to Jen's Web Site

Welcome to my Web Site. I'm glad you could stop by. Many changes have happened in my life over the past year. So I've decided to give my web site a make over. You will find links to each of my children's web pages. And, recently added, my own web page, Pets page, and Family & Friends page. Enjoy the site!!

~I Thought of You and Said a Prayer~
This morning when I wakened and saw the sun above, I softly said, "Good morning Lord, - bless everyone I love." Right away I thought of you and said a loving prayer, that he would bless you specially and keep you free from care. I thought of all the happiness a day could have instore, I wished it all for you because no one deserves it more. I felt so warm and good inside, my heart was all aglow. I know God heard my prayer for you, he hears them all you know.--??
** To Family and Friends, with love **

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