(Music from Dvorak's "New World Symphony (9th): largo.)

Our Family Civil War Soldiers

My great-grandfather, George Debolt Newcomer, served in several Ohio Infantry units. If your Civil War soldier served in any of these units, I would very much like to hear from you.

More details about George can be found at Answering His Country's call.

My great-great-grandfather, Charles Bavin served a 3 month enlistment with the 14th Ohio Infantry, Co. E (April - August, 1861). This unit was in the battle at what is now Philippi, West Viginia. This was the first major land battles of the Civil War. The 14th OVI was involved in other battle including Corricks Ford. After the 3 month enlistment was up, the unit was again organized for a 3 year enlistment, but Charles, along with most of his comrades from the old unit, had enough of the war.

Battle at Corrick's Ford.

Battle of Corricks Ford, July 13, 1861. The 14th O.V.I. volleys against the elevated position of the 23rd Virginia while the 7th Indiana conducts a flanking movement. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (Image courtesy of 14th OVI Re-enactment Group.)

The above rosters are found at the 14th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Regiment WWW Page, published by a re-enactment group based in Toledo, Ohio.

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Bill Newcomer.

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Visits since May 16, AD 1999.

Mr. Bill's Home Civil War Soldiers Page was spun off from my front page May 29, A.D. 1997. Last update, Sept. 4, A.D. 2000. Mail comments to mrbill@iserv.net. Moved to Neukomment's Kottage April, AD 1998.

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