The Beatles & GuiBou !

Yellow Submarine


Quelle est la meilleur chanson des Beatles ? / What is the best Beatles song ?

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Cliquez sur la chanson numéro 1 pour l'entendre (MP3) / click on the number one song to hear it (MP3)
Let it be, album version. Different guitar solo compared to the single version

Les résultats / The results (626 votes !!!!!!!!!)

Title / Titre ( * = My choice/Mon choix)

Let it be


Hey Jude


A day in the life *6,23
Strawberry fields forever4,95
I am the Walrus4,15
In my life3,51
All you need is love1,76
Across the universe1,44
Norwegian wood (This bird has flown)1,44
Here comes the sun1,28
Oh! Darling1,28
Penny Lane1,28
Tomorrow never knows1,28
Twist and shout1,28
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely hearts club band1,12
The long and winding road1,12
When I'm sixty-four1,12
While my guitar gently weeps1,12
Eleanor Rigby0,96
Here, there and everywhere0,96
Yellow submarine0,96
For no one0,80
Happiness is a warm gun0,80
Lucy in the sky with diamonds0,80
Paperback writer0,80
Dear prudence0,64
Golden slumbers0,64
Hello Goodbye0,64
Helter skelter0,64
I'm only sleeping0,64
I Want you (She's so heavy)0,64
I Will0,64
The fool on the hill0,64
We can work it out0,64
A hard day's night0,48
All my loving0,48
Come together0,48
Eight days a week0,48
Get back0,48
I want to hold your hand0,48
Nowhere man0,48
Octopuss's garden0,48
Real love0,48
Rocky Raccoon0,48
She loves you0,48
Things we said today0,48
Whithin you without you0,48
You know my name (look up the number)0,48
You never give me your money0,48
You've got to hide your love away0,48
Being for the benefit of Mr.Kite0,32
Day tripper0,32
Don't let me down0,32
Fixing a hole0,32
Free as a bird0,32
From me to you0,32
Hold me tight0,32
I'm looking through you0,32
I've got a feeling0,32
I've just seen a face0,32
I me mine0,32
If I needed someone0,32
Love me do0,32
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da0,32
Sexy Sadie0,32
The end0,32
With a little help from my friends0,32
Yes it is0,32
And your bird can sing0,16
Baby it's you0,16
Back in the U.S.S.R.0,16
Can't buy me love0,16
Dig a pony0,16
Dizzy Miss Lizzy0,16
Getting better0,16
Hey bulldog0,16
I need you0,16
I should have known better0,16
I'll be back0,16
I'll cry instead0,16
I'll follow the sun0,16
I'm a loser0,16
I'm happy just to dance with you0,16
I'm so tired0,16
If I fell0,16
It's only love0,16
Long, long, long0,16
Lovely Rita0,16
Martha my dear0,16
Maxwell's silver hammer0,16
Revolution #90,16
Rock and roll music0,16
Roll over Beethoven0,16
She said she said0,16
She's leaving home0,16
Ticket to ride0,16
Till there was you0,16
Words of love0,16
Yer blues0,16
You're going to lose that girl0,16

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Modifié/Modified 21 mars 2000 / march 21st 2000 17:00