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A Proud Canadian

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Hi there, glad you could stop by! My name is Taylor Chelsea, but everyone just calls me Punkin. I was born on May 9, 1996 at 8:31 a.m. in a small town in Ontario, Canada. I weighed 8lbs 3oz and 20 1/2 inches long. My mommy thinks I was a big girl for her being so small, but she thinks I am just the best! (Even though some days I know I may be a little hard on her... but hey isn't that what I'm here for? hehe :)) I love to play outside on my new swing set. I like to sneak out when mommy isn't looking and I must say I'm pretty good at it! I have forgotten all about Toy Story... actually I don't watch much TV anymore. I spend most of my time outside helping grandma in the garden. There's a killdeer nest in our garden and I like to keep the birdies company. I don't know what's up the mommy birdie she's not very nice to me.. I don't want to hurt her babies, just play! Oh well... there's lots of other things I like to do. Mommy is redoing my room in Winnie the Pooh Classic.. I sure like it alot. Mommy says to tell you that whenever the room is done she will show you all!



Look what Mom let me get! His name is Squeegy.

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Last updated September 9, 1998

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