Missy, Aurora, Kalula, and Winston - 11/10/00 04:42:32
My Email:lovealhasa@qwest.net
Where are you from?: We are from WA state
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: We are LHASA's!!
Have you ever been to Oregon?: YES!
We are four lhasas from Vancouver, WA, Our mom loves us so much, we really enjoyed seeing pictures of you, how cute you are!!!! You look like you could be spoiled too!! WE ARE!!!
Chlayne - 11/09/00 00:58:25
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~lilparrot/lhasa.html
My Email:lilparrot@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: WA, USA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes
Great Page Sammy! We had lots of fun...
Patty Bowers - 10/31/00 14:36:14
My Email:gpbowers@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Eugene, OR
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa-poo mix
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Born and raised here!
I lost your webpage after our computer went out, but a very nice person donated one of theirs! Now, I am trying to updatw all of my favorite sites once again, and yours is one of them. Great to see it again!
Jo Ann Clulow - 10/29/00 16:25:57
My Email:JoBanka@aol.com
Where are you from?: Scottsdale, AZ
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apsos
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
From your last name you must be a good Scandinavian. My maternal grandparents both came from Sweden. A few years ago I had the opportunity to travel to Sweden and visit their birth places.
Brandy Knight - 10/25/00 06:21:27
My Email:brandy_knight@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Bremerton, Wa
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: yes
I have had Missy for two years now (she is about 12 years old). We got her from a shelter in Ca. I was wary at first since I was raised around big dogs and didn't want to bring a "yipper dog" into my house. I can't imagine my life now without her. Alt
ough she tends to be nervous around children she fits in well with our family. We are going to try to grow her coat out this winter for the first time! Well, just thought that it would be nice to ramble on about my pup to someone that would appreciate i
. Thanks a bunch!!
Jenney Gould - 10/25/00 01:44:32
My URL:http://members.home.net/peter4560/personal_htmlall_pages.html
My Email:peter4560@home.com
Where are you from?: southern Ontario in Canada
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Three miniature schnauzers
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Oh what a sweetie! I really enjoyed looking at all those wonderful pix of your little guy...what a cutie! Great photography.
Sheri - 10/12/00 22:20:59
My URL:http://www.allnaturalpetfood.homestead.com
My Email:slwells2000@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Pom
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
I use to have a Lhasa, I wouldn't mind having another. Yours are so precious.
Judy Naegelin - 10/11/00 15:17:48
My Email:judynaegelin@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Lytle, Texas
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
I am looking for a lhasa apso puppy for a Christmas present. I love your pictures...they are beautiful.
Linda & Asia - 09/16/00 17:32:18
My Email:nydelignorsk@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Lincoln City, Oregon
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Llasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Born Here!
I am a very new LA owner. Her name is Asia, 13 weeks old, with a loving personality. She is a clown.....loves licking my toes and my cheek. Gives wet, but loving doggie kisses too!. She is black with a white chest and feet. She loves wearing bows in
er soft hair since people use to come up and say " HE is so cute".
I enjoyed your web page very much. I have a web page too, but I need to design a place for Asia when I have time.
Have fun with Sammy......he is a very handsome dog! Take Care.....Linda & Asia
kerri moore - 09/05/00 08:47:20
My Email:moorepark1@bigpond.com
Where are you from?: australia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: lhasa apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
lahas apso dogs are the most best friends in the world my lhasa (Darcy) is the very very best
Gabrielle and Furbaby Megan - 08/15/00 04:44:33
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/moppetmeganpoo/myhomepage/profile.html
My Email:Gabrielle@aol.com
Where are you from?: Eugene,Oregon
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: :o)
What a darling! We also live in Oregon, and frequent..as much as possible anyway.. the Coastline just above Florence. Meggie Loves it there!
These "babies" are great, aren't they!
Roseang - 08/10/00 01:24:31
My Email:Roseang_2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: California
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Yorkie & Lhasa aspo
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
It is good to see that Sammy is raised in such a lovely family.
sherri - 07/17/00 22:24:41
My URL:http://www.expage.com/sherrilinn
My Email:yesitssherri@aol.com
Where are you from?: chicago
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
I just love your page!! I have 2 Lhasas, Benny who is 2 and looks like Sammy and Bella who is 6 months old!! You can see their pics on my page!! Great photographs!
linda odle - 05/28/00 06:11:32
My Email:sorry no email
Where are you from?: portland; ore.
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: lhasa apso, eskimo,mini aussi
Dodger - 05/17/00 22:53:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/dennen/dodger.htmlhttp://
Where are you from?: PA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: I'm a lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: nope
grrrreat page!
Tami Brandt - 05/08/00 11:27:18
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/sfcd.html
My Email:playboy_model@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Missouri, USA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Black Lab/Chow Mix
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar site located at the above url (which has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go directly to the Lhas
Apso section is at: http://www.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/breeds_lhasaapso.html Come see and sign the guestbook!
Helen - 02/12/00 17:59:28
My URL:http://webtv.net
My Email:helen224
Where are you from?: Cape Cpd
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
I had a lhasa for 17 years,miss him so much. Like to look at pictures yours were great.
Nikki & Alex - 01/24/00 23:28:38
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/bwhelply/lhasas/index.htm
My Email:nikki_and_alex@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Texas
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apsos
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hey Sammy! Great web site. You are obviously a dog of means and good taste.
steve - 12/25/99 10:38:13
My Email:gsxrxboy@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: florida
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: nope
Nice web site. I just got my dog for x-mas. Havent even seen her yet. I love havin little friends around the house.
Patty - 12/23/99 19:42:18
My Email:gpbowers@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Portland, OR originally
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasapoo
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Born and raised here
Nice to see the new pictures~ I hope you and Sammy have a Very Happy Holiday! Love from Peaches,too!
Erik and Kerstin Hogstrom - 12/19/99 03:06:21
My Email:happyfam@netins.net
Where are you from?: Cascade, Iowa
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: no dog
Have you ever been to Oregon?: We wish we were back there
Hi Uncle Roger! We were looking at your site again and we love it! Kerstin thinks Sammy looks very happy. She also wants to say "Thank you Uncle for letting us look at your pictures."
Kerstin wants to get a kitty cat pretty soon.
Take care, we'll be talking with you again.
Elaine & Bruce - 11/14/99 02:52:34
My Email:edudley@stny.rr.com
Where are you from?: Binghamton, NY
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa, of course
Have you ever been to Oregon?: unfortunately, no
Roger and Sammy: Loved your pictures. I also have a Sammy (short for Samurai). My Sam is l5 years old, also weighs about 2l pounds, is buff and black. He is a retired show dog. Because he could not be offered for stud services his owners were going t
have him put down, but because I already had a pet Lhasa, I offered to take him. His previous owners didn't think he'd make a good pet because he had always lived in a cage. However, he has made the most wonderful pet. My first Lhasa, Dolly, went to d
ggie heaven in l996, but Sammy is still with us and loves to travel. Our children live l000 miles away and once a year we travel to see them. Sammy is the perfect travel compantion, as long as he can sit in the front seat and look out the window, otherw
se he whines. Our very best to you and your Sammy.
Jennifer Dodd - 11/06/99 21:57:05
My Email:jen_x_16@hotmail.com.au
Where are you from?: Queensland
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhaso Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no, sorry
Allyn Boucher & Sherpa - 11/04/99 22:43:21
My Email:Palehorse5@aol.com
Where are you from?: Wilsonville, Alabama
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa, Irish Wolfhie, Rhodesian Ridgeback
Have you ever been to Oregon?: nope
Sammy, I luved yur web page. You look like you wood bee a grate friend. I wish I could cum vizit you & play by the beeech. Or you could cum vizit me & we could tell my big hound dog roommates what to do! hehehehehehe.
Well, good-bi. Take kare of yerself.
luv, Sherpa Boucher
Cherokeesummer and Zasha - 11/03/99 05:54:34
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/cherokeesummerspuppy/zasha.html
My Email:zasha@acmepet.com
Where are you from?: Virginia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
You have a nice page and your Lhasa is adorable. Zasha thinks he is cute.
Jo/handysgal - 11/01/99 16:31:14
My URL:/Petsburgh/Farm/2907/index.html
My Email:handyman32_98@yahoo.com
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Mastiffs
Have you ever been to Oregon?: nope
I was just surfing around and found your page. Cute dogs! Nice pages.
Kathy B. - 10/25/99 20:02:57
My Email:kgbrown@televar.com
Where are you from?: Coulee Dam, Washington (state)
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 2 lhasa's and 1 pekingese
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Hi Roger,
Just visited your home page. Sorry I haven't been before. It's a great page (or should I say pages) and those pictures of Sammy are great. He IS absolutely adorable. I know I keep saying that; but it's the truth. Thanks for sharing him with us.
Kathy B (Mokie Bear, Ming Toi, and Annie-Jo's Mom)
shane - 10/04/99 04:32:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Coast/9333
My Email:mrchin001
Where are you from?: melb aust
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: japanese chin
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
carole - 09/04/99 23:09:11
My Email:carole60
Where are you from?: weymouth, ma
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: lhasa (cosby)
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Ralph & Debbie - 09/04/99 16:38:57
My Email:ICEE@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: Tennessee
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Am Eskimo & Westie
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No, looks beatuiful
Sammy's a handsome little dog. Enjoyed your site
very much.
Kurt Espeland - 08/15/99 23:59:22
My URL:http://home.c2i.net/loewepan/
My Email:panaphia@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: Norway
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apsos
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No, but it looks very nice
Dear Sammy!
What a lovley site you have here. You are living in a beautyful place, and I think your Lhasa must have found theyr heaven. Isn't it just the most exciting and intellegent breed in the world??
Thank you for sharing your Lhasa with the rest of us.
Yours Kurt
Jenny Eriksson - 08/05/99 12:29:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pines/5157/
My Email:jenny.er@telia.com
Where are you from?: Sweden
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa apso, of course!!
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hi Roger!
Great site, Sammy looks very cute.
Thank you for signing my guestbook.
Best whishes, Jenny
Marci - 07/27/99 20:30:58
My Email:None
Where are you from?: Virginia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hi,I Think your Web Page is awsome! Sammy looks just like Coqui (my Lhasa Apso)when he was 4,now he's 13.I hope you put some new Pictures in here soon.Bye.
anne kelly - 07/15/99 20:50:00
My Email:anne.kelly 1@virgin.net
Where are you from?: Sussex England
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: lhasa apsos
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
great page,although i show my lhasas they live like sammy,i have 7 adult apsos and at present a litter of 6 puppies of course i shall keep one.
Sandra Kempenaar - 06/28/99 09:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/54549
My Email:joujouss@wxs.nl
Where are you from?: netherlands
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Your site looks just great
I really enjoyed my visit here
linda odle - 05/16/99 05:51:02
My Email:odle.dh.ns.hosp.hill.ohsu
Where are you from?: portland, oregon
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 2 lhasa apsos one eskimo dog
Have you ever been to Oregon?: opps i live here....
i dont have a pc at home.. so im sending this from work...hope you get this....
lady-t1 - 05/09/99 23:27:26
My Email:raemmler@datasys.com
Where are you from?: remerton, ga
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: female lhasa almost 5 months
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no, but hope to visit
loved your page sammy hope you can visit mine if it ever gets updated at my new address in petsburgh
Elma - 04/03/99 20:19:54
My Email:elmah@iafrica.com
Where are you from?: Johannnesbur, South Africa
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Maltese poodles - died 4months ago
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Loved your site. Sammy convinced me to get a Lhasa Apso - if available in S.A.
Deeanne - 03/24/99 00:16:58
My Email:deeannem@smh.org
Where are you from?: Seattle, WA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa (of course)
Have you ever been to Oregon?: just through
Loved your site. Sammy looks alot like our Skipper, who is around 2 years. We rescued him from the Animal Shelter last November. He's such a sweetie, and your desicription of Sammy's strong will, fits Skip to a 't'. Thanks for the site. Skip just had
hair cut too. When he's long and lovely, he mats sooooo easily. Have you found any good products that help prevent the mats?
Suzy Clancy - 03/19/99 05:03:09
My Email:SuzyClancy@aol.com
Where are you from?: Mesa, AZ
Have you ever been to Oregon?: not yet
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hello! I enjoyed your photos! Sammy is very photogenic!
Bons - 02/28/99 02:44:03
My Email:bonnbons@msn.com
Where are you from?: SW Florida
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasas, shih tzu and a tibetan terrier
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hi Sammy
You are a very handsome lhasa. Mom was just checking out lhasa sites cuz she is getting me a sister. Her name is Megan, she is chocolate brown and white. Mom is getting her from a lhasa rescue place. We are all "recycled" furkids here. I have a page t
o...but haven't had time to put my pix on it yet...will soon.
Bons - 02/28/99 02:44:02
My Email:bonnbons@msn.com
Where are you from?: SW Florida
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasas, shih tzu and a tibetan terrier
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
Hi Sammy
You are a very handsome lhasa. Mom was just checking out lhasa sites cuz she is getting me a sister. Her name is Megan, she is chocolate brown and white. Mom is getting her from a lhasa rescue place. We are all "recycled" furkids here. I have a page t
o...but haven't had time to put my pix on it yet...will soon.
Eileen - 02/20/99 12:58:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Farm/1178
My Email:kizmet@worldonline.nl
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No, but if I can find a babysitter for 9 Lhasas I'll come and visit!!!
Great page - just loved the photos of Sammy. If you ever get the time please drop by and visit us Lhasas here in Holland.
lhasa22 - 02/08/99 23:56:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/Zoo/1541/index.html
My Email:kveley@sprint.ca
Where are you from?: Ontario Canada
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: two lhasa apso's
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
I have two females Brandy is four years old and Chelsea will be four in October we really enjoyed your site. Brandy and Chelsea say hi to Sammy.
Fendi - 02/06/99 17:16:21
My URL:http://expage.com/page/knirps
My Email:msphoebe@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Philippines/Canada
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Poodle
Have you ever been to Oregon?: nope and wish I'll win the lottery *S*
hi Roger, that was nice of you sharing Sammy's thoughts via the internet..*S* Sammy has elegant taste the pictures says it all...bye for now I'm off to explore more of the world wide web...enjoyed my stay here thank you
Whipcream - 02/04/99 00:34:17
My Email:whpcream@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Portland, OR
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: No pets
Have you ever been to Oregon?: yes
Hello Roger and Sammy,
I just wanted to drop a hello and say congrads on being resident of the month here at 185th apts. I enjoy animals it's nice that we're able to have and enjoy them here. Have a good week Roger and Sammy. Sammy enjoy the beacj for me too . You look so cute
n the beach.
Rick Blumberg - 01/21/99 22:51:14
My URL:http://members.home.net/w1hz/
My Email:rblumberg@gwe.net
Where are you from?: Phoenix, Arizona
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso named, Chelsey
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes!
My wife and I really enjoyed the photo essay on your favorite, little friend. We are happy to learn that there are others who enjoy pampering their pets. These little fluff balls deserve as much love as they give! Thanks again and please visit our webs
te at http://members.home.net/w1hz/
Arnold Townson - 01/19/99 07:59:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6305
My Email:arnold@powerup.com.au
Where are you from?: Brisbane, Australia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Not yet.
Hi Roger, A really great page and so pleasing to see that someone appreciates these "little people" as they should be. Although my "little people" are show dogs they are first and foremost my friends and companions. All good wishes from sunny Australia -
rnold Townson.
Mike Brookhouse - 01/12/99 03:52:25
My Email:michaelbrook@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Pacificorp
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yu[p
The page looks pretty good, Roger. I'm impressed.
TERI - 01/01/99 01:33:49
Where are you from?: NEW JERSEY
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: BLACK LAB
Have you ever been to Oregon?: NO
Barb - 12/27/98 08:21:22
My Email:two462@uswest.net
Where are you from?: Portland
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: live there
I love your page. Great pics of Sammy & Oregon. I got Mozart, my Lhasa about 2 months ago. Do you have a recommendation for a groomer in the Ptld area? See you on the web, B.
Hoag78 - 12/25/98 20:59:27
My Email:grantb@cyberhighway.net
Where are you from?: Tualatin,OR
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa-poo
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes- I live here
Merry Chistmas to you and Sammy! You are loved! :)
Roseanne (Hogstrom) Hardenbrook - 12/24/98 18:50:14
My URL:http://leydengin.com
My Email:roseanne@leydengin.com
Where are you from?: Reno, Nv
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: no dog
Have you ever been to Oregon?: sure
Hi Roger,
Erik told me about your neat web site so I looked it up. It is very clever indeed.
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Carly..aka..My Beagles Mom - 12/19/98 20:30:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/7450/
My Email:beaglemama@geocities.com
Where are you from?: USA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 2 beagleboys
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Unfortunately, NO
Oh Roger, your Sammy is just so precious. I thoroughly enjoyed all the pics, what a cutiepie. Sure hope Santa has way more gifts for him in that sack of his. ~heehee~ Great job on your site.
Barb - 12/19/98 01:08:39
My URL:http://members.aol.com/dbruf/photo,htm
My Email:bestfriendspets@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Wi
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 3 Pomeranians
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Sammy is adorable. Loved the photos. Barb
Debra - 12/07/98 22:35:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2614/
My Email:moulton@direct.ca
Where are you from?: Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: American Cocker Spaniels
Have you ever been to Oregon?: have been to Portland, Oregon many times
Thanks for signing my guestbook. You have a great page and a very cute dog.
Ronnie - 12/03/98 23:55:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburg/5351/Ronnie/index.html
My Email:rcusack@pdq.net
Where are you from?: Houston, TX
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: I "had" a Lhasa! :-(((
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No, but it looks wonderful!
Hi Roger,
I just adore your site. Your Sammy is absolutely precious. I wish I lived closer so I could take him in my arms and cuddle him. Sure would love to get some of those "wet and sloppy kisses" from him! I lost my Buttons July 8, 1998. He too was a Lhasa
pso - 27 lbs. What a joy! I miss him terribly! :-(((
Your site is so beautiful. I really enjoyed looking at your Sammy and the beautiful scenery as well. You're so lucky to live in such a beautiful place.
Enjoy your Sammy and thank you for giving the world something to "smile" about.
Ronnie (Buttons Mommy)
Sylvia Ann Wenman - 12/02/98 03:06:27
My Email:sylviaw@en.com
Where are you from?: Born in UK, Live in OHIO
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Cocker Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier & Mixed Terrier.
Have you ever been to Oregon?: NO
Hi Roger,
What a wonderful page you have here :)) I have really enjoyed looking at the photo's of your sweet little Sammy. I can certainly understand your love for him as I had a male Lhasa for 13 years. His name was "Paisley Dalai Lama" he was the love of our live
, we must have at least a million photo's of him (that's all) ha,ha, I loved to hear the fact that you wouldn't give this little guy up for anything, that's great. Take care and enjoy the unconditional love that Sammy gives you. Give him a kiss from me.
ye, Sylvia and Family.
Sheryl and the critters - 11/23/98 01:10:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3515/
My Email:sherylW@bigfoot.com
Where are you from?: Langley,B.C. Canada
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Chihuahua-Terrier
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Not yet but maybe one day :^)
Hi thanks so much for the wonderful comments in our guestbook.:^) Your doing a wonderful job here as well thrust me once you get into building a site it just kinda takes off!
Karen Franklin - 11/22/98 21:09:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/6739/index.html
My Email:littlebit@hubserv.com
Where are you from?: Sumrall, Mississippi
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Have 10 - all kinds...
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
This is Karen, [Queenie II] I love little Sammy. I have a little female mix that looks a lot like him. Really cute site.
- 11/21/98 01:31:43
Marion - 11/12/98 23:18:21
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/marion.kues/
My Email:marion.kues@t-online.de
Where are you from?: Germany
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Beagle
you have done a great job with this site.I really enjoyed visiting your page.
Joanne - 11/09/98 05:32:34
My URL:http://www.palacenet.net/home/rlghm/powder/index.html
My Email:Powder@palacenet.net
Where are you from?: Portage,WI
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Pekingese
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
I had a pari-color male Lhasa, and his name was also Sammy. Now I have Powder, Annie and Cindy. I enjoyed my visit. Your site is great.
Angela - 11/07/98 13:38:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~angelashome
Where are you from?: Germany
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: I've two dogs, one mix and one poodle
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no, too far away from here :-)
Hi Roger! Thank you very much for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook! I just wanted to say hello before I leave this nice place! You have created nice designed pages, I felt in love with Sammy,
such a beautiful and cute dog. Give him a big bone from us all :-). I enjoyed your photo album, I enjoyed every minute of my visit, I'll be back soon to visit you again. Have a great day ~ greetings from Germany, Angela
Kimberly - 11/02/98 14:38:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2661
My Email:sambo@netonecom.net
Where are you from?: Mich
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Maltese
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Love the site..my mother has a Lhasa of 12 years now and she is held in high asteem in our family. A great breed of dog with a heart of gold and loyalty far beyond any other breed.
Micke - 10/29/98 04:54:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley3989
My Email:tricia@techline.com
Where are you from?: washington state
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Shih Tzu
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Many times....
Thank you for send me your great site.. its nice and I can tell you love your guy like I do my boys
they are the Greatest....
kathie - 10/27/98 20:32:13
My Email:kathie@mcarthur.lib.me.us
Where are you from?: Maine
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: rough collie
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no-hear it's beautiful
Great site, will visit again, especially with foster lhasa coming 10/30/98, that little Sammy, he's a cutie--oh--have elderly neighbors w/lhasa also called Sami, short for Samuri!
Linda Tackett - 10/18/98 14:06:35
My Email:chalin@ix.netcom.com
Where are you from?: Vienna, Virginia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apsos
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
I appreciate your web page and seeing Sammy's picture.
Thyra - 10/06/98 22:33:37
My Email:Thyra@normmarshall.com
Where are you from?: California
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes! Loved it!
Can someone please E-mail me with anything and everything they know about Lhasa's? I've adoped a
sweet tempered one that was abandoned and roaming the streets by my office for several days. My co-workers and I tried to find his owners, but none came forward
He looks just like Sammy! He's at the vet right now getting a check up, bath and all his shots, and neutered.I want to be a great pet owner. Sherman is 2 years old and in great health,
( According to the vet) though underweight by nearly 10 lbs and full of fleas and ticks. I want to be a great mommy for this pup! Help !
Erin Elledge - 10/06/98 00:51:55
My Email:erinel@timberline.com
Where are you from?: Beaverton OR
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
I just bought a little lhasa puppy and was happy to find that you enjoy your dog so much. I look forward to my stubborn little puppy!
Monique Weistra - 10/03/98 10:52:10
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/2627/
My Email:jariweis@hetnet.nl
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Wished I had!!
Hi Sammy!! Great page, really enjoyed my stay there! You are a very pretty Lhasa, mine fell in love with you right away... Maybe Roger could add your web site to the Lhasa Apso Web Ring? There's a link on my page that takes you to the application form
please join! Best wishes, Monique
10/03/98 02:46:38
Jezebel & Toni - 09/30/98 20:53:09
My Email:Tumblew999@aol.com
Where are you from?: Naples, Florida
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Yorkshire Terrier & once upon a time a Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Wonderful web site and Sammy is beautiful. We loved the photos of Sammy on the beach.
Visit our web page
Linda Smith - 09/24/98 05:08:15
My URL:http://dol.net/~orlane/
My Email:orlane2@dol.net
Where are you from?: Delaware
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no not yet
Thank you so much for sharing your time and love of Lhasa's with us all.*S* Sammy is lucky to have someone who loves him so much. Good luck with your page and I will come back now and then to check out what is new with Sammy!
Tandi - 09/23/98 21:15:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/8619/
My Email:lhasa_mom@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Delaware
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes
A very nice page, and a very pretty Lhasa.
I would love to know more about your dog.
Come stop by and take a look at my Lhasa's.
Andy & Lauren - 09/23/98 14:24:56
My Email:writeandy@aol.com
Where are you from?: North Salem, NY
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: No
I really enjoyed your pictures. Our Tucker is also about 3 years old. We adopted him from a local shelter.
An off-leash park is a great idea!
Pat H. - 09/23/98 12:55:52
My Email:lhasafan@bellatlantic.net
Where are you from?: I live in Maryland
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa, is there another ?
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Seattle National is the closest
Dear Roger,
What a nice looking boy. He looks to me like he has a lot of Hamilton in him, am I right ?
On you page, the black words on the blue background are hard to read. BUT, maybe I didn't wait long enough for it to finish.
Ronda Wegner - 09/23/98 05:39:58
My Email:wegsm@aircadiz.net
Where are you from?: USA live in spain
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no
Good photos, I am with our second Lhasa and just love her, our first one we gave to a family friend when we moved to England, they have a 6 month quar. we just could not do that to her.
rebecca s. ringer - 09/23/98 02:35:14
My Email:kat11@pscinternet.net
Where are you from?: myrtle beach,s.c.
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: +++ apso +++
Have you ever been to Oregon?: yes , it is a lovely state , i really enjoyed the coast, and eugene was quite nice.
thank u 4 the love u share with zroger, i too
would be very lonesome without my little man
apso. i really did not know what i had been
missing until he came along.
bless you both,
Ingrid Tarien - 09/23/98 00:23:21
My Email:ingrid@ee.stanford.edu
Where are you from?: Estonia
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa Apso, of course
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes, yes, yes --and love it
You and Sammy are both lucky dogs for being able to spend all that time together!
julie - 09/15/98 15:01:28
My Email:julie@bigdog.cmold.com
Where are you from?: ithaca, ny
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: bullmastiff & great dane
Have you ever been to Oregon?: vicariously (thanks)
zroger, Life With A Lhasa Apso rules! this is one of the most enjoyable, relaxing sites on the web, a real soul soother.
how generous you are to share sammy with the cyberworld.
many thanks-
Char - 09/08/98 05:57:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/village/5099
My Email:doogs3@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Illinois
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 3 Golden Retrievers
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Not yet!
Sammy has a great page going here. He is sooooo adorable. I grew up with Shih Tzu's so I know how lovable these dogs can be! BTW, I noticed Sammy has quite a collection of WOOBIES! Great pics! Scratch Sammy for me!
Ewok & Ernie - 09/08/98 01:12:42
My URL:http://www.lhasadog.com
My Email:Dotti@lhasadog.com
Where are you from?: Arlington VA
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Bet you would think me crazy if I said Poodle, a Lhasa of course!
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Not yet!
Hi Roger!...You and Sammy are doing a wonderful
job with this Nice Lhasa Page! Seems us Lhasa's
just need to be networked
Jaya - 09/08/98 01:04:03
My Email:weimlvr@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: new jersey, but california for the past 7 years...
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: 3 wonderful weimaraners
Have you ever been to Oregon?: no... maybe one day...
hi roger! hi sammy! i really enjoyed visiting your page! looks like you have a great life there in oregon! my dogs are jealous, because they don't have their own page...YET! one day, i've promised them. anyway, you take care, & go beg daddy for a special
reat ok?? lots of (((hugs))) to you!
Randy Grim - 09/07/98 23:31:49
My Email:rgrim@sprynet.com
Where are you from?: St.Louis
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: GSD,Pit, Shitzu and 2 great mutts!
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yes, Love it
Sammy looks great and the site too! I like the weather part...Oregon is such a nice climate state.
Take Care
Randy aka astro at acme
JaneM - 09/07/98 23:28:21
My Email:jmcniven@netnitco.net
Where are you from?: Alabama but suffering in the North-Indiana, did live in Wenatchee, Wa in the 70's
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Luna, GSD; Maugi, Pekinese
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Yep!!
Greta site, see you on the doghouse BB
Patty Bowers - 09/04/98 22:05:16
My Email:grantb@cyberhighway.net
Where are you from?: Tualatin, OR
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Lhasa-poo mix
I like your site and the pictures very much! It always brightens my day to see Sammy!
Dale Anderson - 09/03/98 00:45:28
Where are you from?: Albany NY
If you have a dog, what breed is it?: Toy Terrier
Have you ever been to Oregon?: Never, but would like to.
Thanks for sharing all the nice pictures of your little Sammy. I almost feel as if I know him after doing your site. I liked it very much.