Mailing List Rules
In order to make this list as wonderful as possible, and to keep the friendship
flowing between our members, it is necessary for a few rules and guidelines:
1. Members are permitted to send as many messages/day, as the want, however please edit messages to which you are replying. Many lines of quoted text are an annoyance to most readers. Remember, we have already read the message to which you are replying, therefore there is no need to quote a lot of text in your response. Anything that contains a > should be deleted. You know...the annoying little buggers that email programs add when you are replying to someone's emails and you include their original in your reply. The best way to word this, is don't include anyone's original post unless a portion of it is ABSOLUTELY necessary! Thanks!!
2. Messages offering personal sentiments such as "I agree 100%" type responses should be sent via private email, and not to the entire list. The problem this creates is a lot of mail that doesn't pertain to everyone on the list, or even more than one person. One way we have solved this, is to send a big message to the entire list, and break it down by person. Such as:
SUZY - I agree 100% that kids are wonderful
ROXANNE - I loved the recipe you sent to the list. If you have anymore like that, I'd love it.
LISA-How is your business coming? Haven't heard from you in awhile?
JANE-Welcome to the list, we are so glad you joined us!
EVERYONE - Does anyone have a recipe using raisins? I have a ton and need to do something with them....
I hope this clears things up. One message is much easier to download, then 10. So please keep this in mind! Thanks!
3. We ask that no paid advertising be sent to the list or members of the list.
4. This list is private and all messages are confidential. No message may
be redistributed without the permission of the author. Redistribution of
messages without permission will result in immediate and permanent dismissal from this list. This is to protect the people who share their personal lives with us.
5. Problems with other members (such as soliciting business, dealing with an abusive member, or any other problems) should be brought to the attention of a list administrator via private email. Also, if there is a member who is not fulfilling a commitment in a swap, please bring it to my attention immediately. I host a lot of swaps, and do not want the member able to join another one, if they aren't fulfilling a commitment. Thanks!
6. Another tip to remember - Many people on this list may have different opinions from your own. That is ok. Try to be helpful with your comments, absolutely no flaming allowed on the list.
7.CHAIN LETTERS and REQUESTS FOR HELP and VIRUS warnings: Absolutely no "send 1000 e-mails to this addy and they'll donate millions of dollars to Jeffrey Simmons who is dying of cancer", or "try this $200 recipe I stole from Neiman Marcus". No get rich quick scams. It's best to send anything you are questioning to me first. It makes people angry and so much of what is passed around is fake. Oh yeah, and NO VIRUS alerts either. You can send an e-mail telling us you got an e-mail about a virus, but don't include the letter. Send it only to those interested.
This is it! This list is a great, enjoyable list!
To post a message on the list, send mail to:
All messages regarding your CCottage subscription should go to:
If you have any problem or would like more information about the CCottage
list, please contact: (Nicole Humphrey)
I hope this list proves useful and enjoyable to you and your family.
-- Nicole Humphrey
CCottage list coordinator
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