26/98 01:38:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/8520/
My Email:klyman@syix.com
State: California
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: FTW
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Harley-Davidson Factory
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Harley-Davidson Racing Team
Well I figured if I waited long enough I would be on top....but I will have to settle for the bottom again. I never get to be on top lately!! But it is a wonderful page and I love it and what you have done to it. You are very special and I love you!!

Tony Acuna - 06/19/98 23:32:54
My URL:http://www.Geocities.Com/Heartland/Pointe/4731
My Email:lamech@swtexas.net
State: Texas
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Milk a does the body good!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: My desk
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Cinn. Bengals
Great Site, Really Friendly!! Keep up the good work!!!

The Great CSPU - 06/15/98 19:04:09
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~cspu
My Email:cspu@hotmail.com
State: AL
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Harley FATBOY!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Cayman Isles
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Houston Astros
I have just increased the value of this site 10 fold by adding my name to it!

Fishman - 06/14/98 10:23:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~foolsandkings
My Email:Foolsandkings@geocities.com
State: Sober and upright
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Mossman Gorge .. QLD, Oz
Well what a great page .... site is real HANDS on I must say. Great group of People. Maybe I can join ya'll soon. I'll be on the lookout for more cats for ya .... this site is Purrrrfect. Fishman .... Good Grief Im all Thumbs today

mark graham - 06/14/98 03:23:07
My Email:grahamm@wantree.com.au
State: South Australia
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: enjoy
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Sydney Swans
loved it, still think I look like a dog

SuthernMan - 06/14/98 02:07:19
My Email:linetrash@hotmail.com
State: of Ecstasy
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Northern Rockies
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Bulls - NOT!
Hey Sweetie, sorry it took me so long. Really love your page. Most important, I want to thank you for being you, Kitten, and a friend I will always cherish. Lot's more great times to come! Go Rockets!

"Bil" aka "defender" - 06/13/98 22:51:45
My Email:gascht98@tds.net
State: wis
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: trek bikes
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: disney florida
Your Favorite Sports Team?: dallas cowboys
Kitten, way cool home page! really enjoyed our chat

kerry - 06/08/98 15:11:20
My Email:kerry@conch.net
State: fl
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: california raised in pa.
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: mountains
Your Favorite Sports Team?: cowboys
i just love your page dear keep up the good work you seem to be a very sexy sweet lady KERRY NIC69 CAMARO SS

sweetd - 06/07/98 05:15:52
My Email:sweetd@flash.net
State: Big Texas
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: YES! Oh bikes ... ok, them too.
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Kitten's Den
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Rockets (are there other teams)
Hey mmmmbebe. Thankth for pothting my pic ... hehe ... hehe. I'm out cruisin' for chickth. Me and Beavis will talk to ya soon!

Cowgirl27= Precious - 06/03/98 20:33:39
My Email:wcorn00@mail.fc.peachnet.edu
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: on a horse. not a motorcycle. sorry
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: The Beach , anywhere
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Atlanta. Braves of course.
hey Kitten. a great page. u have done a great job with it. i really injoyed looking at it. the pics are great to see at. it is nice to see so many of our friends pics. well see ya soon. ME

Peachesm - 05/31/98 11:42:17
My Email:peachesmm@hotmail.com
State: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: any secluded beach,ocean atmosphere is the ultimate in relaxation and escape from reality for me.
Your Favorite Sports Team?: I have to say I have two... Pittsburgh Steelers (football) and Pittsburgh Penguins(hockey)
Kitten I must say your page is very informative and creative. I especially love your friends section. It is a great pleasure to be able to see all of my chat friends. It is nice to associate the warm hearts with a face (smile). Thanks for bringing us all ogether! It is an honor to be among your circle of friends!

Tony - 05/30/98 02:28:53
My Email:Tony@kih.net
Nice Page :o) just came to check it out Have Fun and be good See ME

Space - 05/28/98 13:46:51
My Email:j_dolphijn@hotmail.com
State: Netherlands
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: Born to fly
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Amazone
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Dutch natioanl soccer team
Hi kitten it is very nice to see all my chatpals in picture, thank u for collecting all thes pics. Seeu in the room i hope soon met vriendelijke groet Jan aka space

sandie - 05/27/98 01:29:57
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: england
beuatiful homepage!

Lynne Marie - 05/26/98 05:38:41
My Email:salle@execpc.com
State: Wisconsin
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: tricycle
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Virgin Islands
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Green Bay Packers!!!!!
Hey kitten.... i love your page.... and it truly was alot of fun..... GREAT JOB!!!!

Space - 05/25/98 10:52:05
Nice pics kitten

^TEKK - 05/25/98 08:25:17
My Email:two_edge@hotmail.com
State: Missouri
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: only in my dreams ! LOL
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: wish i had one.LOL
Your Favorite Sports Team?: St Louis Rams
you are a sweet woman & i love the fact that you are willing to help me out to make my web page thank you & maybe someday i can return the favor ^TEKK

whitedove - 05/25/98 08:13:43
My Email:whitedove26@hotmail.com
State: noth shore auckland new zealand
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: i truly love the classic car55 chevy
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Surfers Paradise Australia
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Warriors auckland and any rugby league team
Oh Kitten I truly love your new site.It is totally inspirational to you.... a fantastic array of pics of your friends and family.....great job...keep it coming...great poetry too. love ya Kitten

baldy - 05/24/98 18:48:00
My Email:david.platt@linthwaite.demon.co.uk
State: of mind?
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere with babes!
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Huddersfield Town FC of course!
Love the page KITTEN, all real tasteful, except the photo of me!!! lol

Diogenes - 05/23/98 06:10:56
My Email:jtoms@customcpu.com
State: Alaska
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Hawaii
I like the new addition of the missing kids. Also like the photos of friends. Nice collection. @¿@ I'm watching you. hehe

Smokin - 05/21/98 14:45:06
My Email:dcraig@avana.net
State: Atlanta Ga
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: The evolution of time
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Any white sand beach
Your Favorite Sports Team?: The worm growers of America
Kitten loved the page you did a wonderful job.

Venuss - 05/21/98 04:02:55
you did good girl your page is great

Rowan - 05/20/98 18:37:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/2738
My Email:mjmills@pdq.net
State: TEXAS!!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: anywhere in the mountains
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Utah Jazz (sorry KITTEN)
Hey KITTEN...great page!! Glad we finally get a chance to see it. Take care and talk to you soon!!

GypsyHeart - 05/20/98 15:40:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/8710
My Email:gypsyheart@hotmail.com
State: Missouri
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: every chance I get
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Someplace warm and cozy with a sweety
Your Favorite Sports Team?: My boys baseball team Rangers
You have a wonderful page Kitten and I am proud to be honored on you homepage. It is the first time anyone has ever honored me on their homepage. Love your poems too. "If friends were flowers.....I would pick you, The lovilyest of all roses"

Lola - 05/19/98 18:00:27
My Email:jmappleton@hotmail.com
State: TEXAS
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: TO LIVE!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Cozumel
Your Favorite Sports Team?: WHO CARES
looks good. love ya!

crow & mystique (Pete & Karen) - 05/19/98 08:55:28
My Email:kmccoy@one.net.au
State: Australia
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Aust. north-east coast
hi Kitten we both loved your home page It's great Karen & Pete

Sweetness - 05/19/98 03:43:24
My Email:you got it
I see picture of two babes on here but I'm getting the "cold shoulder" from them both .... ...what gives?

Lil^one - 05/19/98 01:52:02
My Email:Lilone97@hotmail.com
State: Arizona
Wow Kitten! this is so cool!!!!!!! i am impressed! thanks for letting us all see this... it's wonderful!

princess - 05/19/98 00:58:15
State: New York
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: florida
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Buffalo Bills(football)
i love your page kitten you did a wonderful job your a true friend

Roxxie - 05/18/98 07:45:43
My Email:carrie@glasssa.com
State: South Africa
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Crystal Springs
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Cricket!!!
Love your page Kitten - well done and thanks for showing us what our chat friends look like!

Cindy - 05/15/98 06:28:35
My Email:boots@auslink.net
State: Brisbane Australia
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Maroochidore
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Western suburbs rugby league
To my looooooong legged friend (who I hate) well done girl, luvya sis

BirdMan - 05/10/98 15:25:46
State: Maine
Born to Live, Live to Ride!?: You bet, sorry not a Harley though!
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Hawaii
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Boston Celtics
GREAT page KITTEN!!!! Thanks for being a friend, i'll catch ya later!

Walter - 05/08/98 03:45:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TheTigerShark/TigerShark.html
My Email:TigerShark@Cyberdude.com
State: Utah
Your Favorite Vacation Spot: Lake Powell
Your Favorite Sports Team?: Utah Jazz:-)
hiya cuz:-) great hompage, glad that you finally made one...luv ya:-)

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