Welcome To Our Home!

We thank you for stopping too view our home! You will see photos of our cats, and some of our friends pets. We hope that you will enjoy the photos and our home.

Please let us know what you think of our home at Hullphoto@juno.com

The Next Photos are of Chris's A.C.F.A. Show Cats

This is Meesocrazee,better known as Meeso the newest to the household He is an Exotic Short Hair. Now an ACFA Grand Champion.

The youngest of the house, Black Jax or BJ for short. BJ is a pet quality Snowshoe. ACFA Northcentral Region 98/99 show season 10th best HHP.

Who is this? It's BJ's older brother One Eyed Jax. He is also a Snowshoe, still pet quality but colored more like a Snowshoe should be. Everyone calls him Jax. For the 97/98 ACFA show season he was 7th regional and 14th Inter-American HHP. For the 98/98 ACFA show season he is 8th regional and placed 17th Inter-American HHP. He has done very well for a cat with only one eye.

B.W. Muggins She came out of retirement this year for four shows. She placed 17th Best HHP Northcentral Region. She turned 9 years old in February.

Chris's Retired Show Cats

Pussywillow - Her call name is Willy

Willy is our shelter cat and the mother hen of the house! For the ACFA 95/96 show season she placed 6th Regional and 23rd Inter-American

Nifty Nicodemus, he has many pet names Biff, Spike, Buddy, but I call him Pug. Nifty went into retirement after placing Best HHP Northcentral Region and 5th Best Inter-American for the 91/92 ACFA Show Season.

Still Cats!

This area will have photos of our friends cats. This will be the area that will change most often. Be sure to check often you never know who will show up in here!

This young lady is a Champagne Mink colored Tonkinese

This photo is over a year old now. But this is Meeso's brother and litter mate.

A little something different, this is an Ocicat.

This cute little guy is a Singapura Mix. Shown as a House Hold Pet. His litter was one of those "How did this happen?"

A Singapura one of the smaller size cats

This lady is a Norwegian Forest Cat. Too those that visit the Acme Cat Chat Room she belongs to Momcat.

We have here a very nice Burmese.


Here we have an adult and a kitten both are very nice Ragdolls

This Breeder always brings me a challenge

Our Friends Dogs

There will be photos of the dogs in dog show events and activities. This will also be an area that will change often.

Some Of The Agility Events

I just love the ears flying in the wind

On the high jump there are some dogs that look like they are flying

This is the long jump

A Free Style Move.

The Next Photos Are Just Fun Pictures

These photos were taken at South Duff Small Animal Clinic Ames IA. Thanks to Donna and her staff.

This young Lady is Belle. She does like having her photo taken as you can see.

What a good looking guy. He'd be welcome at our house any day.

Everyone look this way and please smile!

Any odds that these two keep their home lively.

I just had a Big Mac attack, any one for lunch?

Crunch is almost a year old now. How much bigger can he get?

Rags thinks it's nap time and is in his basket.

Two chat room friends that got togather at the A.C.F.A. Cat Show in Casa Grande Az. For those from Acme Pet Cat chat room these two are Jax and Momcat.

We are still under construction! But be sure to check back from time to time. There will be lots of updates and many more things added. Thank you for stopping and be sure to come back!

Chris & Dave

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