Welcome to my Guestbook!

Elizabeth - 11/13/99 12:03:50
My URL:http://home.rivers.aunz.net/~penny
My Email:penny@rivers.aunz.net

Well done.I enjoyed visiting your lovely page,will be back again for sure.Drop in on me.

juju - 11/12/99 14:54:17
My Email:ueb44@tds.net


Allen - 03/16/99 15:20:54
My Email:rdan4724@mercury.gc.peachnet.edu

Lovely page you have here. I don't even have my own web page, not yet anyhow.

Herb (Art) - 03/06/99 06:13:02

Good going on such a neat looking homepage. Lots of love Herb. 8-)

kacky - 02/17/99 05:54:10

Nita, where are you and why havn't you been on line. Is everything OK. Love you and enjoyed seeing the pictures again in the homepage.

Carol - 01/31/99 00:31:36
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/putytat/
My Email:putytat@webtv.net

Your photos look GREAT in here, girl! I'm so proud of you and all your hard work to get this homepage looking so marvelous! You GO, girl! I'm busting my buttons with pride for my FL web-sister! Love you LOTS, too, ((((Nita!))))!!!

putytat - 12/08/98 02:49:05
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/putytat
My Email:putytat@webtv.net

Congratulations on your very prestigious Awards! With love from a genuine Christmas Carol {{{Hugs}}}

putytat - 12/08/98 02:44:28
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/putytat/
My Email:putytat@webtv.net

You have the best two pages of anyone I know, Nita, and you're only on WebTV! You've got everything so organized and it's all so interesting! Of course, I'm your web-sister, and I may be just a bit predjudiced! I'm sooooo very glad you're in my life, g rl!

Karen - 11/16/98 23:51:41
My Email:WACOKJ@aol.com

I enjoyed your page very much

George (gjz¿¿¿) - 11/13/98 01:00:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ourhomepage/
My Email:gjz@webtv.net

I had a real nice visit to your outstanding site.I would like to invite you to join our groups webring.The url is above.

Debbie (sexysassyDEB) - 11/11/98 17:40:05
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/jabberway/debpace/
My Email:sexysassyDEB@webtv.net

I love your homepage and all the great links to others pages. Come by and visit my home and see pics of me, hubby and our 4boys. 6yr old and 19month old triplets Yikes. xoxoxoxoxoxo

Elaine - 11/09/98 02:17:11
My Email:Kraken2@webtv.net

I think you have a great site, in fact I am saving for gifs and links...Elaine

Kacky - 11/09/98 00:51:22
My Email:ertlcasa@jaws.greatwhite.com

Great stuff, so neat, really proud of you!! Can't wait to go into the other sites. Very, very good. Love ya lots, ke

Nancy - 10/28/98 19:33:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BingoNan/index-2.html
My Email:BingoNan@webtv.net

Love your homepage and you look just like I pictured you

JESSICA - 10/20/98 09:24:12


SPACE - 10/18/98 06:41:03
My Email:spacejoint@webtv.net

Cool page...... Got it from dragmom.....Hope to see ya later

teresa - 10/17/98 13:55:48
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/hush34/
My Email:HUSHPUPI34@aol.com

I love your pages-i just started one-(its needs a lot of work)but stop by sometime- God Bless-

Peg - 10/09/98 17:16:08
My Email:pegmeyer@yahoo.com

Hey Nita, Very cool page!! I love it. And congratulations on the award, very impressive!!!!! Cant wait to see more... Take care. Love ya, Peg

Glenn - 10/06/98 04:39:55
My URL:http://hypermax.net.au/~user/gandrews
My Email:xk9@hypermax.net.au

G'day Nita, Thank you so much for visiting my home site and for all of your wonderful comments. What a great way to get to your home site. Gee I'm pleased I had your email with your link otherwise I would have missed a great site and never met such a beautiful person I can see where your daughter gets her good looks. Thanks also for all your great links from your page. Be assured I'll be back. Love & Best Wishes from downunder

Danielle - 10/03/98 13:15:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/littleshirley
My Email:DANI85@webtv.net

cool page. that was cool how you had a photo album. Hope to see u in chat. ((((HUGS)))) Danielle

10/03/98 02:57:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

James smith - 10/02/98 18:16:36
My URL:http://user.fundy.net/fpweb/index-3.htm
My Email:jnresrch@fundy.net

A nifty little page! Looks like there's great potential here... I like what I see so far. I liked the photo of Cape Hatteras. I visited the 2 in Rockland Maine and Owl's Head, Me last summer. Owl's head is a short little one, but the view! All the way e st out over the islands in Penobscot Bay. So I took a few photos. I see you like painting. Drop by my site for a treat. James

Nell - 10/01/98 03:34:19
My Email:crabby-earl@webtv.net

Nita, your HP is really wonderful. Lots of good things & info to link. You & your daughter are both just beautiful in the pics. Thanks for sharing your family & friends to us web friends. A Tn cyberpal,Nell :-)

Kimmie - 09/30/98 21:06:48
My Email:T100strght@Aol.com

tooo cute, I like the fishes.

ny - 09/30/98 18:17:27
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/3813/
My Email:ny13@webtv.net

great job!

Lloyd Peterson - 09/29/98 22:52:32
My URL:/SouthBeach/Strand/5225/
My Email:lnp826@webtv.net

Thank you for your kind words in my guestbook. I just love how you have started your site, from all the links, I see you must be in weemba news group. I do not see any Site Awards, so here is your 1st.? Please link it back to my site. Try again to see if works!

Lloyd Peterson - 09/29/98 22:44:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Strand/5225/
My Email:lnp826@webtv.net

Thank you for your kind words in my guestbook. I just love how you have started your site, from all the links, I see you must be in weemba news group. I do not see any Site Awards, so here is your 1st.? Please link it back to my site.

Tony Rossi - 09/27/98 07:41:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Park/1580/index.html
My Email:greenjackets@webtv.net

Your page is much MORE then a outhouse. Very nice. I will visit again.

Linda - 09/25/98 12:54:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/HELPFULHEART/index.html
My Email:ChilePie@webtv.net

Great pages,love the links.My homepage only has 1st page now to get time for page 2 is another wonder.Lots of hard work you put in.Looks great!!

Gene - 09/24/98 02:46:34
My URL:http://www.geocities/Area51/Dunes/4064
My Email:Geneojr@webtv.net

For a little ole beach bum from N.C. You have really came a long way on your H.P. It has been more than a pleasure just knowing you on the net. The H.P. is every nice and neat I like it. Keep up the good work on it. ;-) Gene BBFITWWW

Becky - 09/22/98 03:14:27

Well...I finally got into your home-page and it is really neat ! I also enjoyed reading all your guest book entries, and know that you have had a ball meeting all your new friends ! Good luck with the rest of it...and as you always say " YOU GO GIRL " LOVE YA !!! Becky

Faye - 09/20/98 19:19:42
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/JabberWay/dagmom
My Email:dragmom@cei.net

great page Nita! Keep up the good work! I also have 3 kids and 5 granskids! Pretty cool, uh? Please visit my page and sign my book.

Londa - 09/20/98 19:12:23
My Email:blonda@webtv.net

Thanks for sharing your homepage with me. It's great.

Lady Oh - 09/19/98 14:17:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~LadyOh/index.html
My Email:Lady_Oh@webtv.net

Nita: Loved your page and the photos. I hope you continue to make it a place I will enjoy coming to. Lady Oh

Barry - 09/18/98 00:21:30
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/WallSt/widower55/
My Email:barrysplace@geocities.com

Excellent site........thank you for sharing

Nancy - 09/16/98 02:04:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BingoNan/index-2.html
My Email:BingoNan@webtv.net

You said you just started I think you are doing great. If you need anything Just ask.I am here if I can help.

Leslie Bilby - 09/13/98 03:01:59
My Email:Rayvna@webtv.net

I enjoyed the pictures...can't wait till you finish! Good job!

jamie - 09/12/98 10:23:11
My Email:shotz2@webtv.net

hey not bad i dont even have a home page yet i do have a web page not much tho jwahl helped me i gave u the addy if u wanna check it out it does take a few mins to down load have a good day xox

Ruby Olonan - 09/11/98 17:26:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~MEGAPLAN/index.html
My Email:megaplan@hotmail.com

Nice Webpage. I would love to have you as a SIDizen of the World. Have a nice day.

cindy - 09/10/98 03:37:16
My Email:winyoung@aol.com

Awesome!! I am very impressed with your page. It is late and I have to get to bed..will talk to you later! Love ya!! Cindy

Laura - 09/09/98 16:57:17
My Email:SUZZYQ@webtv.net

Hey Great job on your page.Thaqnk you for linking Christophers page to yours. You are a Truley Great Person. I am so glad to count you as a Friend. Take care! Don't forget to Smile!

carmen - 09/09/98 02:53:33
My URL:http://home.takcity.com/bleacherst/metslady
My Email:nydia@webtv.net

hi, my name is carmen an i enjoyed your homepage

Linda - 09/09/98 02:03:55
My Email:dolphi@webtv.net

Nita......you're the best!!........A lady of much strength and compassion.....a friend to all.....and a friend ALL should have.......love

dottie - 09/07/98 17:19:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dottye/
My Email:dottye@webtv.net

Hi girl,couldn't remember if I signed or not LOL there goes that memory again!!!!!! Very proud site I must say, Keep up the good work.

Peggy Hawke - 09/06/98 18:48:38
My Email:mlhawke@writeme.com

Nita! Great job on your web page! I'll use it in my internet class to show the students. Did you use text html or a program (like front page)? Check you later! Love Peggy~~

Samantha - 09/06/98 18:44:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/samanthasphp
My Email:csfm@yahoo.com

Nice page for another beginer, I don't have any photo's yet. Keep it up.

Geneojr - 09/05/98 03:55:07
My URL:/Area51/Dunes/4064/
My Email:Geneojr@webtv.net

I keep coming back to a very special friend, just to read in "AWE" of all the nice things you have built into your Home Page. Very proud of the things you have included in you Page. Next look back, just look to the future. ;-) Gene

Geneojr - 09/05/98 03:50:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dunes/4064/
My Email:Geneojr@webtv.net

I keep coming back to a very special friend, just to read in "AWE" of all the nice things you have built into your Home Page. Very proud of the things you have included in you Page. Next look back, just lok to the future. ;-) Gene

Donnita - 09/05/98 00:30:13
My Email:Tiggerdb@webtv.net

Hi Mom, You did an awesome job!!!! Thanks for helping me with mine too!! And also thank you for being such a great mom and best friend!!! I Love You more than words could ever say!!! I LOVE YOU PEE-SWEET!!!!!!

Nancy - 09/04/98 23:42:49
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BingoNan/index-2.html
My Email:BingoNan@webtv.net

Your doing good don't stop there---LOL Believe it or not after a while it gets easier. I enjoyed your page

Denise - 09/03/98 04:39:44
My Email:MastersGirl@webtv.net

You have done an excelent job with your homepage. Your links are fantastic. Lots to see. I am truly impressed with the work you have done here. You go sisterfriend. I am sure there will be lots more to see here in the future. Love ya!

Tricia - 09/02/98 20:22:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6167
My Email:chavtur@harborside.com

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I came by to see what you were up to. Your page is coming along great. Keep up the great work.

Debbie - 09/02/98 13:41:52
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Cntrycookn/index.html
My Email:Cntrycookn@aol.com

Hi Nita, Welcome to the zany world of cyberspace. You've done a great job on your first home page!

Momma Nightowl - 08/30/98 07:35:55
My URL:/Paris/Bistro/2500
My Email:Lady-Chat-A-Lot@webtv.net

Nita Sweetie, Your family has had more drama in the last few months than most folks encounter in a lifetime...We are with you to share your burdens just a keyclick away 8^))
Thank heavens The little one is on his way to a normal infancy and your son with G_D's help will do well...PT is very effective especially in the young..and you my friend will mend quickly, just don't over do... and remember smiling( which is about all you can do now)...{ DON'T laugh til you are healed } laughter IS the best medicine.. natural endorphins will keep your immunity up and promote healing.. enough for now...keep in touch 8^))
Momma Nightowl

Momma Nightowl - 08/30/98 07:33:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/2500
My Email:Lady-Chat-A-Lot@webtv.net

Nita Sweetie, Your family has had more drama in the last few months than most folks encounter in a lifetime...We are with you to share your burdens just a keyclick away 8^))
Thank heavens The little one is on his way to a normal infancy and your son wi h G_D's help will do well...PT is very effective especially in the young..and you my friend will mend quickly, just don't over do... and remember smiling( which is about all you can do now)...{ DON'T laugh til you are healed } laughter IS the best medici e.. natural endorphins will keep your immunity up and promote healing.. enough for now...keep in touch 8^))
Momma Nightowl

img src="/Paris/Bistro/2500/NObanner.gif" height="60" width="422" border="0">

dottie - 08/29/98 21:45:26
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~dottye/
My Email:dottye@webtv.net

Hi there,Just surfing around and hit on your site,really a nice job.Keep up the good work I hope my website gets as good as yours is

Wayne - 08/28/98 23:05:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~WROGERS359/index.html
My Email:wrogers359@webtv.net

You my Dear Friend ~ Doing a JAM UP JOB! Keep up the good work! Pleasure to visit this site!

Kim - 08/24/98 20:44:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~merry-go-round
My Email:merrygoround@webtv.net

Hi Nita! I just dropped by to visit a fellow listee on fantasie's page. Good to see you! See you in Travelive or Cap+co...

Carol - 08/24/98 01:49:12
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/putytat/
My Email:putytat@webtv.net

I love your pictures and your Cool Links, girl! And look how many people have viewed your homepage already! And to think I knew you WHEN! Keep up the good work, Nita. You're the neatest lady I know.

Mark - 08/23/98 17:52:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~railbird/index.html
My Email:railbird@webtv.net

GREAT JOB! You're off on an excellent start. I'm so happy to have met such a nice lady as yourself. It is truely an honor for me to call myself your friend. Thanks XXXX

Maralyn - 08/23/98 15:25:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/4931
My Email:Yankeey@webtv.net

You are doing very well on your home page. I know you will be adding much more as time goes by. Thanks for linking me to your page. You go Girl. I will be back again to check out how you are coming along. Love & Hugs Sme

Pauline - 08/22/98 08:50:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/2968
My Email:paulinet@n-jcenter.com

Hi I love your homepage.. thanks for adding me on it.. you have done a Great job I know how hard it is to do homepages .. I have mine and its hard .. I need to add race cars and all to mine as soon as I get some pics to scan.. love it..

Karen - 08/20/98 15:13:44
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ROFLWay/arkmsturtle
My Email:ArkMsTurtle@webtv.net

Nita, Good job girl....I know how much work these pages are and how much fun they are to see and enjoy. I am glad you are my friend and thanks for all the great things you share with me. Luv ya, Karen

linda - 08/19/98 11:49:02
My Email:travellady@webtv.net

it is a pleasure to know you!I love the emails u end

Gene - 08/17/98 21:35:52
My Email:Geneojr@webtv.net

I'm sure glad to see that you have your Guestbook up and running. It has been a long hard road hasn't it. Keep up the good work. ;-) Gene

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