For a map of Effingham County and the Savannah area, click here.

The largest employer (1,400) in Effingham County, Georgia-Pacific's Savannah River Mill recycles paper. The mill is located about four miles northeast of Rincon on Fort Howard Road. Originally it was called Fort Howard, then merged with James River and became Fort James (the name in this picture), and then was bought out by Georgia-Pacific.

Georgia Highway 21 at Ninth Street in Rincon at 5:00 p.m., looking south, cars coming from Savannah. Seventy per cent of Effingham County's residents work in Chatham County, where Savannah is located.

The original sanctuary of First Baptist Church of Rincon, built in 1902. Now located two blocks south of the church on Hwy 21 in Rincon, it is the business location of WECO Lighting, owned and operated by church members Wayne and Glenda Whitley.

The new sanctuary of First Baptist Church of Rincon, built in 2000. On Hwy 21 between Sixth and Seventh Streets. The new building seats 900 people.

View of the lake at Silverwood subdivision in Rincon. Picture from www.effga.com.

Ebenezer Elementary School, north of Rincon, built in 1995 to handle population growth in the county.

Jerusalem Lutheran Church, built in 1767-69, in the old settlement of Ebenezer in Effingham County. Oldest Lutheran church building in America. In 1734, Lutherans fleeing Salzburg, Austria for religious freedom, arrived in Savannah, and then settled 20 miles up the Savannah River, founding the town of Ebenezer (Hebrew for "Stone of Help"), making it the second oldest settlement in Georgia. The first governor of Georgia, George Adam Treutlen, was a Salzburger who grew up at the orphanage in Ebenezer. During the American Revolution, Jerusalem Lutheran Church was occupied by the British, and the residents of Ebenezer scattered into the countryside. Although the town was never rebuilt after the war, the "Salzburgers" still populate much of Effingham County and the Savannah area. Jerusalem Lutheran Church continues to be active, and the Lutherans have a beautiful retreat center across the road, New Ebenezer Retreat. Treutlen House, a home for abused and neglected children, is under construction on the grounds.

Christmas lights in Tiger Ridge, Effingham County. Beginning in October, residents in this rural community north of the town of Springfield begin putting tens of thousands of lights around their homes and anything else they can find, like this butane tank. The people in Tiger Ridge spend most nights during the Christmas season sitting in front of their homes, talking to the many visitors who come to enjoy the lights, and having them sign their guest book. Picture by Nancy Rogers.