Hi Welcome to the Hendrix family, Amazon.com Bookstore.
Here are some books we recommend.
Family Preparedness Books
James Talmage Stevens's:
Making the Best of Basics
Music Therapy Books
Kenneth E. Bruscia's: (Editor)
Case Studies in Music Therapy
T.M. Perry's:
Music Lessons for Children with Special Needs
Frans Schalkwijk and Andrew James':
Music and People with Developmental Disabilities: Music Therapy, Remedial Music Making and Musical Activities
Juliette Alvin and Auriel Warwick's:
Music Therapy for the Autistic Child
Wanda Lathom's:
Role of Music Therapy in the Education of Handicapped Children and Youth
Paul Nordoff's:
Creative Music Therapy: Individualized Treatment for the Treatment for the Handicapped Child/Book and Cassette
Genealogy Books
Cyndi Howells':
Netting Your Ancestors : Genealogical Research on the Internet
Native American Books
Frank W. Porter and James A. Clifton's:
Potawatomi (Indians of North America)
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