Warren and Frederick Co. Virginia

Smiths and Related Families

Walter N. Smith family of Warren Co. VA

The Walter N. Smith family, Warren Co. Va., c. 1912;  see their house here

top row, left to right:  Della May Smith, Herbert Luther Smith, Goldie (Hall) Smith

middle row:
Russell Steele, Laura (Smith) Steele just below him; William Smith; Nettie Pearl Smith; Walter Eshelman, Frances (Smith) Eshelman

front row:
Lewis M. Smith, Walter N. Smith holding granddaughter Virginia Steele, Mary Jane (Breedlove) Smith, Walter Eugene Smith
not pictured: Franklin S. Smith

In addition to using the database index link below,
also see the separate reports on Smiths and other lines.

These pages are best viewed with Netscape 4.5 or above; otherwise you won't see all the photos.

Surnames Index 
of my "warren 2000" database
at rootsweb
over 1300 names



 Help me with this Sargent family's ancestors; 
I have lots of Sargents in my database who may be unrelated to these; am looking to confirm this particular James Sargent's ancestors (he is not the James T. Sargent/Largent who moved to IL) email me!

KLINE quick links

Descendants of John Jacob Kline

Descendants of Adam Kline, his brother

Notes on the 1830 Frederick Co. Va. census

Christian David Hall 

Joseph Christian Hall and Ruth McDonald

Minerva Jane Minnick

Charles W. and Eliza Kendall McDonald graves

Descendants of Lewis F. Smith

posted Sept. 29 1998; updated Oct. & Dec. 2000); lots more info, new pages and photos added; land transactions also updated

Eleanor Lovelace Ancestry
a file contributed by Esther McDermott
Barrow quick link:
Descendants of Eleazer Barrow

Descendants of William Barrow, Sr.

Descendants of Adam Steele of Frederick Co., Va.

Links to Other Websites

Most of the people in this database lived in Frederick, Fauquier, Rockingham, Page, Shenandoah, or Warren Counties in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Common surnames include Barrow, Smith, Hall, Kline, Sargent, Steele, Grim, Breedlove, Hammack, McDonald and many others.

Many friends and relatives helped us compile the information. If you find an ancestor here, email me!

In some cases, further information and documentation will be provided upon request, where available. Some information has been verified by checking primary sources or multiple sources, but that has not been possible in all cases. Please do not copy any information unless you do your own verification. At least some people who have lifted my information and posted it in their databases have not done their own research to verify it. They may be perpetuating mistakes in interpretation of census handwriting, etc. Please DO NOT copy any of the information here if you are not related to the people and if you do not intend to add any of your own actual research. This information is shared with the intent of learning more and improving its accuracy. It is not to be used for any commercial purpose, nor should it be passed along to others without these caveats.

Thanks especially to Marilyn Ames, Barbara Little, Guy Kline, Eugene McInturff, Tommy McDonald, Tom Kendall, Tom King, Jane Farrell, Cindy Beaty, Jeanne Ludwig, Esther McDermott, Mike O'Shea, Agnes Rutherford, Ruth Ann Poe, Charlotte Porsche, Bryan Stokes, Vonelle Vonder Reith, and Jean Wade.

More specifically, most McDonald information comes from Tommy McDonald of Winchester, Va. You can find his book in the Handley Library in Winchester. Unfortunately, it is out of print. I do not own a copy. Tommy gave me permission to use some information that I obtained from his book. Most Kendall information beyond Harrison Kendall is from Tom Kendall. Most Breedlove information beyond Charles Breedlove is from Tom King. The information on William Breedlove's second marriage is also from Tom King. Most Hammack information beyond Jacob (Martha Ann Hammack Smith's father) is from Eugene McInturff, although I have also seen the Rudy Hammack will abstract in Frederick Co. and certain other information in its original sources.  Most Steel/e information beyond Daniel is from Jane Farrell. Most Kline information before 1850 is from Mike O'Shea or Guy Kline; some also appears in the books mentioned below. Charlotte Porsche of Strasburg helped with more recent Kline information, as did some Smith descendants. I have had access to some Deed Books of Frederick Co., and Barbara Little has researched other Deed books for me.

Some of the Barrow information is from V. Barrow's posts and others on the Barrow Family forum; I verified much of it through the Va. and IL censuses, the Illinois marriage index, the public land sales database and through another source on Illinois cemeteries.

Most Hall and Smith information was taken directly from descendants and through my own primary research including censuses, original marriage bonds, marriage indexes, birth registries, and other sources..

Useful books on Frederick and other counties:

This page created Aug. 20 1998; most recent update July 31 2003.

