Tribute to Myrtle Stadem-Svanoe,

Russell Schaefer, and Paul Rangen, Who Have Gone Home

in a Threesome to the Lord

I see them open in the night,

just as dawn breaks on my sight.

One by one, I count now three--

gorgeous blooms of rare beauty!

What flowers shine so like the stars?

I see them through these dark cell bars!

Each shines with Christ's own purest white--

long-promised to the saints who fight

for Righteousness like Daniel when

he stood for God 'gainst evil men.

Each bears a message--can we hear?

Myrtle Stadem-Svanoe: Christian wife, mother, homemaker, a church mother, intercessor, fun-loving good sport...

"I bore my children, totalled eight!

I led them all toward Christ's own gate.

Mother love, and prayers not few,

will bring them, surely, to my view!

I fought for them, as long I could.

Tear and finger-marked, this Wood

the cross I bore and could not shun

not until each daughter, son,

trod straight the path to heaven's gate,

refusing lures and devil's bait!"

Russell Schaefer: Christian husband, father and grandfather, publisher, writer, scholar, photographer, boater, outdoorsman...

Berean-like, he held the Book,

no casual grasp, so light forsook

for worldly cares or worldly good--

this scholar-priest, God's Levite, stood

all his life for Jesus Christ,

the only truth that's all-sufficed

and full, complete, to make a soul

a child of God, not part, but whole.

"'Complete in Him,' was my refrain,

I've preached life-long as this life's gain.

'Complete in Him,' all less now stands

beside the Cross, Christ's Work, like sands!

Joy and triumph are His gift,

all other things like dust heaps drift.

My wife, my son, they have one aim,

they're praising only the Lord's Name!"

Paul Rangen: Christian husband, father, church teacher, Christian radio station broadcaster...

The third was young, his span cut short,

a race 'gainst time across the court!

He finished, though, his last ball thrown--

a life that was full-orbed, Christ-grown.

See, the winning score upon the board?

It says, "Well done, for Christ the Lord."


Biographical Memorials consisting of special tributes and reminiscenses, pictures, and albums were presented in happy and grateful memory of these three loved ones at the July 4th, 2000 Reunion at Plain View Farm.

The image of three lilies I began with in the tribute were provided by a card sent to me by Aunt Be, Bernice Stadem-Schaefer. Now imagine three butterflies--for these loved ones are surely spreading their bright praises to the Lord like butterfly wings in heaven! There is no way we can do their earthly lives justice here. The poem-portraits, or cameos, are intended only to convey a TASTE of each to you. If you "tasted" Myrtle Stadem-Svanoe, you might well have tasted sweetest love mixed with urgent, intercessory faith and love of Jesus. If you "tasted" Russell Schaefer, you might well have tasted the completeness we have in Christ Jesus as born-again disciples of Him, as well as his adventurous, explorer's spirit, as well as his quiet, Berean-type scholarliness. If you "tasted" Paul Rangen, you might well have tasted his warm, convivial Norwegian Lutheran heritage and informal, American zest for life. Now there is something more: his letter to Friends and Loved Ones, April 8, 2000, with subject: "Thank God Almighty...I'm home at last" in which he describes a wonderful touch from God (using his radio station where he worked!) that revived his hope when he was lying alone in his room in the hospital with a painful lung disease--and seemingly no way out. This letter was written and sent out four months before Cousin Paul's Homegoing to Heaven. Please link to it below.--R.G.

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