So this is what yall think.. :o)

Well...I think it is great how God brings all of the pieces of His puzzle together, in our lives and in our friendships...

08/04/00 04:27:37
Name: Dannie Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: God never closes a door withouth opening a window. Favorite Scripture: Romans 8:28 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Relax by our pool
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I parachuted out of an airplane once.

You are one of the most creative and efficient people I know--It is enjoyable for me to get to know you. Working with you is also a hoot. Please come and have lunch with me--next week my 10 year old grandson will be here. Would you and the boys like to come over to swim?? Let me know what day suits you. We'd love it.

07/27/00 13:03:00
Name: Kerry Larimer Harman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: hmmmm....
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): hug my husband

Haven't talked to you in a long time! I live in Columbus now. Email me!

05/26/00 03:45:34
Name: Steve Todd (Bos5) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: And this too shall pass... Favorite Scripture: John 3:3 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Continue to ponder over what there is to do... :-)
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am persuing a degree in Information Systems and hope to find a job in Texas when I'm finished. I currently live in NC. I love Jesus, my family, and friends that God has blessed me with. I know God loves me when he can put someone like Missie in my surfing path. oves me when he can put someone like Missie in my surfing path.:

Missie, I truly like your page. God is well praised thru it. You have been a true Christian friend and sister in Christ to me. Keep up your faith and praises thru these web pages. Glory to God in the Highest! Thank you Jesus, for the wonderful talent you've besto ed upon this sister. Yours In Christ, Steve Todd Bos5

12/09/99 12:03:23
Name: Gary Drake My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: Gettysburg Address
Favorite Scripture: 1 John 5:12 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): DEER HUNT

I just stopped by on my way home

09/07/99 20:15:38
Name: Pat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: God is so Faithful!
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Look at homepages on the web. Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am a christian and have been married 23 yrs. I have 4 kids and 9 grandchildren!

I enjoyed visiting your website. You have a really great site!! Please stop by and see mine and sign my guestbook so I will know you were there. God Bless You!! Pat

08/13/99 00:17:21
Name: Craig My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: it is by grace that we are saved... not by works... lest any man can boast Favorite Scripture: uh... duh... I guess I blew it here Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): read the Word
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: another time


08/06/99 14:33:36
Name: Gary Drake
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just stopped by to see what is happening

07/15/99 01:50:51
Name: Pammy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: You never step in the same river twice Favorite Scripture: Galatians 2:20 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): on puter
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I love to write poetry

Hey I decided to come and visit your webpage :) I really like it. I hope all is well with you and your family. hugs pammy from ICQ

07/09/99 02:50:54
Name: Gary Drake My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: gettysburg address
Favorite Scripture: 1 John 5:12 Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am from WV

I finally got here I'll come back soon

06/29/99 20:36:05
Name: Tom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: lots of them. Not sure Favorite Scripture: gen:1 thru rev 20-something Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): read
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Ask me in chat!!!!!!

Just revisiting to seeing what you`ve been doing. See you in chat...or wherever God will lead. Tom.

06/14/99 04:15:37
Name: Steve Todd aka -={ ίτ§5 }=- My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Gaining Salvation does not amount to worthiness... Favorite Scripture: Jn. 3:16 (It's even on the back window of my truck) Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Jump on the net...
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am waiting upon the Lord...and it isn't dull nor boring.

Missie, This is a great page you have built!!! You have really sharpened your skills... Now you are going to have to think of something to sharpen my site up with... LOL... I Love ya, Sug... -={ ίτ§5 }=-

04/09/99 13:00:24
Name: James Mullins My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: I Cor. 13
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Anything with my hands - woodwork, play piano, sew


04/06/99 03:18:43
Name: H. Ray Eldridge My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Heaven will surley be worth it all Favorite Scripture: And David spake to the men that stood by him, saying,"What shall be done tothe man that killeth this Philisitine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, I Samuel 17:26 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Sing
Tell me something interesting about YOU!:o) I'll see you on the other side!!!

Great Site I don't know how to do this yet but if the good Lord tarries, I'd like to learn to do this. I had to pay someone to build my site.

03/30/99 03:10:52
Name: Bob Castro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: too many to decide; I collect quotes Favorite Scripture: Then the lion cried out, "I stand upon the tower and watch, O Lord. All day and all night I am at my post." Isaiah 21:8 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I think you're awesome.

I gave you my new email address with my "other" nickname. Sir Robert Your page is not only on my favorites, but also listed on my icq home page.
P.S. I know that there is not much if anything I can do for you. But I would do Anything for you. Thanks for everything. Bob

03/27/99 13:01:55
Name: Margo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: the grass is not greener on the other side,its only greener where ya water it most. Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 44:21 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): check my email for good stories
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am blonde..I think that says it all..LOL

Love ya Cinderella...HUGS

03/10/99 13:24:35
Name: Andre M Gigengack My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: varies by the day Favorite Scripture: many Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): think about Him/Her
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: a sinner who never gives up to better himself

Your initiative is interesting !

03/09/99 16:27:06
Name: Anita Rundell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: 1 Cor. 10:13 and John 3:30
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): computer stuff Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I'm in a Christian Folk Duo

Very nice :) Good job!!! :) Love ya!

03/08/99 22:46:50
Name: Attention K Mart Shoppers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: hhhmmm....i think ill take yours...BLONDE NOT DUMB! i LIKE that! Favorite Scripture: PSALM 139!!!! Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat in the chat rooms!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: interesting about lil ol me?? not alot, really..i do like to eat altoids! i have VERY fresh minty breath! not that thats interesting..ok..heres something interesting..i can whoop out about 700 ye st dinner rolls in about 3 hours! hows that for interesting! lol! :o) t dinner rolls in about 3 hours! hows that for interesting! lol! :o):

i love your home page! i want one! maybe ill get one for my birthday or something! thanks for all the great e-mail stuff you send my way! i love chatting with ya, and think your great! pretty tired now, after answering all of your questions and being so cheery! lol! see ya in the chats! HUGS and blue light specials!

03/08/99 08:24:46
Name: Tom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them. MWS Favorite Scripture: Still haven`t finished the bible. Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Work onmy homepage, chat, read, lots....
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Please see my homepage. I hope that`s interesting enough!

Just wanted to be on top again. I don`t like to be at the bottom. hompage is had to give the URL a chance. Yours in Christ, and in friendship. Tom. aka USS Guardian

01/29/99 04:42:32
Name: Sheila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: there are so many Favorite Scripture: Col 3;17 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Sing
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I care, even for my enemies

Missie, I just visited your site. I must say that I really enjoyed it. I will be sure to return in the near future,Lord willing. Have a wonderful day And I pray all is well and that you all will be together soon. I love you and miss you much. Sheila W

01/02/99 23:09:31
Name: Destinygirl2000 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: There are two ways of spreading light - to be a candle or the mirror that reflects it. -Edith Wharton Favorite Scripture: Psalms 91:11 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I enjoy counseling kids (from a Christian perspective, oh course!)

BCN!! ((Hugs)) You have a super cool site! Loved the pics. Keep up the good work. God love ya and guide ya. :-)

12/20/98 02:03:04
Name: Saintnikki My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "Yeah, right" Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 2:8&9 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat:o)
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: My Friends :o)

Hiya Bc!! I love the page...followed Steel's link here...It's great!!! May God bless you and stay strong in the faith:o)...Nikki...

11/26/98 07:12:45
Name: KURLISU My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: LOSER!!!!!!!

GEEZ! I haven't signed this thing since August!!! Looking good! I wish that I could get mine off the ground. It got stuck! Remember. . .I love ya! KURLISU

11/04/98 05:22:47
Name: Mike Griffith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: 2 Rules; 1. Don't sweat the small stuff. 2. Everything is small stuff. Favorite Scripture: Have to many to chose. Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Pay bills.
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Oxymoron: me...interesting

I arrived at your page through our Christian chat friend SteelFaith. I love your pages and am working on my own. I'm at a loss for's great! Yours in Christ, Mike a.k.a grif_00

10/21/98 07:54:04
Name: Billy B My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Hmmmm! Favorite Scripture: Hmm! Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Hmmmm!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Hmmmmmm!


click for Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Forecast With Radar Map For Rain And Hurricane!
Hello Missie..very cool, nice site to visit, interesting, just surfing around killing time, transport to my http:// some time an say hello. Photo Editorials about Myrtle Beach & Live Bands..Lots of music [wav & midi]..cya We're At..Myrtle to t e HardRockCafe: Billy B, TR-650 Twin, NN8Z & KE8ZM "73".."Be All That You Can Be"
Transport To Billy B At The Keyboard, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA

10/20/98 07:15:58
Name: Little Bro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Who Me? Favorite Scripture: Genesis 1:1 thru Revelation 22:21 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): TALK TO GOD
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am starting a new club for those who speak in monotonous voices! (i am the president but not a member!)

Hey i noticed that i have nt signed this thing in so long so I jsut wanted to be on top again sis. What else can i say your site is so awesome. I love you pics you should put a lot more up ok. Love you sis

10/14/98 00:45:58
Name: only_rob My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: I believe because it is impossible Favorite Scripture: I'd say the entire BIBLE is good :-) Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): There's always something to do: pray.
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: If I was that interesting, would I be sitting in front of my computer? :-)

Very nice site, bc. Warm, pure, honest. You deserve an award . . . hey!! Don't look at me! The only thing I can give you is a link to your site on me page. (PLEASE COME TO MY SITE!!!!)

10/05/98 18:53:55
Name: DonkeyOdie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Life is a sexually transmitted, terminal disease. Favorite Scripture: ...and a little donkey will lead them Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): surf the web, looking for interesting writings, poetry, etc
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: accidentally swallowed a spider that was in my ovaltine

Excellent website, Bcnyall. I especially enjoyed the Father poem. You've got a lovely family. Your boys look remarkably like you.

10/03/98 19:23:21
Name: LadyXan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: HUGS and Blessings Favorite Scripture: they are on my page Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I have a dragon

Lovely site made by a lovely person! Keep up the good work. HUGS and Blessings!

10/03/98 02:43:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/29/98 23:39:08
Name: Berea Spout My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: God is my source Favorite Scripture: Acts 20:24 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): sleep
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I love the internet

Remember you gave me the url in yahoo chat? Just leaving a note that I was here.

09/24/98 03:07:43
Name: Charlene aka Ccc914 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: We are always doing better than we deserve. Favorite Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:7 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): guitar
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I'm just plain old me.

Missie...came back to check out your page looks great!!! I love to stop by and see what new things you'll have. Keep up the great work. God Bless you real big sister!!!

09/22/98 18:01:36
Name: D J Weiss My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: Preach at all times and if necessary use words. St Frances of Assissi
Favorite Scripture: Romans 10: 10 Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am very complex, but strictly in the legal sense of the word.

hey BCN!!! long time no talk. thanks for the interesting stories you send me. i continue to use them in sermons. they are quite helpful. hope all is well and settling down. hope bryan likes his new job. your friend in Christ, dj

09/20/98 02:24:27
Name: judahpraise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: Psalm 139
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): clean house too, lol Tell me something interesting about YOU!: love coffee!

Awesome website! thanks for sharing it with me! The pictures were cool too!

09/12/98 22:35:47
Name: Pammy aka Allhoneyga My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Attempt great things for God - Expect great things from God Favorite Scripture: John 15:5 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): uhhh... ummm... find something to do..maybe? :)
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am gonna be a missionary one day and I am adopted.

What a sweet and wonderful page! I really enjoyed it. Keep being the sweetie you are! :) Pammy

08/27/98 05:24:11
Name: Cazier
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/19/98 07:54:07
Name: It is Sean who else would talk like this My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: First you must find the place where you are to journey elsewhere Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 43:2-4 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): same as before to sleep on the roof while it is raining
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I can eat 37 pickles for lunch and still have room for Jello

Well Sis, it is hard to keep up with your site. But that is good. It never gets boring and is always exciting. Thank you for creating a great place to ceom and just hang out and catch up on your life. I love you Sis.

08/17/98 19:27:49
Name: Steve Todd/-={ ίτ§5 }=- My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Too Many To Think Of..LOL Favorite Scripture: John 3:3 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Watch A Movie..Play W/Sam & Max (Golden Retrievers)
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: OOOoohhh.. That's a difficult one.. Well, I have you and others similar to you for friends.. Does that count?

Missie, This page and the new pics were great !! Just like being there (almost).. Would have preferred to see you buried in the sand though..LOL Thanks for the coke and popcorn.. My next best favorites are coffee and peanutz.. Love to sit around the hous eating peanutz and drinking coffee .. ( Yeah Right !!) C-Ya -={ ίτ§5 }=-

08/17/98 03:33:11
Name: Laura (AFG) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: When you love, love with all that you are. You may get hurt and your heart may get broken, but how else can you truly live? Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 6:8 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Sleep and drool over Johnnie.
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: You already know me!


08/13/98 23:26:48
Name: apologia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: F-R-E-E-E-E-D-O-M Favorite Scripture: 1Peter3:15 Always give a reason for the hope that lies within you with gentleness and respect to all who ask Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): dye my hair
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I aint a real blonde!

wow bcynall!!! You rawk sister!! Keep up the good work!!

08/06/98 02:33:50
Name: KURLISU My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: MMMMMMMMOOO!!! Favorite Scripture: Treat me like you would like to be treated - I'll do whatever I feel like!!!!! Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): uh - nothing
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

Hey BCN! How are ya? Still no ICQ! I really screwed up!!! I like my new job! It is cool. I finally heard from my friend that was looking for me in the chat room that day! He always enters in the daytime, and I'm not here in the day anymore=( Oh we l! Thanks for all the e-mails! Take care! Love ya! KURLISU

07/30/98 23:24:34
Name: tattooedPierced My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: New Hampshire??!!!? (They'll never guess) Favorite Scripture: But God demonstrates His own love that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Read
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I love foriegn films - two of my favorites are Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal" and Fellini's "Amacord"

Missie, I bet I pushed the space limit of every answer I gave. None of this will ever show up. LOL! And my little brother? (See Plopez above.) He said some many overly complimentary things, I'm wondering if he's looking for a new place to live!

07/27/98 14:02:13
Name: KURLISU My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): something-ANYTHING
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: can I get back to you on that one?

Hey Missie! Thanks for the invite, but I ALWAYS visit you here. You just don't know it!!!!!!!!!! I'm still working on getting this blasted thing fixed! It's driving me crazy!!!! I hope 2BCNU soon! Love ya, Suzette

07/22/98 16:22:32
Name: IT IS ME SEAN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Jesus Love Me Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 43:2-4 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Sleep on the roof while it is raining
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I lvoe you sis

You are great sis. What a great home page andit was tons of fun

07/21/98 15:59:33
Name: KURLISU My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: been there Favorite Scripture: done that Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): bought the t-shirt!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hiya BCN!!!! Love the letter thingy on the friends page. I miss you a lot! I almost have everything straightened out except for my ICQ thingy! I hope 2BCNU soon! Love ya! KURLISU

07/18/98 00:30:45
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Well (with a southern draw-I learnt it from my friendws.) Favorite Scripture: I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you." Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Be lazy! I'm really good at it!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: What would you like to know?

Love your page! See you at church!

07/16/98 14:34:00
Name: DAISY My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Eat more chicken! Favorite Scripture: . . land of MILK and honey! Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chew cud
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I can kill a fly with one swat of the tail!


07/13/98 00:03:12
Name: Deena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Harriet Beecher Stowe Favorite Scripture: He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): talk to fiancee'
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: i can do a good impression of the lollipop kids from the wizard of oz

hi bcn this is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss ya lady take care....

07/12/98 02:22:16
Name: aunt becki My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: carpe diem
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): write Tell me something interesting about YOU!: you already know

I'm proud of you! you've got a great page. looks like God has been good to you. saw your ornery kids the other day. I took your mom's computer back to her. (I think she was having withdrawal symptoms.):+) well, better go. talk to you on the mail. love ya, aunt becki

07/07/98 20:22:09
Name: Kevin Seltzer (Disciple) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: not sure Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-13, 18 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): walk, explore
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I love to learn, and I am very curious about all sorts of things especially Christianity.

Thanks for coming by my page, you have a great page yourself, and thanks for adding my page to your links page. I will sure do the same for you. Please tell all your friends about it too, and I will do the same. Thanks again and God Bless!

06/30/98 01:08:46
Name: Ligeia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: I have a bunch, but here is one: "If I had a single flower for every time I thought about you, I could walk forever in my garden." Claudia A. GrandiI Favorite Scripture: "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phil.4:13 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Surf the Net!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Check out my page and see!

I can really feel your love for God! Your page is very inspiring. Keep up the great work. You have a great family too...tell your son I love Dale too!!! Stay strong in God!!!

06/26/98 02:49:03
Name: Time Shadowed My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Put Jesus first in your life, He died for you! Favorite Scripture: Be still, and know that I am God. Ps . 46:10 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Work on my web page and surf the net!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I have so many interests, I don't know where to begin. My web page reflects many of these interests. Thanks for visiting!

You have a very nice web page. It is well organized and interesting to read. I enjoyed your Bible study section, too. I'll stop by often to read the updates.

06/23/98 19:14:37
Name: Brian aka I_m_a_guest My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Your mama is so fat she went to the movies and sat by everybody... Just Kidding Favorite Scripture: Romans 5:8... But God commendeth his Love toward Us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): work on my web page
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: everything about me is awesome... :-)

this is the second time i signed your guestbook, but the page is looking better, although i still don't like the yellow

06/22/98 19:17:30
Name: Robbie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: never give up, its not an option...and others i wont post
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: semper fi

loved the gomer part george of the tundra (robbie)

06/19/98 00:24:17
Name: richie (aka ,rootboy) My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: take everything one day at a time Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): talk to you dear !
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: i'm still single and it sucks!

well ,this was very kewl , i think your on the right track and i cant wait till your ( quassy) finished. have a great day and God Bless you and your family !

06/15/98 15:02:13
Name: redhead70 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Friends are the best collectibles Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 41:10 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat on the there
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: you wouldn't know it by how much I talk on the net...but I am very shy

Love your page Bcnyall...I really enjoy chatting with you...I wish you and your family the best...God bless you

06/14/98 22:19:33
Name: Tom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them. MWS Favorite Scripture: Not sure yet. Haven`t read the whole bible yet Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Read a book
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Again?

Nice page! Keep up the good work! *hugs* USS Guardian (previously USS Enterprise)

06/12/98 07:39:59
Name: Jamie (imjlrw)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

keep up the awsome job sis. Know that I love you and I cant wait to praise with you in Heaven!

06/07/98 00:49:24
Name: ChaseroftheStorm aka Derek My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Let no man stand in the way of my goals, lest he be blown away by the Storm Favorite Scripture: Is. 28:2 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat with Bcnyall of course
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: You already know everything.

Cool site!

06/04/98 16:07:15
Name: KURLISU My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: ICUBCNYall!!!!!!
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): CHAT Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I speak Spanish!

Hey! Nice family! It's hard to believe that we are almost the same age and our lives are SSSOOO different!! It's cool though! Both have their advantages. I'm beginning to envy you more every day though. Good thing God gave me patience - to wait on H M!!!!!!!! God Bless!

06/03/98 14:40:47
Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: out of that whole entire Book I'm supposed to choose one?
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat!!!! royal rangers!!! Tell me something interesting about YOU!: love ya sis! great page! (eyesaregreen)


06/01/98 22:14:19
Name: Brandy Vanburen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Praise the Lord Favorite Scripture: John 3:16 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: hmmmmmmmmmmm

I love you page!!! I will be using some of the graphics off of thoes graphics links!!!!!!!!!

06/01/98 02:05:31
Name: LadyXan My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: The Lord is my Saviour Favorite Scripture: MAT 17:20
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): CHAT!! Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I love my dragon!

We just Love to chat with Bcnyall

05/27/98 08:49:03
Name: Joy_Unspeakable My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Footprints In The Sand Favorite Scripture: Proverbs 3:5&6 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Witness in Chatrooms
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I'm a public speaker


05/25/98 00:35:48
Name: theo_the_bard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "If I live, it will be grace; if I die, it will be glory." Favorite Scripture: John 14:6 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): computer stuff
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I've published over 600 sports stories for newspapers

Bcnyall, you always do. You have a God-blessed family, and I praise the Lord for that! Glad I got to meet you in Yahoo Christian Chat,,,,since all of us will be spending eternity together, anyway. Might as well get acquainted on this side, too. :) Num ers 6:24-26

05/20/98 20:10:27
Name: Dennis Trimble My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: Ben Franklin: If we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything. Favorite Scripture: II Chron. 7:14
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Reading a good book

jcsman, AKA Sc714, was here!!!!!!!

05/20/98 17:06:39
Name: KCHawk
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Saw your link at CCC's place. I remembered you from chat so I thought I'd drop by. I enjoyed your page. See you in the chat room. KCHawk

05/20/98 15:38:07
Name: Born_X2_die_x1 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Why is it; when you talk to God, you're praying, and when God talks to you, you're crazy??? Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 49:16 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Sleep, or read or read myself to sleep
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: nothing interesting

Love this room, should have been here sooner, just found it. Love to run into you in the chat-room.

05/13/98 02:39:17
Name: EasterApril My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: Heaven help me (I say that one a lot!!!!!) Favorite Scripture: Isaiah 6:8
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Chat, silly!! Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Where should I start.... I'm SO interesting - LOL

I enjoyed reading Matt's page - I have a daughter just like him!!!

05/12/98 03:59:06
Name: Retromom37 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: No Doubt ! Favorite Scripture: Romans 8:28 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Yahoo chat
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I dunno ??

Great job on page Missie! My favorite color is black, too! I collect wolves.(=O)

05/11/98 20:32:39
Name: Brandon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): Read a good science fiction novel
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I collect anything of batman or star wars :-)

This is Joseph Kerr...your friendly criminal of Yahoo. Nice site so far...will keep coming back.

05/11/98 17:52:22
Name: preacher_wife My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Scripture: Isiaiah 40:31
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): read a book Tell me something interesting about YOU!: I am a Christian

Hi Bcnyall - Cool page - keep on keeping on for Christ!!!!!!

05/11/98 14:35:38
Name: Hadassah My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Quote: "Happiness is but an occasional episode in a general drama of pain." Thomas Hardy (Well, Bcnyall, someone has to balance out your perpetual happiness. . .=). . . )
Favorite Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11-13 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): When is there ever nothing to do??????


05/11/98 11:54:13
Name: DanteFire My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: Bloody Brits out of Ireland! Favorite Scripture: Psalm 40 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): A good Brawl
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: Learnig the Love of Christ, I am glad he is a patient Guy!

Neat Page BC!! It is a great way to share with others. You have a wonderful Spirit of Love about you. You have a great family...! Keep it strong. It is such a sad day now that families so easily dissolve!!

05/10/98 20:51:49
Name: Journey My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Quote: to thine own self be true Favorite Scripture: Proverbs3:5.6
Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): has not experienced that Tell me something interesting about YOU!: not enough space!:)

This is great.. you did a nice job thus far.Keep it up...always remember."Only what you do for CHRIST will last", bless you my cyberfriend! Should our path not cross this side of Heaven...I will meet you over there! In Christ...Journey

05/09/98 21:42:06
Name: wwwitness My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: "faith is believing what you know ain't so" by Mark Twain Favorite Scripture: can't decide Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat!!!!!!!!!
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: A mom of one boy, seven years old. I work for the District Attorney running a program for Victims of Crime. I'm generally known as a troublemaker outside of chat too. My favorite questions is "why"< td>


05/09/98 20:18:59
Name: sunshinedayz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Quote: speak softly and carry a big stick (T.Roosevelt) Favorite Scripture: Prov. 91 Favorite thing to do when there is nothing to do :o): chat, of course
Tell me something interesting about YOU!: hmmm...where should I start? (wink)

BCN: bravo, you have superceded me...I'm still stuck in the primitive page God Bless

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