I am a huge STYX fan so I thought on this page I would put some of my pictures and some STYX related sites..The song youhear is PARADISE. Official STYX Web SiteThis is the place to go for all of your STYX informaion!!
Here are some pictures that I took at the meet and greet in July of 1997 at the STYX Grand Illusion tour.
This is Chuck Panozzo and Dennis DeYoung.

This is Todd Sucherman and James "JY" Young.

This is my daughter Stephanie and my friend Susan.

This is the NEW CD!!! It is awesome!! Lots of different kinds of music to enjoy!

Just a while ago I had the pleasure of meeting Tommy Shaw. He came to Borders in Colorado Springs, to promote his new CD 7DeadlyZens...So here are some pics of that experience..

Glad he got rid of these crazy glasses!!

This is me and Tommy, can you beleive it??

He's signing a poster for my daughter :)

Well i'm totally awestruck!! :)
These are my wonderful STYX friends..L to R Me, Barry, Tommy, Kim, Deanna is behind her, Susan and Tani..

My best STYX buddy Susan!! We have had some great times together!!