The Smallest Angels

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Shakel Theodore Brown's Memorial

Music Angel shakel.gif - 8.99 K Music Angel

Born: 9/21/94
Died: 12/29/94

To Shakel,

Our little Angel so bright and lovely. We miss your smile. We miss your scent. Even though it has been 3 1/2 years it feels like yesterday. Every year on your birthday we always do something special for you. Last year we went to the beach because you never had the chance to go there while you were alive. And guess what? While we were there mommy saw her first falling star. I felt it was you letting us know you were there with your mom and dad. The year before we took you to Montauk Point. We carried your urn around with us and showed you the sites. Daddy and Mommy brought back 3 big rocks from Montauk for you. They are beautiful just like you. Our hearts will always hold you in them and our minds will always remember your sweet pure love. We all wish we had more time with you, but you brought your Daddy and Mommy back together and made us realise life is now and love is forever. And with that your brother and sister have both of us again now. We will never forget you. You are our angel in heaven our hopes and our souls. Our heart aches for you every day. Even though you have passed away, a part of our family you will always be!

Love Mom, Dad, Shaki, & Shylowe

Black Angel

Mommy's Message

Shakel it has been very hard for me since you've been gone. Time just ins't the same anymore. I think of you all of the time and it's been a long time but I just can't seem to ease the pain and the loss that I feel. Daddy, you, Shaki & Shylowe are my whole world and now with you gone a part of my life is missing and there is nothing that I can do to get it back. We had you for such a short time and I don't feel any amount of time would have been long enough, but I often think about what you would look like now and the things that you would be doing now. And your future, I wonder what you would have become, who you'd marry and the children you could have had. I love you so very much Shakel and I know one day we'll be together again. I can't wait to see you and hold you then my heart will be complete again. Love you always,

Black Angel

Daddy's Message

To Shakel,
I love you and miss you. I think about you every day wondering what you would be doing now today. I spend most of my time working so that I can be in my own little world to think of all the joy you brought to me. You are my dream come true and I did not even realise it until I lost you. You will always be in my heart and in my head. I love you and will always miss you.

Black Angel

Brother Shaki's Message

To Shakel,
I miss you very much. I wish you were here so we could play together and I'd teach you a lot of things and I'd keep you in my mind forever. I love you so much.
Love you always,

Black Angel

Sister Shylowe's Message

To Shakel,
I love you Shakel. My baby is my friend. My baby brother loves me. I miss my brother's cries and I miss his eyes. I love you. I need you. I wish you were here.
Love you always,

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