Well it was HAWG FEST 1999,in Brighton, CO, what a "joy" that was, waiting for 7 long hours just to see the one band that has always been there when I needed a boost!! It was great seeing some familiar faces and meeting some new ones. STYX only performed for a short time but it is a time I will always remember!! Enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think!!

Here is Stephanie patiently waiting for the STYX concert!!

Here is Amanda just hanging out waiting for Bubba!!

Heresssss Tommy!!!

I think JY is throwing a pic here, too bad I didn't catch it!!

Glen, JY and Tommy, one of my favorite pics!!

Larry and Glen getting down!!

JY giving one of his "talks".

Larry and TS

I love this Glen shot, too bad you can't see his blue hair!!

Love the shades Tommy!!

Todd and JY.

Awesome picture of Larry and Glen!!

Todd and Tommy.

Now I wish this was a little bit closer, go JY!!

JY and Tommy.

Ok, another one of my faves, they look like they are having a great time!!

Taking a little breather!!

Jy and one of the few pics I have of Todd!

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Well if you liked my pics, go back to my "main" page and sign my guestbook! :)