Political News

Political News


April 22nd, 2009

The word just got out that in the California Assembly staffers just got raises to the tune of ½ million during the budget crisis we are going through. The massive tax increases and all that. Karen Bass, the Assembly Majority, just canceled the raises after the news got out saying "I don't want this to end up being a distraction".

Just piss away more of my hard-earned tax money.

My Absentee Ballot came, I filled it out. Didn't need to read anything, just fill out all the "No" boxes. Propositions 1A through 1F are all smoke, mirrors and deception.

We Californians need to go to part-time legislators. No more Fabian Nunez-like trips to Europe's Wine country to buy $600 bottles of wine with legal bribe money.

BTW, Fabian Nunez's son is a wanna-be gang-banger that knifed a student in San Diego to death. Perhaps Fabian should have spent more time as a father than buying $600 bottle of wine in Europe.

Too late. The radio is playing Pro-Prop 1C and other political spots. Neener, neener, I already voted. And not to raise my taxes for two more years.

April 18th, 2009

California's reprobate Republicans, those 6 who lied & then voted for tax increases, and all the rest of them who stood by and did nothing just voted to oppose the 1A - 1F "stealth" tax increases and money diversions. Wonder just how much that will translate into dollars spent. Interesting also is the Election is only a month away (May 19th)

The Californian Republican Party, I hear, isn't getting any money donations. Big recession, BIG tax increase = Conservative Voter disgust with Republicans.

When you vote for a Democrat you are voting for someone who will always vote for tax increases. Check the voting record. When you vote for a Republican you are voting for someone who may not be lying when they say they won't support tax increases.

Most of our Republicans voted to put Proposition 1A on the ballot for the May 19th Special Election and contained in the bill is a 16 billion (2 year) tax extension. The Republicans claim they knew nothing about any tax increases to be added later into the bill.

April 13th, 2009

In Home Supportive Services:

New California State Scandal: The State of California will hire you upon your parents request to be a paid caregiver at the wage of $8 to $15 an hour (depending on city). You will pay dues to the State Services Union whether you join or not. The care-giving program may be full of fraud but we don't know because there are only two fraud investigators for the whole state and none for Los Angeles, which has a backlog of 800 open fraud cases.

The State Services Union obviously bribes state legislatures to both increase the funding to the program and look the other way ignoring fraud. An estimated 5 billion dollars is spent on this program.

Heard this on the The John and Ken Show on KFI Radio. They stream audio on the Internet so if you aren't in the radio area you can still listen on the Internet. Just click the "Listen Now" link on the website between 3pm and 7pm weekdays, Pacific time.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is going around up and down the state campaigning for "Yes" on 1A through 1F and spreading tons of lies. If lies were manure every garden in California would grow like a jungle...

Schwarzenegger is down to 32% approval rating. The rest of us hate him because we see him for what he is.

Arnold should go back to making stupid movies...

April 10th, 2009

To start this "Political News" section of my website I'm going to put up a few California Tax Revolt and Whore recall websites. Errrh, the language may get a bit strong at times because I feel strongly about the way government is so demanding of my tax money. I want the clawed hand of government out of my wallet.

Yes, California is very close to number 1 in the country when it comes to taxes and they just raised the taxes by 16 Billion a year in the middle of a severe recession.

So, I am angry and not in the mood for state workers whining about their lot of life. Teachers talk about how the, not cuts but decreased increase of their education funding will be hurting children and causing teacher layoffs.

So as I hear about new dirt, and in California there is plenty of it, I'll put it up here.

Here are some links:

Political Links

The John and Ken Show on KFI Radio

Total Recall 2009

Sacramento Bee - California State Capital Paper

Rush Limbaugh Show

Able Maldonado - Last of the Republican Whores

California Tea Party

Talk Radio Heros

KFI Radio streams audio on the Internet and they have Podcasts that you can download. John and Ken's show is live each weekday from 3pm to 7pm Pacific time.

To start off with the dirt, the Los Angeles Unified School district, which has a whole 49% rate of students who don't drop out, is choosing to keep their Gold-Plated healthcare (absolutely free with unlimited dependents) and lay off teachers while making loud whining noises. Their Gold-Plated Healthcare is not free, I and every other California pay for it.

For me personally, if it weren't for the VA Healthcare I would have died in January 2006. I don't carry personal Healthcare because I can't eat and have a place to live and pay for Healthcare.

The California State government in the 6 years that clown Arnold Schwarzenegger has grown by 40%. Yet we are not getting 40% better government service. Have to be a welfare queen like Octo-mom to get that much service out of the government.

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