Welcome to my Insulator Guestbook

Fabienne - 11/17/00 18:32:54
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/bk230906
My Email:bk230906@skynet.be

Hi, you have a great web site. I was just sniffing around the web (collecting)and came to yours. But it was worthwhile,you have some great pics! I really enjoyed my visit! Fabienne from Belgium.BTW My hubbie loves trains too!

Bob Scafe - 07/24/00 02:09:20
My Email:robert_scafe@bc.sympatico.ca
Favorite Insulator: Lemon CD154-010 Dom-42

So far, its my favorite, because I found the only known examples[11], next is the <>154-030 threaded skirt, but with a CNR blotout. No one has reported finding the threaded skirt with CNR blotout before, and same thing again with the CD145 Band blotout. o me, this is the most exciting aspect of collecting, discovering new finds

ken willick - 07/22/00 05:19:28
My Email:limaporc@yahoo.com
Favorite Insulator: any Fred Locke porc

Hi! I was just cruising the net and came across your site. PRETTY COOL! I just finished reading "The Hunt for Red October" by Tom Clancy yesterday. Excellant sub book, although too late for U-Boats. Take it easy! Ken

Bill Reagan - 03/18/00 12:38:25
My Email:wcr814@cs.com
Favorite Insulator: GREEN-Pat-Hem.-121

I too like trains/insulators--Enjoyed your site

Steve B - 03/11/00 21:35:19
My Email:granmaster@mediaone.net
Favorite Insulator: pyrex carnival

Hi! Petty much share your intrests have a good friend, Hogger for Amtrak, ridden many times in cab up and down Northeast Corridor(Boston 2 New Haven Ct.) Nice ww2 boat here( Lionfish) Work for Bell Atlantic as outside tech collect insuls on my lunch hr wi h my bucket trk

Wolf - 02/22/00 14:02:04
My Email:w.haunzwickl@theoffice.net

Great site! Das Boot is available on video as far as I know. It would be German, of course. Let me know if you want it. And I might be able to find a few military insulators, maybe even from subs. Would have to do some travelling.... Cheers Wolf

- 02/08/00 19:00:54


Ed Burke - 11/01/99 01:53:15
My Email:flaxmill.com.au

Greetings from Queensland, Australia. Great railroad pics!

Nathan - 10/30/99 19:16:10
My URL:/heartland/ridge/7282
Favorite Insulator: Which ever one I'm holding in my hand

Great page. I a bit of a railroad fan myself especially BNSF.

Kim - 10/26/99 00:00:11
My Email:kimray@mounet.com
Favorite Insulator: any I can find!

I have just recently discovered the thrill of walking the tracks and hunting these things! I love this, but I don't know what I am doing... I am really suprised by all the fervor over them!

Charlene - 10/15/99 02:57:24

Very interesting.

DeAnn Simonic - 10/12/99 05:04:24
My URL:http://gbayoak@aol.com
My Email:gbayoak@aol.com

My dad gave me three different insulators this weekend. I am originally from Grace, Idaho. One is green and says Petticoat H.G. Co. Patent May 2, 1893. The other three are bigger and brown all different sizes and shapes. How can I find out more? Tha ks! I liked your picture.

- 10/11/99 04:01:27


Roger Bruss - 10/03/99 03:17:18
My Email:rjbruss@gte.net
Favorite Insulator: cd162


Larry Rogers - 08/28/99 11:27:23
My Email:ls4446@aol.com
Favorite Insulator: NEGMCo & Tramps

Just visited your page for the first time and was really impressed. You did a fantastic job with the text and the pics. I'm afraid I am also a train fan. I love the whistles late at night. One of the finest layed out pages I've seen.I was reviewing the Je ferson Ins. Club Page. Also very nice. I wish I knew how to set up a great page like this. I have always had trouble with sending pics. I can store them (URL) but when it comes to sending them, ebay or whoever can never find them. Oh well! Good luck with the club. You can visit my page at insulators.com collector's pages. If ever in Southwest Florida, give me a jingle. I,m in the book. Larry Rogers CFIC#182 2131 Montclair Dr. Sarasota, Fl. 34231

Sue F. Hester - 08/26/99 17:34:59
My Email:Dlynn937@aol.com


Dan Reilly - 08/22/99 04:47:21
My Email:dareilly@cetlink.net
Favorite Insulator: all

Seems mine are not shown on any web site. Anyway, I am glad I am not alone. I remember gazing at insulaters as a little child and feeling an attraction ... Hi, my name is Dan -- "Hi Dan".

Robert A Strezze - 03/01/99 18:15:04
My Email:dunandbrad@enter.net
Favorite Insulator: Hemingray CD 128 in milk


Darcy Friedenbach - 01/12/99 04:35:57
My Email:darcy.friedenbach@gte.com
Favorite Insulator: Ponies


Dave Kingston - 12/20/98 03:47:53
My Email:n3rqj@bellsouth.net
Favorite Insulator: Guy strains, suspensions

Give me six GG-1's coming off the Port road at Perryville.

Bill Ostrander - 12/17/98 03:35:07
My URL:http://id.mind.net/~dc3
My Email:see webpage
Favorite Insulator: McLaughlins and power stuff.

Nice clear CD145 & nice train photos too.

10/03/98 03:03:40
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Richard(R.W.)Dirks Jr - 08/31/98 04:25:25
My URL:http:// None yet
My Email:r4ddirks@fnbnet.net
Favorite Insulator: all weird ones R.Strains


Lee Brewer - 08/06/98 14:26:33
My Email:LBrewer42@tbscc.com
Favorite Insulator: CD162 Cobalt Blue (for now!)

Great pics abd great page! I'd like to see some of the brackets you're designing. Maybe scan and e-mail them to me? I might be interested in trading glass for some - but I'd need to know what you have so I could make an offer! Happy hunting! Lee Brewer

larry rogers - 08/04/98 01:42:25
My Email:lr4446@aol.com
Favorite Insulator: BABY SPIRAL GROOVE

my favorite is the "baby spiral groove", but i can't remember the cd#. i've been out of collecting for awhile.

Tim Timmerman - 07/26/98 16:43:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/8506
My Email:otter@sbtek.net
Favorite Insulator: CD143s


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